Restrictions Easing
From tomorrow, restrictions will ease for our members and guests in NSW.
1. Masks are no longer required.
2. Evidence of vaccination is no longer required.
3. Facility and class capacity restrictions no longer apply.
We look forward to seeing you in the Centre soon!
We are thrilled to announce that after reaching the NSW 70% double vaccination target we are able to reopen our pool and gym facilities this Monday, 11 October!
There is a lot of detailed advice and things to be aware of before Monday, so we’ve put all the details about our reopening below. As we’ve learned, Government advice can change quickly, so visit this page often to make sure you always have the latest advice.
Here is what you need to know so far:
- We are safe
We have been hard at work updating our COVID safe plans and making sure your facility is sparkling clean and ready for your return. - We are vaccinated
Every team member you meet will have been double jabbed. - Our gym is opening
We’re operating as per our usual opening hours, with a maximum capacity of 1 person per 4 square metres. Gym floor bookings are not required. - Our group fitness and aqua classes are back
There will be a few less classes initially but this will ramp up as our team is cleared to return to work. Please note there will be a maximum of 20 participants per area or 1 person per 4m2, whichever is less. We expect demand to be high for places, so as a courtesy to fellow members please remember to cancel out of classes if you cannot attend. Bookings will be available in the BlueFit Health Club app from 5pm on Friday, 08 October. Our 1 hour reformer classes will return from 30 October. The first direct debit will be on 06 November. - Our outdoor pools are open
You can visit our outdoor pools for exercise and recreation. Please be aware there may be restricted opening hours due to staff shortages. - Our indoor pools are opening
From Monday our indoor pools will be open for lap swimming and Aqua classes. Please be aware that it takes some time to heat up a swimming pool. The heaters have been firing since the announcement, but it may still feel a little fresh on Monday. - Spa / Sauna / Steam facilities are closed
For now, these facilities will remain closed until we receive further Government advice. - Swimming Lessons are coming soon
Swimming Lessons will resume from next Saturday 16 October. The first swim school direct debit will not be until Friday 22 October. If you need to cancel out of swimming lessons please do so here no later than midnight, 18 October. If we are unable to run your child’s lesson due to staff availability we will reach out to you separately. - Creche
Our Creche remains closed. We anticipate reopening the creche on 25 October. - You will need to be fully vaccinated to enter the centre
This is important. Everyone aged 16 years and over must have had both shots of your COVID-19 vaccine to enter our facilities. Please show proof at entry. This includes both using the facility and accompanying children to swimming lessons. - Memberships will be active
Membership will be reactivated for free from Monday, 11 October.
We’re not going to recommence membership payments right away. We want you to come back and make sure you feel safe. We also want to give you some time to be ready to return. Your first direct debit will be on Friday, 22 October. - You can suspend your membership
If you’re not fully vaccinated or you don’t feel ready to return you can access a one-time free suspension from now until 01 December 2021. Your membership will then be reactivated on the 1st of December. To take up this suspension please click here no later than midnight, 18 October.
If you wish to suspend beyond the 1st of December you will need to request a new suspension and it will be subject to our normal suspension terms and conditions. - You can cancel out of Swimming Lessons
If you’re not fully vaccinated and you have a child enrolled in swimming lessons you will need to make arrangements for a fully vaccinated adult to accompany them to their lessons. Alternatively, you can cancel out of classes or make use of make-ups when rules change again in December. Unfortunately, we cannot hold places and therefore we will not be able to guarantee your child a spot in the program when you become vaccinated or when restrictions ease.
If you need to cancel out of swimming lessons please do so here no later than midnight, 18 October. - Checking In – ALL
It is a requirement to check in on the NSW QR Code. Please show your Green Tick to staff at entry. - Mask Wearing
All members and guests over the age of 13 will be required to wear a mask while in the Centre unless you are swimming or are doing strenuous exercise. - Good Hygiene
Social distancing and hygiene measures must be adhered to when visiting the Centre. Remember to always use a towel and wipe down equipment before and after use. - Stay home if you are unwell
If you are unwell; or if you are not permitted to attend under the current health orders, please do not attend. - Follow Team Member Advice
All members and guests are required to follow the direction of our staff or any law enforcement officer. - Be Kind
This is a challenging time for all our customers and staff. We kindly request that you are patient with team members and fellow facility users alike as we all adjust to this new normal.
We appreciate that this is a lot to cover. We will update this page with any additional advice as soon as it becomes available. If you have any queries or concerns please contact us at lanecove@bluefit.com.au
NSW Government Announcement
We’re excited about the NSW Government’s roadmap updates today relating to indoor pools. We’re currently assessing the information to see what the restrictions mean for specific programs and services.
Please keep an eye on our socials and website for further updates about the reopening of gyms, pools and the return of swimming lessons. Members and families will receive communications very shortly.
The safety of our members, community and staff is paramount. We are updating our COVID safe plans and controls to adhere to the restrictions imposed by the government.
Further information to come! Thanks for your continued patience – we can’t wait to welcome you back!
We’re very excited to be welcoming you back into our outdoor pools with the NSW Government announcing we can soon reopen for exercise and recreation.
Our outdoor pool is set to open this Monday the 27th of September!
The pool opening hours will be;
Mon -Fri 6am-8pm
Sat & Sun 6am – 5pm
Your health and safety is our top priority, and we have everything in place to ensure our pools are Covid Safe. There are restrictions in place and we request that you comply with all Government guidelines and team member directions. Currently, the rules are:
- If you are fully vaccinated;
You can attend with up to 5 people for exercise or outdoor recreation so long as all those at the gathering aged 16 years or over are fully vaccinated. You will need to be able to show evidence of vaccination if requested by Police. The 5 person limit on these gatherings does not include children aged 12 or under. - If you are not fully vaccinated;
You can attend with 1 other person that you do not live with. If you live with more than 2 other people, you can all exercise and engage in outdoor recreation together. - It is a requirement to check in on the NSW QR Code. Please show your Green Tick to staff at entry.
Memberships will not be reactivated until restrictions ease further. Fitness Passport has also confirmed that their memberships will not be reactivated at this time. If you wish to attend you can use a visit pass or purchase a casual entry. Bookings will not be required.
Remember, you can always find the latest health advice here.
Thanks for your patience and we can’t wait to see you for a splash from Monday!
The time has finally come around, outdoor pools are allowed to reopen in NSW!
We are scheduling to open our outdoor 50m pool from Monday 27th September. We are working hard behind the scenes to further understand the restrictions and logistics and we will reach out to you when we have more information. However, you can view the opening hours below.
Monday to Friday: 6:00am to 8:00pm
Saturday – Sunday: 6:00am to 5:00pm.
The NSW Roadmap has outlined that further restrictions will ease once the state reaches 70% of the double dose. Gyms and swimming pool facilities can open the following Monday to those that are fully vaccinated! This is currently scheduled to occur on October 11th. Again, when we have more information we will reach out to you.
We look forward to seeing you soon!
As per this week’s announcement, we will remain closed due to the NSW Government stay at home orders being extended.
We miss you, and we can’t wait to invite you back into the Centre, but we know these orders are in place to keep our community safe.
We anticipate reopening at the end of September. In the meantime, we have linked a few great ways to keep you and your family active while at home, we hope you enjoy it! You can view more of these workouts, lessons, activities and more on our BFit @ Home website here.
If you have further questions you can contact us at lanecove@bluefit.com.au.
As per this week’s announcement, we will remain closed due to the NSW Government stay at home orders being extended.
We miss you, and we can’t wait to invite you back into the Centre, but we know these orders are in place to keep our community safe.
We anticipate reopening on Saturday 28th August 2021. In the meantime, we have linked a few great ways to keep you and your family active while at home, we hope you enjoy it! You can view more of these workouts, lessons, activities and more on our BFit @ Home website here.
If you have further questions you can contact us at lanecove@bluefit.com.au.
Sydney Lockdown Extended
As per today’s announcement, we will remain closed due to the NSW Government stay at home orders being extended.
We anticipate reopening on Saturday, 31st July 2021.
Sydney Lockdown Extended for Another Week
As per today’s announcement, we will remain closed due to the NSW Government stay at home orders being extended.
We miss you, and we can’t wait to invite you back into the Centre, but we know these orders are in place to keep our community safe.
We anticipate reopening on Saturday 17 July 2021.
Just a reminder to everyone that all memberships, swimming lessons and kids sports lessons have been put on complimentary suspension and will remain on hold without charge until such time as we can reopen.
Payments made in advance of the closure are being held for you and will be credited in the next payment period after reopening. No action is required by you, and all enrolments made before the lockdown remain secure.
Don’t forget that during the closure, you can still enjoy your favourite group fitness class and access plenty of fun activities for the kids to do via our online platform BFit@home. Click here to access our virtual health & fitness site.
As always we will closely monitor the situation and provide further updates if required. In the meantime, should you have any specific questions relating to the closure, please email us at lanecove@bluefit.com.au
Stay safe, and we look forward to seeing you back in the Centre soon!
The Lane Cove Aquatic Team
In line with the directions issued by the NSW State Government, we will be closed from 6pm on Saturday, 26 June, with a view to re-opening on Saturday morning, 10th July 2021.
During the closure, we will be unable to operate our Learn to Swim program. For those customers with lessons scheduled during the week, we’ve placed a credit on your account. No action is required on your behalf.
Learn to Swim lesson days and times in the program will remain secure for the reopening of the facility.
All applicable memberships will automatically be suspended for the duration of the lockdown and a credit will be placed on your account for these days if required. Once again, no further action is required. As customer accounts were debited before the announcement these credits will take effect in the next debiting period.
Any Group Fitness class bookings will not proceed, you may notice that you are removed from those classes during the closure period.
During the closure, you can still enjoy your favourite group fitness class and access plenty of fun activities for the kids to do via our online platform BFit@home. Click here to access our virtual health & fitness site.
We appreciate this is an emerging situation and will provide further updates if required. In the meantime, should you have any specific questions relating to the closure, please email us at lanecove@bluefit.com.au
Stay safe,
Your Lane Cove Aquatic Team
We wanted to provide you with an update following today’s announcement. The following changes will be in place from 4PM today, Wednesday 23 June 2021.
New Restrictions are below:
- All rooms are at a capacity of 1 person per 4 square meters.
- Class sizes have been reduced to a max of 40 people or 20 people on either side of a line down the middle of the group fitness room or pool.
- We encourage all staff, members and guests to comply with the advice from NSW Health and wear a mask at all times when in the centre. We however do not enforce the wearing of a mask where doing so jeopardises the individual’s health or safety.
- Staff and children in the aquatic environment will not need to wear a mask.
Please note: There may be changes to the regular group fitness timetable over this time and we may not be able to accommodate some existing class bookings.
Important things that you need to be aware of:
- It is a condition of entry that casual visitors check in using our check-in system.
- You still need to use your BlueFit member card to enter the facility and check-in at reception.
- Remember to always use a towel and wipe down equipment before and after use.
Thank you for your continued support. We look forward to seeing you again!
FRIDAY 29th January 2021
Start looking for your swimmers and towels because after 2 years of renovation the 50m outdoor pool is coming to completion and we are ready to celebrate it’s re-opening! Book with the button below to be the first one to dive in!
Lane Cove Council will be throwing a morning ceremony on Saturday, October 3rd from 10am – 12pm with a visit from our special guest, Ian Thorpe! Due to COVID restrictions, this ceremony is by invitation only, however you can then dive into the new outdoor pool from 12:30pm onwards using our booking system below.
To avoid over-crowding we will have a booking system in place for the first three days. From Saturday 3rd October – Monday, 5th October we will allow for 30 people per hour in the pool. To lock in your spot you can click here.
The weekend opening hours are the following:
Saturday: 12:30pm – 8pm
Sunday: 6am – 8pm
Monday: 8am – 6pm (Public Holiday)
The eight-lane, 50-metre pool provides a flexible setup with a state-of-the-art divider allowing the pool to operate in both 25 metre and 50-metre lengths. New change rooms are located underneath the impressive new grandstand along with on-deck showers. A new marshalling area complete with a hearing loop will help provide access to high-quality facilities for competitions and carnivals, with an 800 seat grandstand for those to sit and enjoy the action in the pool.
The pool and grandstand are fitted with the latest sustainability features including energy-efficient lighting, water and energy-saving filters, heaters and pumps while an array of solar panels are fitted to the grandstand and marshalling area roof.
An adult change facility and accessible toilet are located at the pool-deck level and there is a ramp into the pool for wheelchair access. A new artwork adorning the fence reflects the themes of water and movement and acknowledges how the traditional owners of the land – the Cameraygal people – engaged with Lane Cove’s waterways.
So save the date, as you won’t want to miss making a splash this spring in Lane Cove Aquatic Leisure Centre’s latest addition.
There will be a $3 booking fee (members and non-members), donated to the BlueFit Foundation and directed to access for sport for Lane Cove local community groups.
The Leisure Pool Re-Opens September 26th!
We are excited to share that our leisure pool will re-open as of Saturday 26th September!
Our aquatic opening hours will be the following:
MON – FRI: 5:30AM – 8PM
SAT – SUN: 6AM – 3PM
50m Outdoor Pool Update: August 2020 – Re-Opening in Spring!
See below for the latest news from Lane Cove Council.
‘Dive into the new outdoor pool this October! The new outdoor pool and 800 seat grandstand will officially open on the October long weekend.’
The eight-lane, 50-metre pool provides a flexible setup with a state-of-the-art divider allowing the pool to operate in both 25 metre and 50-metre lengths. New change rooms are located underneath the impressive new grandstand along with on-deck showers. A new marshalling area complete with a hearing loop will help provide access to high-quality facilities for competitions and carnivals.
The pool and grandstand are fitted with the latest sustainability features including energy-efficient lighting, water and energy-saving filters, heaters and pumps while an array of solar panels are fitted to the grandstand and marshalling area roof.
An adult change facility and accessible toilet are located at the pool-deck level and there is a ramp into the pool for wheelchair access. A new artwork adorning the fence reflects the themes of water and movement and acknowledges how the traditional owners of the land – the Cameraygal people – engaged with Lane Cove’s waterways.’
So save the date, as you won’t want to miss making a splash this Spring in Lane Cove Aquatic Leisure Centre’s latest addition.
tuesday 7th July 2020
Aquatics To Re-Open:
We are excited to finally announce the official re-opening of the pools at Lane Cove Aquatic Leisure Centre on Monday 20th July. To ensure we comply with government restrictions, the following measures will be in place:
- Aqua Classes will also be available from Saturday 1st August. Bookings for Aqua classes must be made through the BlueFit Health Club App.
- The spa, sauna/steam room, and leisure pool will remain closed.
- Change rooms open with limited numbers. Encouraged to shower at home or use on deck showers.
- Lap Swimming in the 25m Pool will re-open. No bookings required.
Cafe will open but with restricted times. - Squads will return on Monday 20th July.
- Swim School will return on Monday 27th July. Further information about swimming lessons will be sent to our learn to swim customers.
- Change room facilities will re-open.
- Strict social distancing & hygiene measures must be adhered to.
- During this period we are operating with amended opening hours. See below our current hours of operation.
Monday-Friday: 5:30am-12:00pm & 3:00pm-8:00pm
Saturday & Sunday: 6:00am-3:00pm
If your membership is on suspension and you would like to return early, your membership will be reactivated once you scan your card.
We believe leisure facilities play an important role in the health and wellbeing of the community. We look forward to seeing you again soon!
Learn To Swim Resumes 27th July:
We hope you have been keeping well and have found our online swim resources via BFit@Home useful in keeping up to date with your skills. We are excited to now announce that Lane Cove Aquatic Centre is now open and Learn to Swim lessons will recommence on Monday 27th July.
As a critical part of our re-commencement, we have implemented measures to ensure the safety and health of both our students and instructors are at the forefront of your return. Minor changes may have been made to the lesson programming, as we continue to deliver safe and high-quality lessons.
For existing families with a booking when we closed in March, we have held your same spot without charge for the break. All lessons will now re-commence Monday 27 July, with the first debit on Friday 31st July for the 2 week period following. Any credits owing have been applied to those customers affected by the early closure of the facility.
If you are not ready to return just yet, please click here to complete your cancellation request. Please note, If we do not hear from you, we will assume you are returning in July when we re-commence.
For more information about our COVID safe policies please click the link below. We look forward to teaching you again!
Aquatics Opening Hours:
- Monday-Friday: 5:30am-12:00pm & 3:00pm-8:00pm
- Saturday & Sunday: 6:00am-3:00pm
All lessons will now re-commence Monday 27 July, with the first debit on Friday 31st July for the 2 week period following. Any credits owing have been applied to those customers affected by the early closure of the facility.
We have updated our makeup policy to allow 12 makeups per calendar year, simply login to the parent portal to mark your absence.
If you aren’t ready to resume your lessons just yet that’s ok too, simply cancel your enrolment through the parent portal.
The centre for disease control confirmed Chlorine is effective against a broad range of viruses and there is no evidence that COVID-19 can be spread to through the use of pools.
We pride ourselves on our water quality and continue to perform regular pool checks throughout the day.
We recommend only 1 parent per child for spectating. During this period we ask that where possible, only students and one guardian attend the facility.
There will be limited access to the change rooms, even for Learn To Swim students.
Please come dressed for your lesson. Ensure you have warm clothes for when you exit the pool. We recommend a robe, hoodie, trackies, warm slippers or ugg boots and a beanie.
BlueFit Swimming students have free access to the pools every day during the week. This amazing benefit will continue but in line with government restrictions.
We have made slight modifications to our teaching techniques to protect our students and teachers. This includes using a doll when demonstrating activities and skills during infants classes.
- Reduced equipment within infant & preschool lessons to increase student safety.
- Only performing manual manipulation in the water when it is safe for both students and teachers
- Ensuring teachers instruct from the side or behind the student to reduce face to face contact.
- Replacing hi 5’s with the Bluey Bump at the conclusion of the lesson.
- To reduce equipment sharing we now have BlueFit Swimming Kickboards, Swim Caps and goggles available for purchase on the BlueFit Swimming website and in the facility.
For the full details on the changes to our lessons click here.
thursday 11th June 2020
We are excited to finally announce the re-opening of the Health Club at Lane Cove Aquatic Leisure Centre.
All members will have access to the gym from Saturday 13th June. Inline with state government restrictions the following health and hygiene measures in place:
- Group fitness classes will be reduced to 20 people only (this has now changed from 10 due to recent updates).
- The timetable will be released this Friday with classes resuming Monday 15th June.
- All group fitness bookings must be made through the BlueFit Health Club app up to 7 days in advance which you can download by clicking the link below
- You must train with a towel and wipe down equipment after use
- Changing room facilities and water fountains will be closed
- Strict social distancing & hygiene measures must be adhered to
- The creche will remain closed
- For more information about the measures now in place please see below to view our re-open video.
- The direct debits for perpetual members will recommence on Friday 19th June. For upfront members, we have extended your membership expiry date to account for the days the facility was closed
The facility will be available for Health Club members only for the time being. If you’re not ready to come back to the gym just yet, the Bfit@Home platform remains available to you at no costs and includes live classes & at-home workouts. For those who would like to continue their complimentary suspension please click here.
The pools remain closed, however we will provide an update on this as information becomes available. If you’re a health club member not wanting to return because the pools are not yet open, please complete the suspension extension process above
Leisure facilities play an important role in the health and wellbeing of the community and we’re excited to have them re-opening.
See you soon!
Our operating hours will resume to normal excluding weekends. See below:
MON – THURS: 5:30AM – 10PM
FRI: 5:30AM – 9PM
SAT – SUN: 6AM – 3PM
Following recent announcements made by the state government, the health club will now re-open Saturday 13th June but with strict health and hygiene measures in place.
- You must train with a towel and wipe down equipment after use.
- Group fitness classes will now ensure a 4m² distance is practiced.
- Strict social distancing & hygiene measures must be adhered to.
- We have increased our cleaning routine with our team of Hygiene Heroes rostered to ensure our facility’s hygiene remains at a high standard.
- Throughout the centre, you will see signage and instructions on how you, members, guests and staff can maintain a COVID safe facility.
- All staff are requested to complete the Department of Health COVID-safe training.
- The facility is professional cleaned every night.
All members will have access to the gym from Saturday 13th June and the debit will recommence on Friday 19th June. For upfront members, we have changed your membership expiry date to account for the days the facility was closed.
If you’re not ready to come back to the gym just yet, the Bfit@Home platform remains available to you and includes live classes & at-home workouts. For those who would like to continue their suspension please click here to complete your complimentary suspension form.
For the time being the facility is only accessible to members if you’re interested in joining call us on 02 9418 8888, or you can sign-up online here.
- Group Fitness Classes resume at restricted class sizes.
- The gym as of Saturday 13th June
- Toilets
- Limited access to change rooms.
- Indoor and outdoor Swimming pools
- Spa / Sauna
- Swimming lessons
- Creche
The pool remains closed for the time being but we will provide an update on this as we progress. The utility and environmental costs associated with heating such a large body of water can not be justified for such a limited number of users. As restrictions ease we will look to reopen in the next stage of changes.
Unfortunately as the pool remains closed our swimming lessons won’t begin but we will provide an update on this as we progress.
We will have a new Group Fitness timetable with some of your dearly missed classes returning as of 15th June. We will update you with our timetable on Friday 12th June.
Group Fitness Classes:
You can book yourself into the class on the day or through the app, however the app allows you to book 7 days in advance, so we recommend using this platform.
The gym:
You can once again enjoy individual gym training without having to book into a gym floor session and there is no time limit on your workout!
For upfront members, we have changed your membership expiry date to account for the days the facility was closed.
For those who would like to continue their suspension please click here to complete your complimentary suspension form.
Our creche service remains closed for the time being but we will provide an update on this as we progress.
The BlueFit Health Club App will not only help keep you up to date with the latest news around centre, but also allow you to book, cancel and monitor your future bookings. If you have not logged in before you will receive an email from the centre to join Mywellness. Once your login has been activated through Mywellness you can begin following our step by step instructions below or watch our demonstration video above to begin.
- Download the app.
- Login using your credentials.
- Scroll down to find the timetable tile.
- Select ‘See all’ to view the daily schedule.
- You can click on the class image to find out more about the session.
- Click ‘Book’ beside your desired class to book straight in.
- To cancel your booking, click “delete booking”.
- Once you have booked into your class you will be be sent a reminder prior to the class so ensure to have your push notifications turned on.
- If you have any issues including not having received your email from mywellness as a new member please contact App Support.
thursday 4th June 2020
To members and patrons,
We are closely monitoring the new state restrictions and how that impacts our centre. We will send an update soon. Thank you for your patience, until then, stay safe!
tuesday 19th may 2020
Due to the new easing of restrictions by the state Government, we are excited to offer our outdoor Boot Camp sessions!
Join our $39, 4-week outdoor training program starting next Tuesday 26th May. Each session will adhere to strict health and safety measures in line with State Government guidelines.
Sunday 22nd march 2020
Facility Closure
As of 12pm Monday 23rd March, Lane Cove Aquatic Leisure Centre will close until further notice. All class payments and memberships will be put on hold and visit passes will be extended by 12 months. We’d like to thank the amazing team that bring you the services you love, this will be a difficult time for them and their families. We look forward to seeing you all again when we reopen
friday 20th march 2020
Aqua Classes Saturday and Sunday
Dear members and guests,
Due to restrictions on indoor gatherings, aqua on Saturday and Sunday have been cancelled until further notice. We will be in touch with an updated timetable.
We apologise for the inconvenience caused.
Spa, Sauna and Steam Room Closures
Our spa, sauna and steam rooms will be closed from close of business tonight 20/03/2020.
We are unable to enforce social distancing in these areas and apologise for any inconveniences caused.
Our swimming pools are still safe, functional and available for use.
WEDNESDAY 18th march 2020
Extension of Visit Pass Expiry:
Dear Patrons,
During these unprecedented times involving coronavirus (COVID-19), we understand that many of you may be choosing to self-isolate and therefore unable to attend the facility.
To help make this time easier for you and ensure your visits don’t go to waste, we have made the decision to extend the visit pass expiry on current passes by one year.
All extensions will automatically be applied to your account.
We look forward to seeing you at the facility soon!
Stay Safe.
TUESDAY 17th march 2020
- Shower before using the pools
- Practice cough etiquette (keep away from other people, cover coughs and sneezes with disposable tissues or clothing, and clean your hands.)
- Avoid close contact with anyone with cold or flu-like symptoms.
- Not attending the facility if you have flu-like symptoms
- Our facilities will remain open for the foreseeable future and we want to ensure our lessons remain a fun and safe environment for our staff and students.
It is important to note that these changes are temporary as the situation seems to be changing daily.
BlueFit Swimming has safety as it’s first priority and the employment of our thousands of staff close behind. We ask that families chose to process these additional make-up lessons rather than cancel their lessons. Swimming remains an essential skill and the risks remain low.
Parent Portal Login Details
Username: *|EMAIL|*
Temporary Password: 1234
(If you have logged in to the portal previously the password will be whatever you changed it to)
If you have any issues logging in to the portal please go to “forgot password” and try to reset it. If this does not work please email support@bluefit.com.au
FRIDAY 13th march 2020
Dear members & patrons,
We understand that with so much information relating to the coronavirus (COVID-19) going around in the media, you may have concerns about how the situation is being managed at Lane Cove Aquatic Leisure Centre, as a large public facility.
Please understand that the safety, health and well-being of our customers and staff is always our top priority. Our centre continues to be a public facility and workplace that remains safe to attend.
At this point we will be remaining open during our regular hours and classes will not be impacted.
We want you to feel confident when you’re using our facilities. We have and will continue to put in place a number of proactive measures to protect customers and staff well-being:
- Hand sanitiser available throughout the facility.
- Thorough cleaning and sanitisation practices throughout the centre
- Multilingual signage relating to personal hygiene in key areas.
If you are returning from any of the affected countries, you should follow the advice of the Australian Government’s Department of Health as set out on their website.
Regular updates will be placed on this website.
Latest Update: No staff or customers have been identified as having the virus. The facility remains safe to attend.
Chlorinated water has a long documented history of preventing the spread of viruses, however it is important to maintain good personal hygiene at all times. This includes:
- Showering before using the facilities
- Washing hands after using changing facilities.
Health Club:
We believe that regular exercise is important to maintain a healthy life and support proper immune function. It is therefore important to provide you with a safe and clean training environment.
In addition adopting a thorough cleaning and sanitising regime within the facility, we also encourage you to:
- Thoroughly wipe down all gym equipment after use.
- Always use a towel while training.
- Practice good hygiene and wash hands frequently.
- Make use of the available wipes and hand sanitiser.
Outside The Pool:
It’s important that we all practice safe hygiene practices during this time. This includes:
- Cleaning your hands with soap and water for 20 seconds, or an alcohol-based hand rub.
- Covering your nose and mouth when coughing and sneezing with tissue or a flexed elbow
- Avoid close contact with anyone with cold or flu-like symptoms.
- Practice cough etiquette (keep away from other people, cover coughs and sneezes with disposable tissues or clothing, and clean your hands.)
Respect Those Around You:
We believe our staff and the communities we service are our family and we hope that everyone continues to behave and treat each other with the respect and dignity they deserve.
What Next?
We are monitoring the situation closely, and should it be necessary to provide members with further communication, we will contact you via email, and if necessary via SMS. We also encourage casual users to visit our website regularly.
A detailed FAQ is available below. If you have any further questions please contact us via email at info@bluefit.com.au.
We have and will continue to put in place a number of proactive measures to protect customers and staff well-being:
- Hand sanitiser available throughout the facility.
- Thorough cleaning and sanitisation practices throughout the centre.
- Multilingual signage relating to personal hygiene in key areas.
Staff have also been briefed on updated hygiene practices to minimise the risk to themselves and customers.
In the event of a confirmed case within the facility we will be guided by the Department of Health on our next steps. Please click here for regular updates.
If you come in contact with someone who has recently returned from one of the countries identified and you suspect they may have coronavirus we ask that you do not attend the facility for 14 days.
Yes. Chlorinated water has a long documented history of preventing the spread of viruses, however it is important to maintain good personal hygiene at all times. This includes:
- Showering before using the facilities.
- Washing hands after using changing facilities.
New restrictions
Due to State Government restrictions, face masks are now mandatory indoors for those 12 years old and older from 11:59pm Thursday 23rd December.
The only time you don’t have to wear one is during swimming and strenuous exercise. We thank you for your understanding.
Restrictions Easing
From tomorrow, restrictions will ease for our members and guests in NSW.
1. Masks are no longer required.
2. Evidence of vaccination is no longer required.
3. Facility and class capacity restrictions no longer apply.
We look forward to seeing you in the Centre soon!
We are thrilled to announce that after reaching the NSW 70% double vaccination target we are able to reopen our pool and gym facilities this Monday, 11 October!
There is a lot of detailed advice and things to be aware of before Monday, so we’ve put all the details about our reopening below. As we’ve learned, Government advice can change quickly, so visit this page often to make sure you always have the latest advice.
Here is what you need to know so far:
- We are safe
We have been hard at work updating our COVID safe plans and making sure your facility is sparkling clean and ready for your return. - We are vaccinated
Every team member you meet will have been double jabbed. - Our gym is opening
We’re operating as per our usual opening hours, with a maximum capacity of 1 person per 4 square metres. Gym floor bookings are not required. - Our group fitness and aqua classes are back
There will be a few less classes initially but this will ramp up as our team is cleared to return to work. Please note there will be a maximum of 20 participants per area or 1 person per 4m2, whichever is less. We expect demand to be high for places, so as a courtesy to fellow members please remember to cancel out of classes if you cannot attend. Bookings will be available in the BlueFit Health Club app from 5pm on Friday, 08 October. Our 1 hour reformer classes will return from 30 October. The first direct debit will be on 06 November. - Our outdoor pools are open
You can visit our outdoor pools for exercise and recreation. Please be aware there may be restricted opening hours due to staff shortages. - Our indoor pools are opening
From Monday our indoor pools will be open for lap swimming and Aqua classes. Please be aware that it takes some time to heat up a swimming pool. The heaters have been firing since the announcement, but it may still feel a little fresh on Monday. - Spa / Sauna / Steam facilities are closed
For now, these facilities will remain closed until we receive further Government advice. - Swimming Lessons are coming soon
Swimming Lessons will resume from next Saturday 16 October. The first swim school direct debit will not be until Friday 22 October. If you need to cancel out of swimming lessons please do so here no later than midnight, 18 October. If we are unable to run your child’s lesson due to staff availability we will reach out to you separately. - Creche
Our Creche remains closed. We anticipate reopening the creche on 25 October. - You will need to be fully vaccinated to enter the centre
This is important. Everyone aged 16 years and over must have had both shots of your COVID-19 vaccine to enter our facilities. Please show proof at entry. This includes both using the facility and accompanying children to swimming lessons. - Memberships will be active
Membership will be reactivated for free from Monday, 11 October.
We’re not going to recommence membership payments right away. We want you to come back and make sure you feel safe. We also want to give you some time to be ready to return. Your first direct debit will be on Friday, 22 October. - You can suspend your membership
If you’re not fully vaccinated or you don’t feel ready to return you can access a one-time free suspension from now until 01 December 2021. Your membership will then be reactivated on the 1st of December. To take up this suspension please click here no later than midnight, 18 October.
If you wish to suspend beyond the 1st of December you will need to request a new suspension and it will be subject to our normal suspension terms and conditions. - You can cancel out of Swimming Lessons
If you’re not fully vaccinated and you have a child enrolled in swimming lessons you will need to make arrangements for a fully vaccinated adult to accompany them to their lessons. Alternatively, you can cancel out of classes or make use of make-ups when rules change again in December. Unfortunately, we cannot hold places and therefore we will not be able to guarantee your child a spot in the program when you become vaccinated or when restrictions ease.
If you need to cancel out of swimming lessons please do so here no later than midnight, 18 October. - Checking In – ALL
It is a requirement to check in on the NSW QR Code. Please show your Green Tick to staff at entry. - Mask Wearing
All members and guests over the age of 13 will be required to wear a mask while in the Centre unless you are swimming or are doing strenuous exercise. - Good Hygiene
Social distancing and hygiene measures must be adhered to when visiting the Centre. Remember to always use a towel and wipe down equipment before and after use. - Stay home if you are unwell
If you are unwell; or if you are not permitted to attend under the current health orders, please do not attend. - Follow Team Member Advice
All members and guests are required to follow the direction of our staff or any law enforcement officer. - Be Kind
This is a challenging time for all our customers and staff. We kindly request that you are patient with team members and fellow facility users alike as we all adjust to this new normal.
We appreciate that this is a lot to cover. We will update this page with any additional advice as soon as it becomes available. If you have any queries or concerns please contact us at lanecove@bluefit.com.au
NSW Government Announcement
We’re excited about the NSW Government’s roadmap updates today relating to indoor pools. We’re currently assessing the information to see what the restrictions mean for specific programs and services.
Please keep an eye on our socials and website for further updates about the reopening of gyms, pools and the return of swimming lessons. Members and families will receive communications very shortly.
The safety of our members, community and staff is paramount. We are updating our COVID safe plans and controls to adhere to the restrictions imposed by the government.
Further information to come! Thanks for your continued patience – we can’t wait to welcome you back!
We’re very excited to be welcoming you back into our outdoor pools with the NSW Government announcing we can soon reopen for exercise and recreation.
Our outdoor pool is set to open this Monday the 27th of September!
The pool opening hours will be;
Mon -Fri 6am-8pm
Sat & Sun 6am – 5pm
Your health and safety is our top priority, and we have everything in place to ensure our pools are Covid Safe. There are restrictions in place and we request that you comply with all Government guidelines and team member directions. Currently, the rules are:
- If you are fully vaccinated;
You can attend with up to 5 people for exercise or outdoor recreation so long as all those at the gathering aged 16 years or over are fully vaccinated. You will need to be able to show evidence of vaccination if requested by Police. The 5 person limit on these gatherings does not include children aged 12 or under. - If you are not fully vaccinated;
You can attend with 1 other person that you do not live with. If you live with more than 2 other people, you can all exercise and engage in outdoor recreation together. - It is a requirement to check in on the NSW QR Code. Please show your Green Tick to staff at entry.
Memberships will not be reactivated until restrictions ease further. Fitness Passport has also confirmed that their memberships will not be reactivated at this time. If you wish to attend you can use a visit pass or purchase a casual entry. Bookings will not be required.
Remember, you can always find the latest health advice here.
Thanks for your patience and we can’t wait to see you for a splash from Monday!
The time has finally come around, outdoor pools are allowed to reopen in NSW!
We are scheduling to open our outdoor 50m pool from Monday 27th September. We are working hard behind the scenes to further understand the restrictions and logistics and we will reach out to you when we have more information. However, you can view the opening hours below.
Monday to Friday: 6:00am to 8:00pm
Saturday – Sunday: 6:00am to 5:00pm.
The NSW Roadmap has outlined that further restrictions will ease once the state reaches 70% of the double dose. Gyms and swimming pool facilities can open the following Monday to those that are fully vaccinated! This is currently scheduled to occur on October 11th. Again, when we have more information we will reach out to you.
We look forward to seeing you soon!
As per this week’s announcement, we will remain closed due to the NSW Government stay at home orders being extended.
We miss you, and we can’t wait to invite you back into the Centre, but we know these orders are in place to keep our community safe.
We anticipate reopening at the end of September. In the meantime, we have linked a few great ways to keep you and your family active while at home, we hope you enjoy it! You can view more of these workouts, lessons, activities and more on our BFit @ Home website here.
If you have further questions you can contact us at lanecove@bluefit.com.au.
As per this week’s announcement, we will remain closed due to the NSW Government stay at home orders being extended.
We miss you, and we can’t wait to invite you back into the Centre, but we know these orders are in place to keep our community safe.
We anticipate reopening on Saturday 28th August 2021. In the meantime, we have linked a few great ways to keep you and your family active while at home, we hope you enjoy it! You can view more of these workouts, lessons, activities and more on our BFit @ Home website here.
If you have further questions you can contact us at lanecove@bluefit.com.au.
Sydney Lockdown Extended
As per today’s announcement, we will remain closed due to the NSW Government stay at home orders being extended.
We anticipate reopening on Saturday, 31st July 2021.
Sydney Lockdown Extended for Another Week
As per today’s announcement, we will remain closed due to the NSW Government stay at home orders being extended.
We miss you, and we can’t wait to invite you back into the Centre, but we know these orders are in place to keep our community safe.
We anticipate reopening on Saturday 17 July 2021.
Just a reminder to everyone that all memberships, swimming lessons and kids sports lessons have been put on complimentary suspension and will remain on hold without charge until such time as we can reopen.
Payments made in advance of the closure are being held for you and will be credited in the next payment period after reopening. No action is required by you, and all enrolments made before the lockdown remain secure.
Don’t forget that during the closure, you can still enjoy your favourite group fitness class and access plenty of fun activities for the kids to do via our online platform BFit@home. Click here to access our virtual health & fitness site.
As always we will closely monitor the situation and provide further updates if required. In the meantime, should you have any specific questions relating to the closure, please email us at lanecove@bluefit.com.au
Stay safe, and we look forward to seeing you back in the Centre soon!
The Lane Cove Aquatic Team
In line with the directions issued by the NSW State Government, we will be closed from 6pm on Saturday, 26 June, with a view to re-opening on Saturday morning, 10th July 2021.
During the closure, we will be unable to operate our Learn to Swim program. For those customers with lessons scheduled during the week, we’ve placed a credit on your account. No action is required on your behalf.
Learn to Swim lesson days and times in the program will remain secure for the reopening of the facility.
All applicable memberships will automatically be suspended for the duration of the lockdown and a credit will be placed on your account for these days if required. Once again, no further action is required. As customer accounts were debited before the announcement these credits will take effect in the next debiting period.
Any Group Fitness class bookings will not proceed, you may notice that you are removed from those classes during the closure period.
During the closure, you can still enjoy your favourite group fitness class and access plenty of fun activities for the kids to do via our online platform BFit@home. Click here to access our virtual health & fitness site.
We appreciate this is an emerging situation and will provide further updates if required. In the meantime, should you have any specific questions relating to the closure, please email us at lanecove@bluefit.com.au
Stay safe,
Your Lane Cove Aquatic Team
We wanted to provide you with an update following today’s announcement. The following changes will be in place from 4PM today, Wednesday 23 June 2021.
New Restrictions are below:
- All rooms are at a capacity of 1 person per 4 square meters.
- Class sizes have been reduced to a max of 40 people or 20 people on either side of a line down the middle of the group fitness room or pool.
- We encourage all staff, members and guests to comply with the advice from NSW Health and wear a mask at all times when in the centre. We however do not enforce the wearing of a mask where doing so jeopardises the individual’s health or safety.
- Staff and children in the aquatic environment will not need to wear a mask.
Please note: There may be changes to the regular group fitness timetable over this time and we may not be able to accommodate some existing class bookings.
Important things that you need to be aware of:
- It is a condition of entry that casual visitors check in using our check-in system.
- You still need to use your BlueFit member card to enter the facility and check-in at reception.
- Remember to always use a towel and wipe down equipment before and after use.
Thank you for your continued support. We look forward to seeing you again!
FRIDAY 29th January 2021
Start looking for your swimmers and towels because after 2 years of renovation the 50m outdoor pool is coming to completion and we are ready to celebrate it’s re-opening! Book with the button below to be the first one to dive in!
Lane Cove Council will be throwing a morning ceremony on Saturday, October 3rd from 10am – 12pm with a visit from our special guest, Ian Thorpe! Due to COVID restrictions, this ceremony is by invitation only, however you can then dive into the new outdoor pool from 12:30pm onwards using our booking system below.
To avoid over-crowding we will have a booking system in place for the first three days. From Saturday 3rd October – Monday, 5th October we will allow for 30 people per hour in the pool. To lock in your spot you can click here.
The weekend opening hours are the following:
Saturday: 12:30pm – 8pm
Sunday: 6am – 8pm
Monday: 8am – 6pm (Public Holiday)
The eight-lane, 50-metre pool provides a flexible setup with a state-of-the-art divider allowing the pool to operate in both 25 metre and 50-metre lengths. New change rooms are located underneath the impressive new grandstand along with on-deck showers. A new marshalling area complete with a hearing loop will help provide access to high-quality facilities for competitions and carnivals, with an 800 seat grandstand for those to sit and enjoy the action in the pool.
The pool and grandstand are fitted with the latest sustainability features including energy-efficient lighting, water and energy-saving filters, heaters and pumps while an array of solar panels are fitted to the grandstand and marshalling area roof.
An adult change facility and accessible toilet are located at the pool-deck level and there is a ramp into the pool for wheelchair access. A new artwork adorning the fence reflects the themes of water and movement and acknowledges how the traditional owners of the land – the Cameraygal people – engaged with Lane Cove’s waterways.
So save the date, as you won’t want to miss making a splash this spring in Lane Cove Aquatic Leisure Centre’s latest addition.
There will be a $3 booking fee (members and non-members), donated to the BlueFit Foundation and directed to access for sport for Lane Cove local community groups.
The Leisure Pool Re-Opens September 26th!
We are excited to share that our leisure pool will re-open as of Saturday 26th September!
Our aquatic opening hours will be the following:
MON – FRI: 5:30AM – 8PM
SAT – SUN: 6AM – 3PM
50m Outdoor Pool Update: August 2020 – Re-Opening in Spring!
See below for the latest news from Lane Cove Council.
‘Dive into the new outdoor pool this October! The new outdoor pool and 800 seat grandstand will officially open on the October long weekend.’
The eight-lane, 50-metre pool provides a flexible setup with a state-of-the-art divider allowing the pool to operate in both 25 metre and 50-metre lengths. New change rooms are located underneath the impressive new grandstand along with on-deck showers. A new marshalling area complete with a hearing loop will help provide access to high-quality facilities for competitions and carnivals.
The pool and grandstand are fitted with the latest sustainability features including energy-efficient lighting, water and energy-saving filters, heaters and pumps while an array of solar panels are fitted to the grandstand and marshalling area roof.
An adult change facility and accessible toilet are located at the pool-deck level and there is a ramp into the pool for wheelchair access. A new artwork adorning the fence reflects the themes of water and movement and acknowledges how the traditional owners of the land – the Cameraygal people – engaged with Lane Cove’s waterways.’
So save the date, as you won’t want to miss making a splash this Spring in Lane Cove Aquatic Leisure Centre’s latest addition.
tuesday 7th July 2020
Aquatics To Re-Open:
We are excited to finally announce the official re-opening of the pools at Lane Cove Aquatic Leisure Centre on Monday 20th July. To ensure we comply with government restrictions, the following measures will be in place:
- Aqua Classes will also be available from Saturday 1st August. Bookings for Aqua classes must be made through the BlueFit Health Club App.
- The spa, sauna/steam room, and leisure pool will remain closed.
- Change rooms open with limited numbers. Encouraged to shower at home or use on deck showers.
- Lap Swimming in the 25m Pool will re-open. No bookings required.
Cafe will open but with restricted times. - Squads will return on Monday 20th July.
- Swim School will return on Monday 27th July. Further information about swimming lessons will be sent to our learn to swim customers.
- Change room facilities will re-open.
- Strict social distancing & hygiene measures must be adhered to.
- During this period we are operating with amended opening hours. See below our current hours of operation.
Monday-Friday: 5:30am-12:00pm & 3:00pm-8:00pm
Saturday & Sunday: 6:00am-3:00pm
If your membership is on suspension and you would like to return early, your membership will be reactivated once you scan your card.
We believe leisure facilities play an important role in the health and wellbeing of the community. We look forward to seeing you again soon!
Learn To Swim Resumes 27th July:
We hope you have been keeping well and have found our online swim resources via BFit@Home useful in keeping up to date with your skills. We are excited to now announce that Lane Cove Aquatic Centre is now open and Learn to Swim lessons will recommence on Monday 27th July.
As a critical part of our re-commencement, we have implemented measures to ensure the safety and health of both our students and instructors are at the forefront of your return. Minor changes may have been made to the lesson programming, as we continue to deliver safe and high-quality lessons.
For existing families with a booking when we closed in March, we have held your same spot without charge for the break. All lessons will now re-commence Monday 27 July, with the first debit on Friday 31st July for the 2 week period following. Any credits owing have been applied to those customers affected by the early closure of the facility.
If you are not ready to return just yet, please click here to complete your cancellation request. Please note, If we do not hear from you, we will assume you are returning in July when we re-commence.
For more information about our COVID safe policies please click the link below. We look forward to teaching you again!
Aquatics Opening Hours:
- Monday-Friday: 5:30am-12:00pm & 3:00pm-8:00pm
- Saturday & Sunday: 6:00am-3:00pm
All lessons will now re-commence Monday 27 July, with the first debit on Friday 31st July for the 2 week period following. Any credits owing have been applied to those customers affected by the early closure of the facility.
We have updated our makeup policy to allow 12 makeups per calendar year, simply login to the parent portal to mark your absence.
If you aren’t ready to resume your lessons just yet that’s ok too, simply cancel your enrolment through the parent portal.
The centre for disease control confirmed Chlorine is effective against a broad range of viruses and there is no evidence that COVID-19 can be spread to through the use of pools.
We pride ourselves on our water quality and continue to perform regular pool checks throughout the day.
We recommend only 1 parent per child for spectating. During this period we ask that where possible, only students and one guardian attend the facility.
There will be limited access to the change rooms, even for Learn To Swim students.
Please come dressed for your lesson. Ensure you have warm clothes for when you exit the pool. We recommend a robe, hoodie, trackies, warm slippers or ugg boots and a beanie.
BlueFit Swimming students have free access to the pools every day during the week. This amazing benefit will continue but in line with government restrictions.
We have made slight modifications to our teaching techniques to protect our students and teachers. This includes using a doll when demonstrating activities and skills during infants classes.
- Reduced equipment within infant & preschool lessons to increase student safety.
- Only performing manual manipulation in the water when it is safe for both students and teachers
- Ensuring teachers instruct from the side or behind the student to reduce face to face contact.
- Replacing hi 5’s with the Bluey Bump at the conclusion of the lesson.
- To reduce equipment sharing we now have BlueFit Swimming Kickboards, Swim Caps and goggles available for purchase on the BlueFit Swimming website and in the facility.
For the full details on the changes to our lessons click here.
thursday 11th June 2020
We are excited to finally announce the re-opening of the Health Club at Lane Cove Aquatic Leisure Centre.
All members will have access to the gym from Saturday 13th June. Inline with state government restrictions the following health and hygiene measures in place:
- Group fitness classes will be reduced to 20 people only (this has now changed from 10 due to recent updates).
- The timetable will be released this Friday with classes resuming Monday 15th June.
- All group fitness bookings must be made through the BlueFit Health Club app up to 7 days in advance which you can download by clicking the link below
- You must train with a towel and wipe down equipment after use
- Changing room facilities and water fountains will be closed
- Strict social distancing & hygiene measures must be adhered to
- The creche will remain closed
- For more information about the measures now in place please see below to view our re-open video.
- The direct debits for perpetual members will recommence on Friday 19th June. For upfront members, we have extended your membership expiry date to account for the days the facility was closed
The facility will be available for Health Club members only for the time being. If you’re not ready to come back to the gym just yet, the Bfit@Home platform remains available to you at no costs and includes live classes & at-home workouts. For those who would like to continue their complimentary suspension please click here.
The pools remain closed, however we will provide an update on this as information becomes available. If you’re a health club member not wanting to return because the pools are not yet open, please complete the suspension extension process above
Leisure facilities play an important role in the health and wellbeing of the community and we’re excited to have them re-opening.
See you soon!
Our operating hours will resume to normal excluding weekends. See below:
MON – THURS: 5:30AM – 10PM
FRI: 5:30AM – 9PM
SAT – SUN: 6AM – 3PM
Following recent announcements made by the state government, the health club will now re-open Saturday 13th June but with strict health and hygiene measures in place.
- You must train with a towel and wipe down equipment after use.
- Group fitness classes will now ensure a 4m² distance is practiced.
- Strict social distancing & hygiene measures must be adhered to.
- We have increased our cleaning routine with our team of Hygiene Heroes rostered to ensure our facility’s hygiene remains at a high standard.
- Throughout the centre, you will see signage and instructions on how you, members, guests and staff can maintain a COVID safe facility.
- All staff are requested to complete the Department of Health COVID-safe training.
- The facility is professional cleaned every night.
All members will have access to the gym from Saturday 13th June and the debit will recommence on Friday 19th June. For upfront members, we have changed your membership expiry date to account for the days the facility was closed.
If you’re not ready to come back to the gym just yet, the Bfit@Home platform remains available to you and includes live classes & at-home workouts. For those who would like to continue their suspension please click here to complete your complimentary suspension form.
For the time being the facility is only accessible to members if you’re interested in joining call us on 02 9418 8888, or you can sign-up online here.
- Group Fitness Classes resume at restricted class sizes.
- The gym as of Saturday 13th June
- Toilets
- Limited access to change rooms.
- Indoor and outdoor Swimming pools
- Spa / Sauna
- Swimming lessons
- Creche
The pool remains closed for the time being but we will provide an update on this as we progress. The utility and environmental costs associated with heating such a large body of water can not be justified for such a limited number of users. As restrictions ease we will look to reopen in the next stage of changes.
Unfortunately as the pool remains closed our swimming lessons won’t begin but we will provide an update on this as we progress.
We will have a new Group Fitness timetable with some of your dearly missed classes returning as of 15th June. We will update you with our timetable on Friday 12th June.
Group Fitness Classes:
You can book yourself into the class on the day or through the app, however the app allows you to book 7 days in advance, so we recommend using this platform.
The gym:
You can once again enjoy individual gym training without having to book into a gym floor session and there is no time limit on your workout!
For upfront members, we have changed your membership expiry date to account for the days the facility was closed.
For those who would like to continue their suspension please click here to complete your complimentary suspension form.
Our creche service remains closed for the time being but we will provide an update on this as we progress.
The BlueFit Health Club App will not only help keep you up to date with the latest news around centre, but also allow you to book, cancel and monitor your future bookings. If you have not logged in before you will receive an email from the centre to join Mywellness. Once your login has been activated through Mywellness you can begin following our step by step instructions below or watch our demonstration video above to begin.
- Download the app.
- Login using your credentials.
- Scroll down to find the timetable tile.
- Select ‘See all’ to view the daily schedule.
- You can click on the class image to find out more about the session.
- Click ‘Book’ beside your desired class to book straight in.
- To cancel your booking, click “delete booking”.
- Once you have booked into your class you will be be sent a reminder prior to the class so ensure to have your push notifications turned on.
- If you have any issues including not having received your email from mywellness as a new member please contact App Support.
thursday 4th June 2020
To members and patrons,
We are closely monitoring the new state restrictions and how that impacts our centre. We will send an update soon. Thank you for your patience, until then, stay safe!
tuesday 19th may 2020
Due to the new easing of restrictions by the state Government, we are excited to offer our outdoor Boot Camp sessions!
Join our $39, 4-week outdoor training program starting next Tuesday 26th May. Each session will adhere to strict health and safety measures in line with State Government guidelines.
Sunday 22nd march 2020
Facility Closure
As of 12pm Monday 23rd March, Lane Cove Aquatic Leisure Centre will close until further notice. All class payments and memberships will be put on hold and visit passes will be extended by 12 months. We’d like to thank the amazing team that bring you the services you love, this will be a difficult time for them and their families. We look forward to seeing you all again when we reopen
friday 20th march 2020
Aqua Classes Saturday and Sunday
Dear members and guests,
Due to restrictions on indoor gatherings, aqua on Saturday and Sunday have been cancelled until further notice. We will be in touch with an updated timetable.
We apologise for the inconvenience caused.
Spa, Sauna and Steam Room Closures
Our spa, sauna and steam rooms will be closed from close of business tonight 20/03/2020.
We are unable to enforce social distancing in these areas and apologise for any inconveniences caused.
Our swimming pools are still safe, functional and available for use.
WEDNESDAY 18th march 2020
Extension of Visit Pass Expiry:
Dear Patrons,
During these unprecedented times involving coronavirus (COVID-19), we understand that many of you may be choosing to self-isolate and therefore unable to attend the facility.
To help make this time easier for you and ensure your visits don’t go to waste, we have made the decision to extend the visit pass expiry on current passes by one year.
All extensions will automatically be applied to your account.
We look forward to seeing you at the facility soon!
Stay Safe.
TUESDAY 17th march 2020
- Shower before using the pools
- Practice cough etiquette (keep away from other people, cover coughs and sneezes with disposable tissues or clothing, and clean your hands.)
- Avoid close contact with anyone with cold or flu-like symptoms.
- Not attending the facility if you have flu-like symptoms
- Our facilities will remain open for the foreseeable future and we want to ensure our lessons remain a fun and safe environment for our staff and students.
It is important to note that these changes are temporary as the situation seems to be changing daily.
BlueFit Swimming has safety as it’s first priority and the employment of our thousands of staff close behind. We ask that families chose to process these additional make-up lessons rather than cancel their lessons. Swimming remains an essential skill and the risks remain low.
Parent Portal Login Details
Username: *|EMAIL|*
Temporary Password: 1234
(If you have logged in to the portal previously the password will be whatever you changed it to)
If you have any issues logging in to the portal please go to “forgot password” and try to reset it. If this does not work please email support@bluefit.com.au
FRIDAY 13th march 2020
Dear members & patrons,
We understand that with so much information relating to the coronavirus (COVID-19) going around in the media, you may have concerns about how the situation is being managed at Lane Cove Aquatic Leisure Centre, as a large public facility.
Please understand that the safety, health and well-being of our customers and staff is always our top priority. Our centre continues to be a public facility and workplace that remains safe to attend.
At this point we will be remaining open during our regular hours and classes will not be impacted.
We want you to feel confident when you’re using our facilities. We have and will continue to put in place a number of proactive measures to protect customers and staff well-being:
- Hand sanitiser available throughout the facility.
- Thorough cleaning and sanitisation practices throughout the centre
- Multilingual signage relating to personal hygiene in key areas.
If you are returning from any of the affected countries, you should follow the advice of the Australian Government’s Department of Health as set out on their website.
Regular updates will be placed on this website.
Latest Update: No staff or customers have been identified as having the virus. The facility remains safe to attend.
Chlorinated water has a long documented history of preventing the spread of viruses, however it is important to maintain good personal hygiene at all times. This includes:
- Showering before using the facilities
- Washing hands after using changing facilities.
Health Club:
We believe that regular exercise is important to maintain a healthy life and support proper immune function. It is therefore important to provide you with a safe and clean training environment.
In addition adopting a thorough cleaning and sanitising regime within the facility, we also encourage you to:
- Thoroughly wipe down all gym equipment after use.
- Always use a towel while training.
- Practice good hygiene and wash hands frequently.
- Make use of the available wipes and hand sanitiser.
Outside The Pool:
It’s important that we all practice safe hygiene practices during this time. This includes:
- Cleaning your hands with soap and water for 20 seconds, or an alcohol-based hand rub.
- Covering your nose and mouth when coughing and sneezing with tissue or a flexed elbow
- Avoid close contact with anyone with cold or flu-like symptoms.
- Practice cough etiquette (keep away from other people, cover coughs and sneezes with disposable tissues or clothing, and clean your hands.)
Respect Those Around You:
We believe our staff and the communities we service are our family and we hope that everyone continues to behave and treat each other with the respect and dignity they deserve.
What Next?
We are monitoring the situation closely, and should it be necessary to provide members with further communication, we will contact you via email, and if necessary via SMS. We also encourage casual users to visit our website regularly.
A detailed FAQ is available below. If you have any further questions please contact us via email at info@bluefit.com.au.
We have and will continue to put in place a number of proactive measures to protect customers and staff well-being:
- Hand sanitiser available throughout the facility.
- Thorough cleaning and sanitisation practices throughout the centre.
- Multilingual signage relating to personal hygiene in key areas.
Staff have also been briefed on updated hygiene practices to minimise the risk to themselves and customers.
In the event of a confirmed case within the facility we will be guided by the Department of Health on our next steps. Please click here for regular updates.
If you come in contact with someone who has recently returned from one of the countries identified and you suspect they may have coronavirus we ask that you do not attend the facility for 14 days.
Yes. Chlorinated water has a long documented history of preventing the spread of viruses, however it is important to maintain good personal hygiene at all times. This includes:
- Showering before using the facilities.
- Washing hands after using changing facilities.
New restrictions
Due to State Government restrictions, face masks are now mandatory indoors for those 12 years old and older from 11:59pm Thursday 23rd December.
The only time you don’t have to wear one is during swimming and strenuous exercise. We thank you for your understanding.
Restrictions Easing
From tomorrow, restrictions will ease for our members and guests in NSW.
1. Masks are no longer required.
2. Evidence of vaccination is no longer required.
3. Facility and class capacity restrictions no longer apply.
We look forward to seeing you in the Centre soon!
We are thrilled to announce that after reaching the NSW 70% double vaccination target we are able to reopen our pool and gym facilities this Monday, 11 October!
There is a lot of detailed advice and things to be aware of before Monday, so we’ve put all the details about our reopening below. As we’ve learned, Government advice can change quickly, so visit this page often to make sure you always have the latest advice.
Here is what you need to know so far:
- We are safe
We have been hard at work updating our COVID safe plans and making sure your facility is sparkling clean and ready for your return. - We are vaccinated
Every team member you meet will have been double jabbed. - Our gym is opening
We’re operating as per our usual opening hours, with a maximum capacity of 1 person per 4 square metres. Gym floor bookings are not required. - Our group fitness and aqua classes are back
There will be a few less classes initially but this will ramp up as our team is cleared to return to work. Please note there will be a maximum of 20 participants per area or 1 person per 4m2, whichever is less. We expect demand to be high for places, so as a courtesy to fellow members please remember to cancel out of classes if you cannot attend. Bookings will be available in the BlueFit Health Club app from 5pm on Friday, 08 October. Our 1 hour reformer classes will return from 30 October. The first direct debit will be on 06 November. - Our outdoor pools are open
You can visit our outdoor pools for exercise and recreation. Please be aware there may be restricted opening hours due to staff shortages. - Our indoor pools are opening
From Monday our indoor pools will be open for lap swimming and Aqua classes. Please be aware that it takes some time to heat up a swimming pool. The heaters have been firing since the announcement, but it may still feel a little fresh on Monday. - Spa / Sauna / Steam facilities are closed
For now, these facilities will remain closed until we receive further Government advice. - Swimming Lessons are coming soon
Swimming Lessons will resume from next Saturday 16 October. The first swim school direct debit will not be until Friday 22 October. If you need to cancel out of swimming lessons please do so here no later than midnight, 18 October. If we are unable to run your child’s lesson due to staff availability we will reach out to you separately. - Creche
Our Creche remains closed. We anticipate reopening the creche on 25 October. - You will need to be fully vaccinated to enter the centre
This is important. Everyone aged 16 years and over must have had both shots of your COVID-19 vaccine to enter our facilities. Please show proof at entry. This includes both using the facility and accompanying children to swimming lessons. - Memberships will be active
Membership will be reactivated for free from Monday, 11 October.
We’re not going to recommence membership payments right away. We want you to come back and make sure you feel safe. We also want to give you some time to be ready to return. Your first direct debit will be on Friday, 22 October. - You can suspend your membership
If you’re not fully vaccinated or you don’t feel ready to return you can access a one-time free suspension from now until 01 December 2021. Your membership will then be reactivated on the 1st of December. To take up this suspension please click here no later than midnight, 18 October.
If you wish to suspend beyond the 1st of December you will need to request a new suspension and it will be subject to our normal suspension terms and conditions. - You can cancel out of Swimming Lessons
If you’re not fully vaccinated and you have a child enrolled in swimming lessons you will need to make arrangements for a fully vaccinated adult to accompany them to their lessons. Alternatively, you can cancel out of classes or make use of make-ups when rules change again in December. Unfortunately, we cannot hold places and therefore we will not be able to guarantee your child a spot in the program when you become vaccinated or when restrictions ease.
If you need to cancel out of swimming lessons please do so here no later than midnight, 18 October. - Checking In – ALL
It is a requirement to check in on the NSW QR Code. Please show your Green Tick to staff at entry. - Mask Wearing
All members and guests over the age of 13 will be required to wear a mask while in the Centre unless you are swimming or are doing strenuous exercise. - Good Hygiene
Social distancing and hygiene measures must be adhered to when visiting the Centre. Remember to always use a towel and wipe down equipment before and after use. - Stay home if you are unwell
If you are unwell; or if you are not permitted to attend under the current health orders, please do not attend. - Follow Team Member Advice
All members and guests are required to follow the direction of our staff or any law enforcement officer. - Be Kind
This is a challenging time for all our customers and staff. We kindly request that you are patient with team members and fellow facility users alike as we all adjust to this new normal.
We appreciate that this is a lot to cover. We will update this page with any additional advice as soon as it becomes available. If you have any queries or concerns please contact us at lanecove@bluefit.com.au
NSW Government Announcement
We’re excited about the NSW Government’s roadmap updates today relating to indoor pools. We’re currently assessing the information to see what the restrictions mean for specific programs and services.
Please keep an eye on our socials and website for further updates about the reopening of gyms, pools and the return of swimming lessons. Members and families will receive communications very shortly.
The safety of our members, community and staff is paramount. We are updating our COVID safe plans and controls to adhere to the restrictions imposed by the government.
Further information to come! Thanks for your continued patience – we can’t wait to welcome you back!
We’re very excited to be welcoming you back into our outdoor pools with the NSW Government announcing we can soon reopen for exercise and recreation.
Our outdoor pool is set to open this Monday the 27th of September!
The pool opening hours will be;
Mon -Fri 6am-8pm
Sat & Sun 6am – 5pm
Your health and safety is our top priority, and we have everything in place to ensure our pools are Covid Safe. There are restrictions in place and we request that you comply with all Government guidelines and team member directions. Currently, the rules are:
- If you are fully vaccinated;
You can attend with up to 5 people for exercise or outdoor recreation so long as all those at the gathering aged 16 years or over are fully vaccinated. You will need to be able to show evidence of vaccination if requested by Police. The 5 person limit on these gatherings does not include children aged 12 or under. - If you are not fully vaccinated;
You can attend with 1 other person that you do not live with. If you live with more than 2 other people, you can all exercise and engage in outdoor recreation together. - It is a requirement to check in on the NSW QR Code. Please show your Green Tick to staff at entry.
Memberships will not be reactivated until restrictions ease further. Fitness Passport has also confirmed that their memberships will not be reactivated at this time. If you wish to attend you can use a visit pass or purchase a casual entry. Bookings will not be required.
Remember, you can always find the latest health advice here.
Thanks for your patience and we can’t wait to see you for a splash from Monday!
The time has finally come around, outdoor pools are allowed to reopen in NSW!
We are scheduling to open our outdoor 50m pool from Monday 27th September. We are working hard behind the scenes to further understand the restrictions and logistics and we will reach out to you when we have more information. However, you can view the opening hours below.
Monday to Friday: 6:00am to 8:00pm
Saturday – Sunday: 6:00am to 5:00pm.
The NSW Roadmap has outlined that further restrictions will ease once the state reaches 70% of the double dose. Gyms and swimming pool facilities can open the following Monday to those that are fully vaccinated! This is currently scheduled to occur on October 11th. Again, when we have more information we will reach out to you.
We look forward to seeing you soon!
As per this week’s announcement, we will remain closed due to the NSW Government stay at home orders being extended.
We miss you, and we can’t wait to invite you back into the Centre, but we know these orders are in place to keep our community safe.
We anticipate reopening at the end of September. In the meantime, we have linked a few great ways to keep you and your family active while at home, we hope you enjoy it! You can view more of these workouts, lessons, activities and more on our BFit @ Home website here.
If you have further questions you can contact us at lanecove@bluefit.com.au.
As per this week’s announcement, we will remain closed due to the NSW Government stay at home orders being extended.
We miss you, and we can’t wait to invite you back into the Centre, but we know these orders are in place to keep our community safe.
We anticipate reopening on Saturday 28th August 2021. In the meantime, we have linked a few great ways to keep you and your family active while at home, we hope you enjoy it! You can view more of these workouts, lessons, activities and more on our BFit @ Home website here.
If you have further questions you can contact us at lanecove@bluefit.com.au.
Sydney Lockdown Extended
As per today’s announcement, we will remain closed due to the NSW Government stay at home orders being extended.
We anticipate reopening on Saturday, 31st July 2021.
Sydney Lockdown Extended for Another Week
As per today’s announcement, we will remain closed due to the NSW Government stay at home orders being extended.
We miss you, and we can’t wait to invite you back into the Centre, but we know these orders are in place to keep our community safe.
We anticipate reopening on Saturday 17 July 2021.
Just a reminder to everyone that all memberships, swimming lessons and kids sports lessons have been put on complimentary suspension and will remain on hold without charge until such time as we can reopen.
Payments made in advance of the closure are being held for you and will be credited in the next payment period after reopening. No action is required by you, and all enrolments made before the lockdown remain secure.
Don’t forget that during the closure, you can still enjoy your favourite group fitness class and access plenty of fun activities for the kids to do via our online platform BFit@home. Click here to access our virtual health & fitness site.
As always we will closely monitor the situation and provide further updates if required. In the meantime, should you have any specific questions relating to the closure, please email us at lanecove@bluefit.com.au
Stay safe, and we look forward to seeing you back in the Centre soon!
The Lane Cove Aquatic Team
In line with the directions issued by the NSW State Government, we will be closed from 6pm on Saturday, 26 June, with a view to re-opening on Saturday morning, 10th July 2021.
During the closure, we will be unable to operate our Learn to Swim program. For those customers with lessons scheduled during the week, we’ve placed a credit on your account. No action is required on your behalf.
Learn to Swim lesson days and times in the program will remain secure for the reopening of the facility.
All applicable memberships will automatically be suspended for the duration of the lockdown and a credit will be placed on your account for these days if required. Once again, no further action is required. As customer accounts were debited before the announcement these credits will take effect in the next debiting period.
Any Group Fitness class bookings will not proceed, you may notice that you are removed from those classes during the closure period.
During the closure, you can still enjoy your favourite group fitness class and access plenty of fun activities for the kids to do via our online platform BFit@home. Click here to access our virtual health & fitness site.
We appreciate this is an emerging situation and will provide further updates if required. In the meantime, should you have any specific questions relating to the closure, please email us at lanecove@bluefit.com.au
Stay safe,
Your Lane Cove Aquatic Team
We wanted to provide you with an update following today’s announcement. The following changes will be in place from 4PM today, Wednesday 23 June 2021.
New Restrictions are below:
- All rooms are at a capacity of 1 person per 4 square meters.
- Class sizes have been reduced to a max of 40 people or 20 people on either side of a line down the middle of the group fitness room or pool.
- We encourage all staff, members and guests to comply with the advice from NSW Health and wear a mask at all times when in the centre. We however do not enforce the wearing of a mask where doing so jeopardises the individual’s health or safety.
- Staff and children in the aquatic environment will not need to wear a mask.
Please note: There may be changes to the regular group fitness timetable over this time and we may not be able to accommodate some existing class bookings.
Important things that you need to be aware of:
- It is a condition of entry that casual visitors check in using our check-in system.
- You still need to use your BlueFit member card to enter the facility and check-in at reception.
- Remember to always use a towel and wipe down equipment before and after use.
Thank you for your continued support. We look forward to seeing you again!
FRIDAY 29th January 2021
Start looking for your swimmers and towels because after 2 years of renovation the 50m outdoor pool is coming to completion and we are ready to celebrate it’s re-opening! Book with the button below to be the first one to dive in!
Lane Cove Council will be throwing a morning ceremony on Saturday, October 3rd from 10am – 12pm with a visit from our special guest, Ian Thorpe! Due to COVID restrictions, this ceremony is by invitation only, however you can then dive into the new outdoor pool from 12:30pm onwards using our booking system below.
To avoid over-crowding we will have a booking system in place for the first three days. From Saturday 3rd October – Monday, 5th October we will allow for 30 people per hour in the pool. To lock in your spot you can click here.
The weekend opening hours are the following:
Saturday: 12:30pm – 8pm
Sunday: 6am – 8pm
Monday: 8am – 6pm (Public Holiday)
The eight-lane, 50-metre pool provides a flexible setup with a state-of-the-art divider allowing the pool to operate in both 25 metre and 50-metre lengths. New change rooms are located underneath the impressive new grandstand along with on-deck showers. A new marshalling area complete with a hearing loop will help provide access to high-quality facilities for competitions and carnivals, with an 800 seat grandstand for those to sit and enjoy the action in the pool.
The pool and grandstand are fitted with the latest sustainability features including energy-efficient lighting, water and energy-saving filters, heaters and pumps while an array of solar panels are fitted to the grandstand and marshalling area roof.
An adult change facility and accessible toilet are located at the pool-deck level and there is a ramp into the pool for wheelchair access. A new artwork adorning the fence reflects the themes of water and movement and acknowledges how the traditional owners of the land – the Cameraygal people – engaged with Lane Cove’s waterways.
So save the date, as you won’t want to miss making a splash this spring in Lane Cove Aquatic Leisure Centre’s latest addition.
There will be a $3 booking fee (members and non-members), donated to the BlueFit Foundation and directed to access for sport for Lane Cove local community groups.
The Leisure Pool Re-Opens September 26th!
We are excited to share that our leisure pool will re-open as of Saturday 26th September!
Our aquatic opening hours will be the following:
MON – FRI: 5:30AM – 8PM
SAT – SUN: 6AM – 3PM
50m Outdoor Pool Update: August 2020 – Re-Opening in Spring!
See below for the latest news from Lane Cove Council.
‘Dive into the new outdoor pool this October! The new outdoor pool and 800 seat grandstand will officially open on the October long weekend.’
The eight-lane, 50-metre pool provides a flexible setup with a state-of-the-art divider allowing the pool to operate in both 25 metre and 50-metre lengths. New change rooms are located underneath the impressive new grandstand along with on-deck showers. A new marshalling area complete with a hearing loop will help provide access to high-quality facilities for competitions and carnivals.
The pool and grandstand are fitted with the latest sustainability features including energy-efficient lighting, water and energy-saving filters, heaters and pumps while an array of solar panels are fitted to the grandstand and marshalling area roof.
An adult change facility and accessible toilet are located at the pool-deck level and there is a ramp into the pool for wheelchair access. A new artwork adorning the fence reflects the themes of water and movement and acknowledges how the traditional owners of the land – the Cameraygal people – engaged with Lane Cove’s waterways.’
So save the date, as you won’t want to miss making a splash this Spring in Lane Cove Aquatic Leisure Centre’s latest addition.
tuesday 7th July 2020
Aquatics To Re-Open:
We are excited to finally announce the official re-opening of the pools at Lane Cove Aquatic Leisure Centre on Monday 20th July. To ensure we comply with government restrictions, the following measures will be in place:
- Aqua Classes will also be available from Saturday 1st August. Bookings for Aqua classes must be made through the BlueFit Health Club App.
- The spa, sauna/steam room, and leisure pool will remain closed.
- Change rooms open with limited numbers. Encouraged to shower at home or use on deck showers.
- Lap Swimming in the 25m Pool will re-open. No bookings required.
Cafe will open but with restricted times. - Squads will return on Monday 20th July.
- Swim School will return on Monday 27th July. Further information about swimming lessons will be sent to our learn to swim customers.
- Change room facilities will re-open.
- Strict social distancing & hygiene measures must be adhered to.
- During this period we are operating with amended opening hours. See below our current hours of operation.
Monday-Friday: 5:30am-12:00pm & 3:00pm-8:00pm
Saturday & Sunday: 6:00am-3:00pm
If your membership is on suspension and you would like to return early, your membership will be reactivated once you scan your card.
We believe leisure facilities play an important role in the health and wellbeing of the community. We look forward to seeing you again soon!
Learn To Swim Resumes 27th July:
We hope you have been keeping well and have found our online swim resources via BFit@Home useful in keeping up to date with your skills. We are excited to now announce that Lane Cove Aquatic Centre is now open and Learn to Swim lessons will recommence on Monday 27th July.
As a critical part of our re-commencement, we have implemented measures to ensure the safety and health of both our students and instructors are at the forefront of your return. Minor changes may have been made to the lesson programming, as we continue to deliver safe and high-quality lessons.
For existing families with a booking when we closed in March, we have held your same spot without charge for the break. All lessons will now re-commence Monday 27 July, with the first debit on Friday 31st July for the 2 week period following. Any credits owing have been applied to those customers affected by the early closure of the facility.
If you are not ready to return just yet, please click here to complete your cancellation request. Please note, If we do not hear from you, we will assume you are returning in July when we re-commence.
For more information about our COVID safe policies please click the link below. We look forward to teaching you again!
Aquatics Opening Hours:
- Monday-Friday: 5:30am-12:00pm & 3:00pm-8:00pm
- Saturday & Sunday: 6:00am-3:00pm
All lessons will now re-commence Monday 27 July, with the first debit on Friday 31st July for the 2 week period following. Any credits owing have been applied to those customers affected by the early closure of the facility.
We have updated our makeup policy to allow 12 makeups per calendar year, simply login to the parent portal to mark your absence.
If you aren’t ready to resume your lessons just yet that’s ok too, simply cancel your enrolment through the parent portal.
The centre for disease control confirmed Chlorine is effective against a broad range of viruses and there is no evidence that COVID-19 can be spread to through the use of pools.
We pride ourselves on our water quality and continue to perform regular pool checks throughout the day.
We recommend only 1 parent per child for spectating. During this period we ask that where possible, only students and one guardian attend the facility.
There will be limited access to the change rooms, even for Learn To Swim students.
Please come dressed for your lesson. Ensure you have warm clothes for when you exit the pool. We recommend a robe, hoodie, trackies, warm slippers or ugg boots and a beanie.
BlueFit Swimming students have free access to the pools every day during the week. This amazing benefit will continue but in line with government restrictions.
We have made slight modifications to our teaching techniques to protect our students and teachers. This includes using a doll when demonstrating activities and skills during infants classes.
- Reduced equipment within infant & preschool lessons to increase student safety.
- Only performing manual manipulation in the water when it is safe for both students and teachers
- Ensuring teachers instruct from the side or behind the student to reduce face to face contact.
- Replacing hi 5’s with the Bluey Bump at the conclusion of the lesson.
- To reduce equipment sharing we now have BlueFit Swimming Kickboards, Swim Caps and goggles available for purchase on the BlueFit Swimming website and in the facility.
For the full details on the changes to our lessons click here.
thursday 11th June 2020
We are excited to finally announce the re-opening of the Health Club at Lane Cove Aquatic Leisure Centre.
All members will have access to the gym from Saturday 13th June. Inline with state government restrictions the following health and hygiene measures in place:
- Group fitness classes will be reduced to 20 people only (this has now changed from 10 due to recent updates).
- The timetable will be released this Friday with classes resuming Monday 15th June.
- All group fitness bookings must be made through the BlueFit Health Club app up to 7 days in advance which you can download by clicking the link below
- You must train with a towel and wipe down equipment after use
- Changing room facilities and water fountains will be closed
- Strict social distancing & hygiene measures must be adhered to
- The creche will remain closed
- For more information about the measures now in place please see below to view our re-open video.
- The direct debits for perpetual members will recommence on Friday 19th June. For upfront members, we have extended your membership expiry date to account for the days the facility was closed
The facility will be available for Health Club members only for the time being. If you’re not ready to come back to the gym just yet, the Bfit@Home platform remains available to you at no costs and includes live classes & at-home workouts. For those who would like to continue their complimentary suspension please click here.
The pools remain closed, however we will provide an update on this as information becomes available. If you’re a health club member not wanting to return because the pools are not yet open, please complete the suspension extension process above
Leisure facilities play an important role in the health and wellbeing of the community and we’re excited to have them re-opening.
See you soon!
Our operating hours will resume to normal excluding weekends. See below:
MON – THURS: 5:30AM – 10PM
FRI: 5:30AM – 9PM
SAT – SUN: 6AM – 3PM
Following recent announcements made by the state government, the health club will now re-open Saturday 13th June but with strict health and hygiene measures in place.
- You must train with a towel and wipe down equipment after use.
- Group fitness classes will now ensure a 4m² distance is practiced.
- Strict social distancing & hygiene measures must be adhered to.
- We have increased our cleaning routine with our team of Hygiene Heroes rostered to ensure our facility’s hygiene remains at a high standard.
- Throughout the centre, you will see signage and instructions on how you, members, guests and staff can maintain a COVID safe facility.
- All staff are requested to complete the Department of Health COVID-safe training.
- The facility is professional cleaned every night.
All members will have access to the gym from Saturday 13th June and the debit will recommence on Friday 19th June. For upfront members, we have changed your membership expiry date to account for the days the facility was closed.
If you’re not ready to come back to the gym just yet, the Bfit@Home platform remains available to you and includes live classes & at-home workouts. For those who would like to continue their suspension please click here to complete your complimentary suspension form.
For the time being the facility is only accessible to members if you’re interested in joining call us on 02 9418 8888, or you can sign-up online here.
- Group Fitness Classes resume at restricted class sizes.
- The gym as of Saturday 13th June
- Toilets
- Limited access to change rooms.
- Indoor and outdoor Swimming pools
- Spa / Sauna
- Swimming lessons
- Creche
The pool remains closed for the time being but we will provide an update on this as we progress. The utility and environmental costs associated with heating such a large body of water can not be justified for such a limited number of users. As restrictions ease we will look to reopen in the next stage of changes.
Unfortunately as the pool remains closed our swimming lessons won’t begin but we will provide an update on this as we progress.
We will have a new Group Fitness timetable with some of your dearly missed classes returning as of 15th June. We will update you with our timetable on Friday 12th June.
Group Fitness Classes:
You can book yourself into the class on the day or through the app, however the app allows you to book 7 days in advance, so we recommend using this platform.
The gym:
You can once again enjoy individual gym training without having to book into a gym floor session and there is no time limit on your workout!
For upfront members, we have changed your membership expiry date to account for the days the facility was closed.
For those who would like to continue their suspension please click here to complete your complimentary suspension form.
Our creche service remains closed for the time being but we will provide an update on this as we progress.
The BlueFit Health Club App will not only help keep you up to date with the latest news around centre, but also allow you to book, cancel and monitor your future bookings. If you have not logged in before you will receive an email from the centre to join Mywellness. Once your login has been activated through Mywellness you can begin following our step by step instructions below or watch our demonstration video above to begin.
- Download the app.
- Login using your credentials.
- Scroll down to find the timetable tile.
- Select ‘See all’ to view the daily schedule.
- You can click on the class image to find out more about the session.
- Click ‘Book’ beside your desired class to book straight in.
- To cancel your booking, click “delete booking”.
- Once you have booked into your class you will be be sent a reminder prior to the class so ensure to have your push notifications turned on.
- If you have any issues including not having received your email from mywellness as a new member please contact App Support.
thursday 4th June 2020
To members and patrons,
We are closely monitoring the new state restrictions and how that impacts our centre. We will send an update soon. Thank you for your patience, until then, stay safe!
tuesday 19th may 2020
Due to the new easing of restrictions by the state Government, we are excited to offer our outdoor Boot Camp sessions!
Join our $39, 4-week outdoor training program starting next Tuesday 26th May. Each session will adhere to strict health and safety measures in line with State Government guidelines.
Sunday 22nd march 2020
Facility Closure
As of 12pm Monday 23rd March, Lane Cove Aquatic Leisure Centre will close until further notice. All class payments and memberships will be put on hold and visit passes will be extended by 12 months. We’d like to thank the amazing team that bring you the services you love, this will be a difficult time for them and their families. We look forward to seeing you all again when we reopen
friday 20th march 2020
Aqua Classes Saturday and Sunday
Dear members and guests,
Due to restrictions on indoor gatherings, aqua on Saturday and Sunday have been cancelled until further notice. We will be in touch with an updated timetable.
We apologise for the inconvenience caused.
Spa, Sauna and Steam Room Closures
Our spa, sauna and steam rooms will be closed from close of business tonight 20/03/2020.
We are unable to enforce social distancing in these areas and apologise for any inconveniences caused.
Our swimming pools are still safe, functional and available for use.
WEDNESDAY 18th march 2020
Extension of Visit Pass Expiry:
Dear Patrons,
During these unprecedented times involving coronavirus (COVID-19), we understand that many of you may be choosing to self-isolate and therefore unable to attend the facility.
To help make this time easier for you and ensure your visits don’t go to waste, we have made the decision to extend the visit pass expiry on current passes by one year.
All extensions will automatically be applied to your account.
We look forward to seeing you at the facility soon!
Stay Safe.
TUESDAY 17th march 2020
- Shower before using the pools
- Practice cough etiquette (keep away from other people, cover coughs and sneezes with disposable tissues or clothing, and clean your hands.)
- Avoid close contact with anyone with cold or flu-like symptoms.
- Not attending the facility if you have flu-like symptoms
- Our facilities will remain open for the foreseeable future and we want to ensure our lessons remain a fun and safe environment for our staff and students.
It is important to note that these changes are temporary as the situation seems to be changing daily.
BlueFit Swimming has safety as it’s first priority and the employment of our thousands of staff close behind. We ask that families chose to process these additional make-up lessons rather than cancel their lessons. Swimming remains an essential skill and the risks remain low.
Parent Portal Login Details
Username: *|EMAIL|*
Temporary Password: 1234
(If you have logged in to the portal previously the password will be whatever you changed it to)
If you have any issues logging in to the portal please go to “forgot password” and try to reset it. If this does not work please email support@bluefit.com.au
FRIDAY 13th march 2020
Dear members & patrons,
We understand that with so much information relating to the coronavirus (COVID-19) going around in the media, you may have concerns about how the situation is being managed at Lane Cove Aquatic Leisure Centre, as a large public facility.
Please understand that the safety, health and well-being of our customers and staff is always our top priority. Our centre continues to be a public facility and workplace that remains safe to attend.
At this point we will be remaining open during our regular hours and classes will not be impacted.
We want you to feel confident when you’re using our facilities. We have and will continue to put in place a number of proactive measures to protect customers and staff well-being:
- Hand sanitiser available throughout the facility.
- Thorough cleaning and sanitisation practices throughout the centre
- Multilingual signage relating to personal hygiene in key areas.
If you are returning from any of the affected countries, you should follow the advice of the Australian Government’s Department of Health as set out on their website.
Regular updates will be placed on this website.
Latest Update: No staff or customers have been identified as having the virus. The facility remains safe to attend.
Chlorinated water has a long documented history of preventing the spread of viruses, however it is important to maintain good personal hygiene at all times. This includes:
- Showering before using the facilities
- Washing hands after using changing facilities.
Health Club:
We believe that regular exercise is important to maintain a healthy life and support proper immune function. It is therefore important to provide you with a safe and clean training environment.
In addition adopting a thorough cleaning and sanitising regime within the facility, we also encourage you to:
- Thoroughly wipe down all gym equipment after use.
- Always use a towel while training.
- Practice good hygiene and wash hands frequently.
- Make use of the available wipes and hand sanitiser.
Outside The Pool:
It’s important that we all practice safe hygiene practices during this time. This includes:
- Cleaning your hands with soap and water for 20 seconds, or an alcohol-based hand rub.
- Covering your nose and mouth when coughing and sneezing with tissue or a flexed elbow
- Avoid close contact with anyone with cold or flu-like symptoms.
- Practice cough etiquette (keep away from other people, cover coughs and sneezes with disposable tissues or clothing, and clean your hands.)
Respect Those Around You:
We believe our staff and the communities we service are our family and we hope that everyone continues to behave and treat each other with the respect and dignity they deserve.
What Next?
We are monitoring the situation closely, and should it be necessary to provide members with further communication, we will contact you via email, and if necessary via SMS. We also encourage casual users to visit our website regularly.
A detailed FAQ is available below. If you have any further questions please contact us via email at info@bluefit.com.au.
We have and will continue to put in place a number of proactive measures to protect customers and staff well-being:
- Hand sanitiser available throughout the facility.
- Thorough cleaning and sanitisation practices throughout the centre.
- Multilingual signage relating to personal hygiene in key areas.
Staff have also been briefed on updated hygiene practices to minimise the risk to themselves and customers.
In the event of a confirmed case within the facility we will be guided by the Department of Health on our next steps. Please click here for regular updates.
If you come in contact with someone who has recently returned from one of the countries identified and you suspect they may have coronavirus we ask that you do not attend the facility for 14 days.
Yes. Chlorinated water has a long documented history of preventing the spread of viruses, however it is important to maintain good personal hygiene at all times. This includes:
- Showering before using the facilities.
- Washing hands after using changing facilities.
WEDNESDAY 12th January 2022
Creche Closure
We take the health and safety of our community very seriously. Unfortunately, a number of our team members are testing and isolating due to the current COVID-19 outbreak. As a result, we will be unable to operate the creche this coming week.
Please keep an eye on our Facebook page for any updates. We apologise for any inconvenience and thank you for your kind patience. We anticipate reopening the creche on Monday 17 January 2022.
New restrictions
Due to State Government restrictions, face masks are now mandatory indoors for those 12 years old and older from 11:59pm Thursday 23rd December.
The only time you don’t have to wear one is during swimming and strenuous exercise. We thank you for your understanding.
Restrictions Easing
From tomorrow, restrictions will ease for our members and guests in NSW.
1. Masks are no longer required.
2. Evidence of vaccination is no longer required.
3. Facility and class capacity restrictions no longer apply.
We look forward to seeing you in the Centre soon!
We are thrilled to announce that after reaching the NSW 70% double vaccination target we are able to reopen our pool and gym facilities this Monday, 11 October!
There is a lot of detailed advice and things to be aware of before Monday, so we’ve put all the details about our reopening below. As we’ve learned, Government advice can change quickly, so visit this page often to make sure you always have the latest advice.
Here is what you need to know so far:
- We are safe
We have been hard at work updating our COVID safe plans and making sure your facility is sparkling clean and ready for your return. - We are vaccinated
Every team member you meet will have been double jabbed. - Our gym is opening
We’re operating as per our usual opening hours, with a maximum capacity of 1 person per 4 square metres. Gym floor bookings are not required. - Our group fitness and aqua classes are back
There will be a few less classes initially but this will ramp up as our team is cleared to return to work. Please note there will be a maximum of 20 participants per area or 1 person per 4m2, whichever is less. We expect demand to be high for places, so as a courtesy to fellow members please remember to cancel out of classes if you cannot attend. Bookings will be available in the BlueFit Health Club app from 5pm on Friday, 08 October. Our 1 hour reformer classes will return from 30 October. The first direct debit will be on 06 November. - Our outdoor pools are open
You can visit our outdoor pools for exercise and recreation. Please be aware there may be restricted opening hours due to staff shortages. - Our indoor pools are opening
From Monday our indoor pools will be open for lap swimming and Aqua classes. Please be aware that it takes some time to heat up a swimming pool. The heaters have been firing since the announcement, but it may still feel a little fresh on Monday. - Spa / Sauna / Steam facilities are closed
For now, these facilities will remain closed until we receive further Government advice. - Swimming Lessons are coming soon
Swimming Lessons will resume from next Saturday 16 October. The first swim school direct debit will not be until Friday 22 October. If you need to cancel out of swimming lessons please do so here no later than midnight, 18 October. If we are unable to run your child’s lesson due to staff availability we will reach out to you separately. - Creche
Our Creche remains closed. We anticipate reopening the creche on 25 October. - You will need to be fully vaccinated to enter the centre
This is important. Everyone aged 16 years and over must have had both shots of your COVID-19 vaccine to enter our facilities. Please show proof at entry. This includes both using the facility and accompanying children to swimming lessons. - Memberships will be active
Membership will be reactivated for free from Monday, 11 October.
We’re not going to recommence membership payments right away. We want you to come back and make sure you feel safe. We also want to give you some time to be ready to return. Your first direct debit will be on Friday, 22 October. - You can suspend your membership
If you’re not fully vaccinated or you don’t feel ready to return you can access a one-time free suspension from now until 01 December 2021. Your membership will then be reactivated on the 1st of December. To take up this suspension please click here no later than midnight, 18 October.
If you wish to suspend beyond the 1st of December you will need to request a new suspension and it will be subject to our normal suspension terms and conditions. - You can cancel out of Swimming Lessons
If you’re not fully vaccinated and you have a child enrolled in swimming lessons you will need to make arrangements for a fully vaccinated adult to accompany them to their lessons. Alternatively, you can cancel out of classes or make use of make-ups when rules change again in December. Unfortunately, we cannot hold places and therefore we will not be able to guarantee your child a spot in the program when you become vaccinated or when restrictions ease.
If you need to cancel out of swimming lessons please do so here no later than midnight, 18 October. - Checking In – ALL
It is a requirement to check in on the NSW QR Code. Please show your Green Tick to staff at entry. - Mask Wearing
All members and guests over the age of 13 will be required to wear a mask while in the Centre unless you are swimming or are doing strenuous exercise. - Good Hygiene
Social distancing and hygiene measures must be adhered to when visiting the Centre. Remember to always use a towel and wipe down equipment before and after use. - Stay home if you are unwell
If you are unwell; or if you are not permitted to attend under the current health orders, please do not attend. - Follow Team Member Advice
All members and guests are required to follow the direction of our staff or any law enforcement officer. - Be Kind
This is a challenging time for all our customers and staff. We kindly request that you are patient with team members and fellow facility users alike as we all adjust to this new normal.
We appreciate that this is a lot to cover. We will update this page with any additional advice as soon as it becomes available. If you have any queries or concerns please contact us at lanecove@bluefit.com.au
NSW Government Announcement
We’re excited about the NSW Government’s roadmap updates today relating to indoor pools. We’re currently assessing the information to see what the restrictions mean for specific programs and services.
Please keep an eye on our socials and website for further updates about the reopening of gyms, pools and the return of swimming lessons. Members and families will receive communications very shortly.
The safety of our members, community and staff is paramount. We are updating our COVID safe plans and controls to adhere to the restrictions imposed by the government.
Further information to come! Thanks for your continued patience – we can’t wait to welcome you back!
We’re very excited to be welcoming you back into our outdoor pools with the NSW Government announcing we can soon reopen for exercise and recreation.
Our outdoor pool is set to open this Monday the 27th of September!
The pool opening hours will be;
Mon -Fri 6am-8pm
Sat & Sun 6am – 5pm
Your health and safety is our top priority, and we have everything in place to ensure our pools are Covid Safe. There are restrictions in place and we request that you comply with all Government guidelines and team member directions. Currently, the rules are:
- If you are fully vaccinated;
You can attend with up to 5 people for exercise or outdoor recreation so long as all those at the gathering aged 16 years or over are fully vaccinated. You will need to be able to show evidence of vaccination if requested by Police. The 5 person limit on these gatherings does not include children aged 12 or under. - If you are not fully vaccinated;
You can attend with 1 other person that you do not live with. If you live with more than 2 other people, you can all exercise and engage in outdoor recreation together. - It is a requirement to check in on the NSW QR Code. Please show your Green Tick to staff at entry.
Memberships will not be reactivated until restrictions ease further. Fitness Passport has also confirmed that their memberships will not be reactivated at this time. If you wish to attend you can use a visit pass or purchase a casual entry. Bookings will not be required.
Remember, you can always find the latest health advice here.
Thanks for your patience and we can’t wait to see you for a splash from Monday!
The time has finally come around, outdoor pools are allowed to reopen in NSW!
We are scheduling to open our outdoor 50m pool from Monday 27th September. We are working hard behind the scenes to further understand the restrictions and logistics and we will reach out to you when we have more information. However, you can view the opening hours below.
Monday to Friday: 6:00am to 8:00pm
Saturday – Sunday: 6:00am to 5:00pm.
The NSW Roadmap has outlined that further restrictions will ease once the state reaches 70% of the double dose. Gyms and swimming pool facilities can open the following Monday to those that are fully vaccinated! This is currently scheduled to occur on October 11th. Again, when we have more information we will reach out to you.
We look forward to seeing you soon!
As per this week’s announcement, we will remain closed due to the NSW Government stay at home orders being extended.
We miss you, and we can’t wait to invite you back into the Centre, but we know these orders are in place to keep our community safe.
We anticipate reopening at the end of September. In the meantime, we have linked a few great ways to keep you and your family active while at home, we hope you enjoy it! You can view more of these workouts, lessons, activities and more on our BFit @ Home website here.
If you have further questions you can contact us at lanecove@bluefit.com.au.
As per this week’s announcement, we will remain closed due to the NSW Government stay at home orders being extended.
We miss you, and we can’t wait to invite you back into the Centre, but we know these orders are in place to keep our community safe.
We anticipate reopening on Saturday 28th August 2021. In the meantime, we have linked a few great ways to keep you and your family active while at home, we hope you enjoy it! You can view more of these workouts, lessons, activities and more on our BFit @ Home website here.
If you have further questions you can contact us at lanecove@bluefit.com.au.
Sydney Lockdown Extended
As per today’s announcement, we will remain closed due to the NSW Government stay at home orders being extended.
We anticipate reopening on Saturday, 31st July 2021.
Sydney Lockdown Extended for Another Week
As per today’s announcement, we will remain closed due to the NSW Government stay at home orders being extended.
We miss you, and we can’t wait to invite you back into the Centre, but we know these orders are in place to keep our community safe.
We anticipate reopening on Saturday 17 July 2021.
Just a reminder to everyone that all memberships, swimming lessons and kids sports lessons have been put on complimentary suspension and will remain on hold without charge until such time as we can reopen.
Payments made in advance of the closure are being held for you and will be credited in the next payment period after reopening. No action is required by you, and all enrolments made before the lockdown remain secure.
Don’t forget that during the closure, you can still enjoy your favourite group fitness class and access plenty of fun activities for the kids to do via our online platform BFit@home. Click here to access our virtual health & fitness site.
As always we will closely monitor the situation and provide further updates if required. In the meantime, should you have any specific questions relating to the closure, please email us at lanecove@bluefit.com.au
Stay safe, and we look forward to seeing you back in the Centre soon!
The Lane Cove Aquatic Team
In line with the directions issued by the NSW State Government, we will be closed from 6pm on Saturday, 26 June, with a view to re-opening on Saturday morning, 10th July 2021.
During the closure, we will be unable to operate our Learn to Swim program. For those customers with lessons scheduled during the week, we’ve placed a credit on your account. No action is required on your behalf.
Learn to Swim lesson days and times in the program will remain secure for the reopening of the facility.
All applicable memberships will automatically be suspended for the duration of the lockdown and a credit will be placed on your account for these days if required. Once again, no further action is required. As customer accounts were debited before the announcement these credits will take effect in the next debiting period.
Any Group Fitness class bookings will not proceed, you may notice that you are removed from those classes during the closure period.
During the closure, you can still enjoy your favourite group fitness class and access plenty of fun activities for the kids to do via our online platform BFit@home. Click here to access our virtual health & fitness site.
We appreciate this is an emerging situation and will provide further updates if required. In the meantime, should you have any specific questions relating to the closure, please email us at lanecove@bluefit.com.au
Stay safe,
Your Lane Cove Aquatic Team
We wanted to provide you with an update following today’s announcement. The following changes will be in place from 4PM today, Wednesday 23 June 2021.
New Restrictions are below:
- All rooms are at a capacity of 1 person per 4 square meters.
- Class sizes have been reduced to a max of 40 people or 20 people on either side of a line down the middle of the group fitness room or pool.
- We encourage all staff, members and guests to comply with the advice from NSW Health and wear a mask at all times when in the centre. We however do not enforce the wearing of a mask where doing so jeopardises the individual’s health or safety.
- Staff and children in the aquatic environment will not need to wear a mask.
Please note: There may be changes to the regular group fitness timetable over this time and we may not be able to accommodate some existing class bookings.
Important things that you need to be aware of:
- It is a condition of entry that casual visitors check in using our check-in system.
- You still need to use your BlueFit member card to enter the facility and check-in at reception.
- Remember to always use a towel and wipe down equipment before and after use.
Thank you for your continued support. We look forward to seeing you again!
FRIDAY 29th January 2021
Start looking for your swimmers and towels because after 2 years of renovation the 50m outdoor pool is coming to completion and we are ready to celebrate it’s re-opening! Book with the button below to be the first one to dive in!
Lane Cove Council will be throwing a morning ceremony on Saturday, October 3rd from 10am – 12pm with a visit from our special guest, Ian Thorpe! Due to COVID restrictions, this ceremony is by invitation only, however you can then dive into the new outdoor pool from 12:30pm onwards using our booking system below.
To avoid over-crowding we will have a booking system in place for the first three days. From Saturday 3rd October – Monday, 5th October we will allow for 30 people per hour in the pool. To lock in your spot you can click here.
The weekend opening hours are the following:
Saturday: 12:30pm – 8pm
Sunday: 6am – 8pm
Monday: 8am – 6pm (Public Holiday)
The eight-lane, 50-metre pool provides a flexible setup with a state-of-the-art divider allowing the pool to operate in both 25 metre and 50-metre lengths. New change rooms are located underneath the impressive new grandstand along with on-deck showers. A new marshalling area complete with a hearing loop will help provide access to high-quality facilities for competitions and carnivals, with an 800 seat grandstand for those to sit and enjoy the action in the pool.
The pool and grandstand are fitted with the latest sustainability features including energy-efficient lighting, water and energy-saving filters, heaters and pumps while an array of solar panels are fitted to the grandstand and marshalling area roof.
An adult change facility and accessible toilet are located at the pool-deck level and there is a ramp into the pool for wheelchair access. A new artwork adorning the fence reflects the themes of water and movement and acknowledges how the traditional owners of the land – the Cameraygal people – engaged with Lane Cove’s waterways.
So save the date, as you won’t want to miss making a splash this spring in Lane Cove Aquatic Leisure Centre’s latest addition.
There will be a $3 booking fee (members and non-members), donated to the BlueFit Foundation and directed to access for sport for Lane Cove local community groups.
The Leisure Pool Re-Opens September 26th!
We are excited to share that our leisure pool will re-open as of Saturday 26th September!
Our aquatic opening hours will be the following:
MON – FRI: 5:30AM – 8PM
SAT – SUN: 6AM – 3PM
50m Outdoor Pool Update: August 2020 – Re-Opening in Spring!
See below for the latest news from Lane Cove Council.
‘Dive into the new outdoor pool this October! The new outdoor pool and 800 seat grandstand will officially open on the October long weekend.’
The eight-lane, 50-metre pool provides a flexible setup with a state-of-the-art divider allowing the pool to operate in both 25 metre and 50-metre lengths. New change rooms are located underneath the impressive new grandstand along with on-deck showers. A new marshalling area complete with a hearing loop will help provide access to high-quality facilities for competitions and carnivals.
The pool and grandstand are fitted with the latest sustainability features including energy-efficient lighting, water and energy-saving filters, heaters and pumps while an array of solar panels are fitted to the grandstand and marshalling area roof.
An adult change facility and accessible toilet are located at the pool-deck level and there is a ramp into the pool for wheelchair access. A new artwork adorning the fence reflects the themes of water and movement and acknowledges how the traditional owners of the land – the Cameraygal people – engaged with Lane Cove’s waterways.’
So save the date, as you won’t want to miss making a splash this Spring in Lane Cove Aquatic Leisure Centre’s latest addition.
tuesday 7th July 2020
Aquatics To Re-Open:
We are excited to finally announce the official re-opening of the pools at Lane Cove Aquatic Leisure Centre on Monday 20th July. To ensure we comply with government restrictions, the following measures will be in place:
- Aqua Classes will also be available from Saturday 1st August. Bookings for Aqua classes must be made through the BlueFit Health Club App.
- The spa, sauna/steam room, and leisure pool will remain closed.
- Change rooms open with limited numbers. Encouraged to shower at home or use on deck showers.
- Lap Swimming in the 25m Pool will re-open. No bookings required.
Cafe will open but with restricted times. - Squads will return on Monday 20th July.
- Swim School will return on Monday 27th July. Further information about swimming lessons will be sent to our learn to swim customers.
- Change room facilities will re-open.
- Strict social distancing & hygiene measures must be adhered to.
- During this period we are operating with amended opening hours. See below our current hours of operation.
Monday-Friday: 5:30am-12:00pm & 3:00pm-8:00pm
Saturday & Sunday: 6:00am-3:00pm
If your membership is on suspension and you would like to return early, your membership will be reactivated once you scan your card.
We believe leisure facilities play an important role in the health and wellbeing of the community. We look forward to seeing you again soon!
Learn To Swim Resumes 27th July:
We hope you have been keeping well and have found our online swim resources via BFit@Home useful in keeping up to date with your skills. We are excited to now announce that Lane Cove Aquatic Centre is now open and Learn to Swim lessons will recommence on Monday 27th July.
As a critical part of our re-commencement, we have implemented measures to ensure the safety and health of both our students and instructors are at the forefront of your return. Minor changes may have been made to the lesson programming, as we continue to deliver safe and high-quality lessons.
For existing families with a booking when we closed in March, we have held your same spot without charge for the break. All lessons will now re-commence Monday 27 July, with the first debit on Friday 31st July for the 2 week period following. Any credits owing have been applied to those customers affected by the early closure of the facility.
If you are not ready to return just yet, please click here to complete your cancellation request. Please note, If we do not hear from you, we will assume you are returning in July when we re-commence.
For more information about our COVID safe policies please click the link below. We look forward to teaching you again!
Aquatics Opening Hours:
- Monday-Friday: 5:30am-12:00pm & 3:00pm-8:00pm
- Saturday & Sunday: 6:00am-3:00pm
All lessons will now re-commence Monday 27 July, with the first debit on Friday 31st July for the 2 week period following. Any credits owing have been applied to those customers affected by the early closure of the facility.
We have updated our makeup policy to allow 12 makeups per calendar year, simply login to the parent portal to mark your absence.
If you aren’t ready to resume your lessons just yet that’s ok too, simply cancel your enrolment through the parent portal.
The centre for disease control confirmed Chlorine is effective against a broad range of viruses and there is no evidence that COVID-19 can be spread to through the use of pools.
We pride ourselves on our water quality and continue to perform regular pool checks throughout the day.
We recommend only 1 parent per child for spectating. During this period we ask that where possible, only students and one guardian attend the facility.
There will be limited access to the change rooms, even for Learn To Swim students.
Please come dressed for your lesson. Ensure you have warm clothes for when you exit the pool. We recommend a robe, hoodie, trackies, warm slippers or ugg boots and a beanie.
BlueFit Swimming students have free access to the pools every day during the week. This amazing benefit will continue but in line with government restrictions.
We have made slight modifications to our teaching techniques to protect our students and teachers. This includes using a doll when demonstrating activities and skills during infants classes.
- Reduced equipment within infant & preschool lessons to increase student safety.
- Only performing manual manipulation in the water when it is safe for both students and teachers
- Ensuring teachers instruct from the side or behind the student to reduce face to face contact.
- Replacing hi 5’s with the Bluey Bump at the conclusion of the lesson.
- To reduce equipment sharing we now have BlueFit Swimming Kickboards, Swim Caps and goggles available for purchase on the BlueFit Swimming website and in the facility.
For the full details on the changes to our lessons click here.
thursday 11th June 2020
We are excited to finally announce the re-opening of the Health Club at Lane Cove Aquatic Leisure Centre.
All members will have access to the gym from Saturday 13th June. Inline with state government restrictions the following health and hygiene measures in place:
- Group fitness classes will be reduced to 20 people only (this has now changed from 10 due to recent updates).
- The timetable will be released this Friday with classes resuming Monday 15th June.
- All group fitness bookings must be made through the BlueFit Health Club app up to 7 days in advance which you can download by clicking the link below
- You must train with a towel and wipe down equipment after use
- Changing room facilities and water fountains will be closed
- Strict social distancing & hygiene measures must be adhered to
- The creche will remain closed
- For more information about the measures now in place please see below to view our re-open video.
- The direct debits for perpetual members will recommence on Friday 19th June. For upfront members, we have extended your membership expiry date to account for the days the facility was closed
The facility will be available for Health Club members only for the time being. If you’re not ready to come back to the gym just yet, the Bfit@Home platform remains available to you at no costs and includes live classes & at-home workouts. For those who would like to continue their complimentary suspension please click here.
The pools remain closed, however we will provide an update on this as information becomes available. If you’re a health club member not wanting to return because the pools are not yet open, please complete the suspension extension process above
Leisure facilities play an important role in the health and wellbeing of the community and we’re excited to have them re-opening.
See you soon!
Our operating hours will resume to normal excluding weekends. See below:
MON – THURS: 5:30AM – 10PM
FRI: 5:30AM – 9PM
SAT – SUN: 6AM – 3PM
Following recent announcements made by the state government, the health club will now re-open Saturday 13th June but with strict health and hygiene measures in place.
- You must train with a towel and wipe down equipment after use.
- Group fitness classes will now ensure a 4m² distance is practiced.
- Strict social distancing & hygiene measures must be adhered to.
- We have increased our cleaning routine with our team of Hygiene Heroes rostered to ensure our facility’s hygiene remains at a high standard.
- Throughout the centre, you will see signage and instructions on how you, members, guests and staff can maintain a COVID safe facility.
- All staff are requested to complete the Department of Health COVID-safe training.
- The facility is professional cleaned every night.
All members will have access to the gym from Saturday 13th June and the debit will recommence on Friday 19th June. For upfront members, we have changed your membership expiry date to account for the days the facility was closed.
If you’re not ready to come back to the gym just yet, the Bfit@Home platform remains available to you and includes live classes & at-home workouts. For those who would like to continue their suspension please click here to complete your complimentary suspension form.
For the time being the facility is only accessible to members if you’re interested in joining call us on 02 9418 8888, or you can sign-up online here.
- Group Fitness Classes resume at restricted class sizes.
- The gym as of Saturday 13th June
- Toilets
- Limited access to change rooms.
- Indoor and outdoor Swimming pools
- Spa / Sauna
- Swimming lessons
- Creche
The pool remains closed for the time being but we will provide an update on this as we progress. The utility and environmental costs associated with heating such a large body of water can not be justified for such a limited number of users. As restrictions ease we will look to reopen in the next stage of changes.
Unfortunately as the pool remains closed our swimming lessons won’t begin but we will provide an update on this as we progress.
We will have a new Group Fitness timetable with some of your dearly missed classes returning as of 15th June. We will update you with our timetable on Friday 12th June.
Group Fitness Classes:
You can book yourself into the class on the day or through the app, however the app allows you to book 7 days in advance, so we recommend using this platform.
The gym:
You can once again enjoy individual gym training without having to book into a gym floor session and there is no time limit on your workout!
For upfront members, we have changed your membership expiry date to account for the days the facility was closed.
For those who would like to continue their suspension please click here to complete your complimentary suspension form.
Our creche service remains closed for the time being but we will provide an update on this as we progress.
The BlueFit Health Club App will not only help keep you up to date with the latest news around centre, but also allow you to book, cancel and monitor your future bookings. If you have not logged in before you will receive an email from the centre to join Mywellness. Once your login has been activated through Mywellness you can begin following our step by step instructions below or watch our demonstration video above to begin.
- Download the app.
- Login using your credentials.
- Scroll down to find the timetable tile.
- Select ‘See all’ to view the daily schedule.
- You can click on the class image to find out more about the session.
- Click ‘Book’ beside your desired class to book straight in.
- To cancel your booking, click “delete booking”.
- Once you have booked into your class you will be be sent a reminder prior to the class so ensure to have your push notifications turned on.
- If you have any issues including not having received your email from mywellness as a new member please contact App Support.
thursday 4th June 2020
To members and patrons,
We are closely monitoring the new state restrictions and how that impacts our centre. We will send an update soon. Thank you for your patience, until then, stay safe!
tuesday 19th may 2020
Due to the new easing of restrictions by the state Government, we are excited to offer our outdoor Boot Camp sessions!
Join our $39, 4-week outdoor training program starting next Tuesday 26th May. Each session will adhere to strict health and safety measures in line with State Government guidelines.
Sunday 22nd march 2020
Facility Closure
As of 12pm Monday 23rd March, Lane Cove Aquatic Leisure Centre will close until further notice. All class payments and memberships will be put on hold and visit passes will be extended by 12 months. We’d like to thank the amazing team that bring you the services you love, this will be a difficult time for them and their families. We look forward to seeing you all again when we reopen
friday 20th march 2020
Aqua Classes Saturday and Sunday
Dear members and guests,
Due to restrictions on indoor gatherings, aqua on Saturday and Sunday have been cancelled until further notice. We will be in touch with an updated timetable.
We apologise for the inconvenience caused.
Spa, Sauna and Steam Room Closures
Our spa, sauna and steam rooms will be closed from close of business tonight 20/03/2020.
We are unable to enforce social distancing in these areas and apologise for any inconveniences caused.
Our swimming pools are still safe, functional and available for use.
WEDNESDAY 18th march 2020
Extension of Visit Pass Expiry:
Dear Patrons,
During these unprecedented times involving coronavirus (COVID-19), we understand that many of you may be choosing to self-isolate and therefore unable to attend the facility.
To help make this time easier for you and ensure your visits don’t go to waste, we have made the decision to extend the visit pass expiry on current passes by one year.
All extensions will automatically be applied to your account.
We look forward to seeing you at the facility soon!
Stay Safe.
TUESDAY 17th march 2020
- Shower before using the pools
- Practice cough etiquette (keep away from other people, cover coughs and sneezes with disposable tissues or clothing, and clean your hands.)
- Avoid close contact with anyone with cold or flu-like symptoms.
- Not attending the facility if you have flu-like symptoms
- Our facilities will remain open for the foreseeable future and we want to ensure our lessons remain a fun and safe environment for our staff and students.
It is important to note that these changes are temporary as the situation seems to be changing daily.
BlueFit Swimming has safety as it’s first priority and the employment of our thousands of staff close behind. We ask that families chose to process these additional make-up lessons rather than cancel their lessons. Swimming remains an essential skill and the risks remain low.
Parent Portal Login Details
Username: *|EMAIL|*
Temporary Password: 1234
(If you have logged in to the portal previously the password will be whatever you changed it to)
If you have any issues logging in to the portal please go to “forgot password” and try to reset it. If this does not work please email support@bluefit.com.au
FRIDAY 13th march 2020
Dear members & patrons,
We understand that with so much information relating to the coronavirus (COVID-19) going around in the media, you may have concerns about how the situation is being managed at Lane Cove Aquatic Leisure Centre, as a large public facility.
Please understand that the safety, health and well-being of our customers and staff is always our top priority. Our centre continues to be a public facility and workplace that remains safe to attend.
At this point we will be remaining open during our regular hours and classes will not be impacted.
We want you to feel confident when you’re using our facilities. We have and will continue to put in place a number of proactive measures to protect customers and staff well-being:
- Hand sanitiser available throughout the facility.
- Thorough cleaning and sanitisation practices throughout the centre
- Multilingual signage relating to personal hygiene in key areas.
If you are returning from any of the affected countries, you should follow the advice of the Australian Government’s Department of Health as set out on their website.
Regular updates will be placed on this website.
Latest Update: No staff or customers have been identified as having the virus. The facility remains safe to attend.
Chlorinated water has a long documented history of preventing the spread of viruses, however it is important to maintain good personal hygiene at all times. This includes:
- Showering before using the facilities
- Washing hands after using changing facilities.
Health Club:
We believe that regular exercise is important to maintain a healthy life and support proper immune function. It is therefore important to provide you with a safe and clean training environment.
In addition adopting a thorough cleaning and sanitising regime within the facility, we also encourage you to:
- Thoroughly wipe down all gym equipment after use.
- Always use a towel while training.
- Practice good hygiene and wash hands frequently.
- Make use of the available wipes and hand sanitiser.
Outside The Pool:
It’s important that we all practice safe hygiene practices during this time. This includes:
- Cleaning your hands with soap and water for 20 seconds, or an alcohol-based hand rub.
- Covering your nose and mouth when coughing and sneezing with tissue or a flexed elbow
- Avoid close contact with anyone with cold or flu-like symptoms.
- Practice cough etiquette (keep away from other people, cover coughs and sneezes with disposable tissues or clothing, and clean your hands.)
Respect Those Around You:
We believe our staff and the communities we service are our family and we hope that everyone continues to behave and treat each other with the respect and dignity they deserve.
What Next?
We are monitoring the situation closely, and should it be necessary to provide members with further communication, we will contact you via email, and if necessary via SMS. We also encourage casual users to visit our website regularly.
A detailed FAQ is available below. If you have any further questions please contact us via email at info@bluefit.com.au.
We have and will continue to put in place a number of proactive measures to protect customers and staff well-being:
- Hand sanitiser available throughout the facility.
- Thorough cleaning and sanitisation practices throughout the centre.
- Multilingual signage relating to personal hygiene in key areas.
Staff have also been briefed on updated hygiene practices to minimise the risk to themselves and customers.
In the event of a confirmed case within the facility we will be guided by the Department of Health on our next steps. Please click here for regular updates.
If you come in contact with someone who has recently returned from one of the countries identified and you suspect they may have coronavirus we ask that you do not attend the facility for 14 days.
Yes. Chlorinated water has a long documented history of preventing the spread of viruses, however it is important to maintain good personal hygiene at all times. This includes:
- Showering before using the facilities.
- Washing hands after using changing facilities.
WEDNESDAY 12th January 2022
Creche Closure
We take the health and safety of our community very seriously. Unfortunately, a number of our team members are testing and isolating due to the current COVID-19 outbreak. As a result, we will be unable to operate the creche this coming week.
Please keep an eye on our Facebook page for any updates. We apologise for any inconvenience and thank you for your kind patience. We anticipate reopening the creche on Monday 17 January 2022.
New restrictions
Due to State Government restrictions, face masks are now mandatory indoors for those 12 years old and older from 11:59pm Thursday 23rd December.
The only time you don’t have to wear one is during swimming and strenuous exercise. We thank you for your understanding.
Restrictions Easing
From tomorrow, restrictions will ease for our members and guests in NSW.
1. Masks are no longer required.
2. Evidence of vaccination is no longer required.
3. Facility and class capacity restrictions no longer apply.
We look forward to seeing you in the Centre soon!
We are thrilled to announce that after reaching the NSW 70% double vaccination target we are able to reopen our pool and gym facilities this Monday, 11 October!
There is a lot of detailed advice and things to be aware of before Monday, so we’ve put all the details about our reopening below. As we’ve learned, Government advice can change quickly, so visit this page often to make sure you always have the latest advice.
Here is what you need to know so far:
- We are safe
We have been hard at work updating our COVID safe plans and making sure your facility is sparkling clean and ready for your return. - We are vaccinated
Every team member you meet will have been double jabbed. - Our gym is opening
We’re operating as per our usual opening hours, with a maximum capacity of 1 person per 4 square metres. Gym floor bookings are not required. - Our group fitness and aqua classes are back
There will be a few less classes initially but this will ramp up as our team is cleared to return to work. Please note there will be a maximum of 20 participants per area or 1 person per 4m2, whichever is less. We expect demand to be high for places, so as a courtesy to fellow members please remember to cancel out of classes if you cannot attend. Bookings will be available in the BlueFit Health Club app from 5pm on Friday, 08 October. Our 1 hour reformer classes will return from 30 October. The first direct debit will be on 06 November. - Our outdoor pools are open
You can visit our outdoor pools for exercise and recreation. Please be aware there may be restricted opening hours due to staff shortages. - Our indoor pools are opening
From Monday our indoor pools will be open for lap swimming and Aqua classes. Please be aware that it takes some time to heat up a swimming pool. The heaters have been firing since the announcement, but it may still feel a little fresh on Monday. - Spa / Sauna / Steam facilities are closed
For now, these facilities will remain closed until we receive further Government advice. - Swimming Lessons are coming soon
Swimming Lessons will resume from next Saturday 16 October. The first swim school direct debit will not be until Friday 22 October. If you need to cancel out of swimming lessons please do so here no later than midnight, 18 October. If we are unable to run your child’s lesson due to staff availability we will reach out to you separately. - Creche
Our Creche remains closed. We anticipate reopening the creche on 25 October. - You will need to be fully vaccinated to enter the centre
This is important. Everyone aged 16 years and over must have had both shots of your COVID-19 vaccine to enter our facilities. Please show proof at entry. This includes both using the facility and accompanying children to swimming lessons. - Memberships will be active
Membership will be reactivated for free from Monday, 11 October.
We’re not going to recommence membership payments right away. We want you to come back and make sure you feel safe. We also want to give you some time to be ready to return. Your first direct debit will be on Friday, 22 October. - You can suspend your membership
If you’re not fully vaccinated or you don’t feel ready to return you can access a one-time free suspension from now until 01 December 2021. Your membership will then be reactivated on the 1st of December. To take up this suspension please click here no later than midnight, 18 October.
If you wish to suspend beyond the 1st of December you will need to request a new suspension and it will be subject to our normal suspension terms and conditions. - You can cancel out of Swimming Lessons
If you’re not fully vaccinated and you have a child enrolled in swimming lessons you will need to make arrangements for a fully vaccinated adult to accompany them to their lessons. Alternatively, you can cancel out of classes or make use of make-ups when rules change again in December. Unfortunately, we cannot hold places and therefore we will not be able to guarantee your child a spot in the program when you become vaccinated or when restrictions ease.
If you need to cancel out of swimming lessons please do so here no later than midnight, 18 October. - Checking In – ALL
It is a requirement to check in on the NSW QR Code. Please show your Green Tick to staff at entry. - Mask Wearing
All members and guests over the age of 13 will be required to wear a mask while in the Centre unless you are swimming or are doing strenuous exercise. - Good Hygiene
Social distancing and hygiene measures must be adhered to when visiting the Centre. Remember to always use a towel and wipe down equipment before and after use. - Stay home if you are unwell
If you are unwell; or if you are not permitted to attend under the current health orders, please do not attend. - Follow Team Member Advice
All members and guests are required to follow the direction of our staff or any law enforcement officer. - Be Kind
This is a challenging time for all our customers and staff. We kindly request that you are patient with team members and fellow facility users alike as we all adjust to this new normal.
We appreciate that this is a lot to cover. We will update this page with any additional advice as soon as it becomes available. If you have any queries or concerns please contact us at lanecove@bluefit.com.au
NSW Government Announcement
We’re excited about the NSW Government’s roadmap updates today relating to indoor pools. We’re currently assessing the information to see what the restrictions mean for specific programs and services.
Please keep an eye on our socials and website for further updates about the reopening of gyms, pools and the return of swimming lessons. Members and families will receive communications very shortly.
The safety of our members, community and staff is paramount. We are updating our COVID safe plans and controls to adhere to the restrictions imposed by the government.
Further information to come! Thanks for your continued patience – we can’t wait to welcome you back!
We’re very excited to be welcoming you back into our outdoor pools with the NSW Government announcing we can soon reopen for exercise and recreation.
Our outdoor pool is set to open this Monday the 27th of September!
The pool opening hours will be;
Mon -Fri 6am-8pm
Sat & Sun 6am – 5pm
Your health and safety is our top priority, and we have everything in place to ensure our pools are Covid Safe. There are restrictions in place and we request that you comply with all Government guidelines and team member directions. Currently, the rules are:
- If you are fully vaccinated;
You can attend with up to 5 people for exercise or outdoor recreation so long as all those at the gathering aged 16 years or over are fully vaccinated. You will need to be able to show evidence of vaccination if requested by Police. The 5 person limit on these gatherings does not include children aged 12 or under. - If you are not fully vaccinated;
You can attend with 1 other person that you do not live with. If you live with more than 2 other people, you can all exercise and engage in outdoor recreation together. - It is a requirement to check in on the NSW QR Code. Please show your Green Tick to staff at entry.
Memberships will not be reactivated until restrictions ease further. Fitness Passport has also confirmed that their memberships will not be reactivated at this time. If you wish to attend you can use a visit pass or purchase a casual entry. Bookings will not be required.
Remember, you can always find the latest health advice here.
Thanks for your patience and we can’t wait to see you for a splash from Monday!
The time has finally come around, outdoor pools are allowed to reopen in NSW!
We are scheduling to open our outdoor 50m pool from Monday 27th September. We are working hard behind the scenes to further understand the restrictions and logistics and we will reach out to you when we have more information. However, you can view the opening hours below.
Monday to Friday: 6:00am to 8:00pm
Saturday – Sunday: 6:00am to 5:00pm.
The NSW Roadmap has outlined that further restrictions will ease once the state reaches 70% of the double dose. Gyms and swimming pool facilities can open the following Monday to those that are fully vaccinated! This is currently scheduled to occur on October 11th. Again, when we have more information we will reach out to you.
We look forward to seeing you soon!
As per this week’s announcement, we will remain closed due to the NSW Government stay at home orders being extended.
We miss you, and we can’t wait to invite you back into the Centre, but we know these orders are in place to keep our community safe.
We anticipate reopening at the end of September. In the meantime, we have linked a few great ways to keep you and your family active while at home, we hope you enjoy it! You can view more of these workouts, lessons, activities and more on our BFit @ Home website here.
If you have further questions you can contact us at lanecove@bluefit.com.au.
As per this week’s announcement, we will remain closed due to the NSW Government stay at home orders being extended.
We miss you, and we can’t wait to invite you back into the Centre, but we know these orders are in place to keep our community safe.
We anticipate reopening on Saturday 28th August 2021. In the meantime, we have linked a few great ways to keep you and your family active while at home, we hope you enjoy it! You can view more of these workouts, lessons, activities and more on our BFit @ Home website here.
If you have further questions you can contact us at lanecove@bluefit.com.au.
Sydney Lockdown Extended
As per today’s announcement, we will remain closed due to the NSW Government stay at home orders being extended.
We anticipate reopening on Saturday, 31st July 2021.
Sydney Lockdown Extended for Another Week
As per today’s announcement, we will remain closed due to the NSW Government stay at home orders being extended.
We miss you, and we can’t wait to invite you back into the Centre, but we know these orders are in place to keep our community safe.
We anticipate reopening on Saturday 17 July 2021.
Just a reminder to everyone that all memberships, swimming lessons and kids sports lessons have been put on complimentary suspension and will remain on hold without charge until such time as we can reopen.
Payments made in advance of the closure are being held for you and will be credited in the next payment period after reopening. No action is required by you, and all enrolments made before the lockdown remain secure.
Don’t forget that during the closure, you can still enjoy your favourite group fitness class and access plenty of fun activities for the kids to do via our online platform BFit@home. Click here to access our virtual health & fitness site.
As always we will closely monitor the situation and provide further updates if required. In the meantime, should you have any specific questions relating to the closure, please email us at lanecove@bluefit.com.au
Stay safe, and we look forward to seeing you back in the Centre soon!
The Lane Cove Aquatic Team
In line with the directions issued by the NSW State Government, we will be closed from 6pm on Saturday, 26 June, with a view to re-opening on Saturday morning, 10th July 2021.
During the closure, we will be unable to operate our Learn to Swim program. For those customers with lessons scheduled during the week, we’ve placed a credit on your account. No action is required on your behalf.
Learn to Swim lesson days and times in the program will remain secure for the reopening of the facility.
All applicable memberships will automatically be suspended for the duration of the lockdown and a credit will be placed on your account for these days if required. Once again, no further action is required. As customer accounts were debited before the announcement these credits will take effect in the next debiting period.
Any Group Fitness class bookings will not proceed, you may notice that you are removed from those classes during the closure period.
During the closure, you can still enjoy your favourite group fitness class and access plenty of fun activities for the kids to do via our online platform BFit@home. Click here to access our virtual health & fitness site.
We appreciate this is an emerging situation and will provide further updates if required. In the meantime, should you have any specific questions relating to the closure, please email us at lanecove@bluefit.com.au
Stay safe,
Your Lane Cove Aquatic Team
We wanted to provide you with an update following today’s announcement. The following changes will be in place from 4PM today, Wednesday 23 June 2021.
New Restrictions are below:
- All rooms are at a capacity of 1 person per 4 square meters.
- Class sizes have been reduced to a max of 40 people or 20 people on either side of a line down the middle of the group fitness room or pool.
- We encourage all staff, members and guests to comply with the advice from NSW Health and wear a mask at all times when in the centre. We however do not enforce the wearing of a mask where doing so jeopardises the individual’s health or safety.
- Staff and children in the aquatic environment will not need to wear a mask.
Please note: There may be changes to the regular group fitness timetable over this time and we may not be able to accommodate some existing class bookings.
Important things that you need to be aware of:
- It is a condition of entry that casual visitors check in using our check-in system.
- You still need to use your BlueFit member card to enter the facility and check-in at reception.
- Remember to always use a towel and wipe down equipment before and after use.
Thank you for your continued support. We look forward to seeing you again!
FRIDAY 29th January 2021
Start looking for your swimmers and towels because after 2 years of renovation the 50m outdoor pool is coming to completion and we are ready to celebrate it’s re-opening! Book with the button below to be the first one to dive in!
Lane Cove Council will be throwing a morning ceremony on Saturday, October 3rd from 10am – 12pm with a visit from our special guest, Ian Thorpe! Due to COVID restrictions, this ceremony is by invitation only, however you can then dive into the new outdoor pool from 12:30pm onwards using our booking system below.
To avoid over-crowding we will have a booking system in place for the first three days. From Saturday 3rd October – Monday, 5th October we will allow for 30 people per hour in the pool. To lock in your spot you can click here.
The weekend opening hours are the following:
Saturday: 12:30pm – 8pm
Sunday: 6am – 8pm
Monday: 8am – 6pm (Public Holiday)
The eight-lane, 50-metre pool provides a flexible setup with a state-of-the-art divider allowing the pool to operate in both 25 metre and 50-metre lengths. New change rooms are located underneath the impressive new grandstand along with on-deck showers. A new marshalling area complete with a hearing loop will help provide access to high-quality facilities for competitions and carnivals, with an 800 seat grandstand for those to sit and enjoy the action in the pool.
The pool and grandstand are fitted with the latest sustainability features including energy-efficient lighting, water and energy-saving filters, heaters and pumps while an array of solar panels are fitted to the grandstand and marshalling area roof.
An adult change facility and accessible toilet are located at the pool-deck level and there is a ramp into the pool for wheelchair access. A new artwork adorning the fence reflects the themes of water and movement and acknowledges how the traditional owners of the land – the Cameraygal people – engaged with Lane Cove’s waterways.
So save the date, as you won’t want to miss making a splash this spring in Lane Cove Aquatic Leisure Centre’s latest addition.
There will be a $3 booking fee (members and non-members), donated to the BlueFit Foundation and directed to access for sport for Lane Cove local community groups.
The Leisure Pool Re-Opens September 26th!
We are excited to share that our leisure pool will re-open as of Saturday 26th September!
Our aquatic opening hours will be the following:
MON – FRI: 5:30AM – 8PM
SAT – SUN: 6AM – 3PM
50m Outdoor Pool Update: August 2020 – Re-Opening in Spring!
See below for the latest news from Lane Cove Council.
‘Dive into the new outdoor pool this October! The new outdoor pool and 800 seat grandstand will officially open on the October long weekend.’
The eight-lane, 50-metre pool provides a flexible setup with a state-of-the-art divider allowing the pool to operate in both 25 metre and 50-metre lengths. New change rooms are located underneath the impressive new grandstand along with on-deck showers. A new marshalling area complete with a hearing loop will help provide access to high-quality facilities for competitions and carnivals.
The pool and grandstand are fitted with the latest sustainability features including energy-efficient lighting, water and energy-saving filters, heaters and pumps while an array of solar panels are fitted to the grandstand and marshalling area roof.
An adult change facility and accessible toilet are located at the pool-deck level and there is a ramp into the pool for wheelchair access. A new artwork adorning the fence reflects the themes of water and movement and acknowledges how the traditional owners of the land – the Cameraygal people – engaged with Lane Cove’s waterways.’
So save the date, as you won’t want to miss making a splash this Spring in Lane Cove Aquatic Leisure Centre’s latest addition.
tuesday 7th July 2020
Aquatics To Re-Open:
We are excited to finally announce the official re-opening of the pools at Lane Cove Aquatic Leisure Centre on Monday 20th July. To ensure we comply with government restrictions, the following measures will be in place:
- Aqua Classes will also be available from Saturday 1st August. Bookings for Aqua classes must be made through the BlueFit Health Club App.
- The spa, sauna/steam room, and leisure pool will remain closed.
- Change rooms open with limited numbers. Encouraged to shower at home or use on deck showers.
- Lap Swimming in the 25m Pool will re-open. No bookings required.
Cafe will open but with restricted times. - Squads will return on Monday 20th July.
- Swim School will return on Monday 27th July. Further information about swimming lessons will be sent to our learn to swim customers.
- Change room facilities will re-open.
- Strict social distancing & hygiene measures must be adhered to.
- During this period we are operating with amended opening hours. See below our current hours of operation.
Monday-Friday: 5:30am-12:00pm & 3:00pm-8:00pm
Saturday & Sunday: 6:00am-3:00pm
If your membership is on suspension and you would like to return early, your membership will be reactivated once you scan your card.
We believe leisure facilities play an important role in the health and wellbeing of the community. We look forward to seeing you again soon!
Learn To Swim Resumes 27th July:
We hope you have been keeping well and have found our online swim resources via BFit@Home useful in keeping up to date with your skills. We are excited to now announce that Lane Cove Aquatic Centre is now open and Learn to Swim lessons will recommence on Monday 27th July.
As a critical part of our re-commencement, we have implemented measures to ensure the safety and health of both our students and instructors are at the forefront of your return. Minor changes may have been made to the lesson programming, as we continue to deliver safe and high-quality lessons.
For existing families with a booking when we closed in March, we have held your same spot without charge for the break. All lessons will now re-commence Monday 27 July, with the first debit on Friday 31st July for the 2 week period following. Any credits owing have been applied to those customers affected by the early closure of the facility.
If you are not ready to return just yet, please click here to complete your cancellation request. Please note, If we do not hear from you, we will assume you are returning in July when we re-commence.
For more information about our COVID safe policies please click the link below. We look forward to teaching you again!
Aquatics Opening Hours:
- Monday-Friday: 5:30am-12:00pm & 3:00pm-8:00pm
- Saturday & Sunday: 6:00am-3:00pm
All lessons will now re-commence Monday 27 July, with the first debit on Friday 31st July for the 2 week period following. Any credits owing have been applied to those customers affected by the early closure of the facility.
We have updated our makeup policy to allow 12 makeups per calendar year, simply login to the parent portal to mark your absence.
If you aren’t ready to resume your lessons just yet that’s ok too, simply cancel your enrolment through the parent portal.
The centre for disease control confirmed Chlorine is effective against a broad range of viruses and there is no evidence that COVID-19 can be spread to through the use of pools.
We pride ourselves on our water quality and continue to perform regular pool checks throughout the day.
We recommend only 1 parent per child for spectating. During this period we ask that where possible, only students and one guardian attend the facility.
There will be limited access to the change rooms, even for Learn To Swim students.
Please come dressed for your lesson. Ensure you have warm clothes for when you exit the pool. We recommend a robe, hoodie, trackies, warm slippers or ugg boots and a beanie.
BlueFit Swimming students have free access to the pools every day during the week. This amazing benefit will continue but in line with government restrictions.
We have made slight modifications to our teaching techniques to protect our students and teachers. This includes using a doll when demonstrating activities and skills during infants classes.
- Reduced equipment within infant & preschool lessons to increase student safety.
- Only performing manual manipulation in the water when it is safe for both students and teachers
- Ensuring teachers instruct from the side or behind the student to reduce face to face contact.
- Replacing hi 5’s with the Bluey Bump at the conclusion of the lesson.
- To reduce equipment sharing we now have BlueFit Swimming Kickboards, Swim Caps and goggles available for purchase on the BlueFit Swimming website and in the facility.
For the full details on the changes to our lessons click here.
thursday 11th June 2020
We are excited to finally announce the re-opening of the Health Club at Lane Cove Aquatic Leisure Centre.
All members will have access to the gym from Saturday 13th June. Inline with state government restrictions the following health and hygiene measures in place:
- Group fitness classes will be reduced to 20 people only (this has now changed from 10 due to recent updates).
- The timetable will be released this Friday with classes resuming Monday 15th June.
- All group fitness bookings must be made through the BlueFit Health Club app up to 7 days in advance which you can download by clicking the link below
- You must train with a towel and wipe down equipment after use
- Changing room facilities and water fountains will be closed
- Strict social distancing & hygiene measures must be adhered to
- The creche will remain closed
- For more information about the measures now in place please see below to view our re-open video.
- The direct debits for perpetual members will recommence on Friday 19th June. For upfront members, we have extended your membership expiry date to account for the days the facility was closed
The facility will be available for Health Club members only for the time being. If you’re not ready to come back to the gym just yet, the Bfit@Home platform remains available to you at no costs and includes live classes & at-home workouts. For those who would like to continue their complimentary suspension please click here.
The pools remain closed, however we will provide an update on this as information becomes available. If you’re a health club member not wanting to return because the pools are not yet open, please complete the suspension extension process above
Leisure facilities play an important role in the health and wellbeing of the community and we’re excited to have them re-opening.
See you soon!
Our operating hours will resume to normal excluding weekends. See below:
MON – THURS: 5:30AM – 10PM
FRI: 5:30AM – 9PM
SAT – SUN: 6AM – 3PM
Following recent announcements made by the state government, the health club will now re-open Saturday 13th June but with strict health and hygiene measures in place.
- You must train with a towel and wipe down equipment after use.
- Group fitness classes will now ensure a 4m² distance is practiced.
- Strict social distancing & hygiene measures must be adhered to.
- We have increased our cleaning routine with our team of Hygiene Heroes rostered to ensure our facility’s hygiene remains at a high standard.
- Throughout the centre, you will see signage and instructions on how you, members, guests and staff can maintain a COVID safe facility.
- All staff are requested to complete the Department of Health COVID-safe training.
- The facility is professional cleaned every night.
All members will have access to the gym from Saturday 13th June and the debit will recommence on Friday 19th June. For upfront members, we have changed your membership expiry date to account for the days the facility was closed.
If you’re not ready to come back to the gym just yet, the Bfit@Home platform remains available to you and includes live classes & at-home workouts. For those who would like to continue their suspension please click here to complete your complimentary suspension form.
For the time being the facility is only accessible to members if you’re interested in joining call us on 02 9418 8888, or you can sign-up online here.
- Group Fitness Classes resume at restricted class sizes.
- The gym as of Saturday 13th June
- Toilets
- Limited access to change rooms.
- Indoor and outdoor Swimming pools
- Spa / Sauna
- Swimming lessons
- Creche
The pool remains closed for the time being but we will provide an update on this as we progress. The utility and environmental costs associated with heating such a large body of water can not be justified for such a limited number of users. As restrictions ease we will look to reopen in the next stage of changes.
Unfortunately as the pool remains closed our swimming lessons won’t begin but we will provide an update on this as we progress.
We will have a new Group Fitness timetable with some of your dearly missed classes returning as of 15th June. We will update you with our timetable on Friday 12th June.
Group Fitness Classes:
You can book yourself into the class on the day or through the app, however the app allows you to book 7 days in advance, so we recommend using this platform.
The gym:
You can once again enjoy individual gym training without having to book into a gym floor session and there is no time limit on your workout!
For upfront members, we have changed your membership expiry date to account for the days the facility was closed.
For those who would like to continue their suspension please click here to complete your complimentary suspension form.
Our creche service remains closed for the time being but we will provide an update on this as we progress.
The BlueFit Health Club App will not only help keep you up to date with the latest news around centre, but also allow you to book, cancel and monitor your future bookings. If you have not logged in before you will receive an email from the centre to join Mywellness. Once your login has been activated through Mywellness you can begin following our step by step instructions below or watch our demonstration video above to begin.
- Download the app.
- Login using your credentials.
- Scroll down to find the timetable tile.
- Select ‘See all’ to view the daily schedule.
- You can click on the class image to find out more about the session.
- Click ‘Book’ beside your desired class to book straight in.
- To cancel your booking, click “delete booking”.
- Once you have booked into your class you will be be sent a reminder prior to the class so ensure to have your push notifications turned on.
- If you have any issues including not having received your email from mywellness as a new member please contact App Support.
thursday 4th June 2020
To members and patrons,
We are closely monitoring the new state restrictions and how that impacts our centre. We will send an update soon. Thank you for your patience, until then, stay safe!
tuesday 19th may 2020
Due to the new easing of restrictions by the state Government, we are excited to offer our outdoor Boot Camp sessions!
Join our $39, 4-week outdoor training program starting next Tuesday 26th May. Each session will adhere to strict health and safety measures in line with State Government guidelines.
Sunday 22nd march 2020
Facility Closure
As of 12pm Monday 23rd March, Lane Cove Aquatic Leisure Centre will close until further notice. All class payments and memberships will be put on hold and visit passes will be extended by 12 months. We’d like to thank the amazing team that bring you the services you love, this will be a difficult time for them and their families. We look forward to seeing you all again when we reopen
friday 20th march 2020
Aqua Classes Saturday and Sunday
Dear members and guests,
Due to restrictions on indoor gatherings, aqua on Saturday and Sunday have been cancelled until further notice. We will be in touch with an updated timetable.
We apologise for the inconvenience caused.
Spa, Sauna and Steam Room Closures
Our spa, sauna and steam rooms will be closed from close of business tonight 20/03/2020.
We are unable to enforce social distancing in these areas and apologise for any inconveniences caused.
Our swimming pools are still safe, functional and available for use.
WEDNESDAY 18th march 2020
Extension of Visit Pass Expiry:
Dear Patrons,
During these unprecedented times involving coronavirus (COVID-19), we understand that many of you may be choosing to self-isolate and therefore unable to attend the facility.
To help make this time easier for you and ensure your visits don’t go to waste, we have made the decision to extend the visit pass expiry on current passes by one year.
All extensions will automatically be applied to your account.
We look forward to seeing you at the facility soon!
Stay Safe.
TUESDAY 17th march 2020
- Shower before using the pools
- Practice cough etiquette (keep away from other people, cover coughs and sneezes with disposable tissues or clothing, and clean your hands.)
- Avoid close contact with anyone with cold or flu-like symptoms.
- Not attending the facility if you have flu-like symptoms
- Our facilities will remain open for the foreseeable future and we want to ensure our lessons remain a fun and safe environment for our staff and students.
It is important to note that these changes are temporary as the situation seems to be changing daily.
BlueFit Swimming has safety as it’s first priority and the employment of our thousands of staff close behind. We ask that families chose to process these additional make-up lessons rather than cancel their lessons. Swimming remains an essential skill and the risks remain low.
Parent Portal Login Details
Username: *|EMAIL|*
Temporary Password: 1234
(If you have logged in to the portal previously the password will be whatever you changed it to)
If you have any issues logging in to the portal please go to “forgot password” and try to reset it. If this does not work please email support@bluefit.com.au
FRIDAY 13th march 2020
Dear members & patrons,
We understand that with so much information relating to the coronavirus (COVID-19) going around in the media, you may have concerns about how the situation is being managed at Lane Cove Aquatic Leisure Centre, as a large public facility.
Please understand that the safety, health and well-being of our customers and staff is always our top priority. Our centre continues to be a public facility and workplace that remains safe to attend.
At this point we will be remaining open during our regular hours and classes will not be impacted.
We want you to feel confident when you’re using our facilities. We have and will continue to put in place a number of proactive measures to protect customers and staff well-being:
- Hand sanitiser available throughout the facility.
- Thorough cleaning and sanitisation practices throughout the centre
- Multilingual signage relating to personal hygiene in key areas.
If you are returning from any of the affected countries, you should follow the advice of the Australian Government’s Department of Health as set out on their website.
Regular updates will be placed on this website.
Latest Update: No staff or customers have been identified as having the virus. The facility remains safe to attend.
Chlorinated water has a long documented history of preventing the spread of viruses, however it is important to maintain good personal hygiene at all times. This includes:
- Showering before using the facilities
- Washing hands after using changing facilities.
Health Club:
We believe that regular exercise is important to maintain a healthy life and support proper immune function. It is therefore important to provide you with a safe and clean training environment.
In addition adopting a thorough cleaning and sanitising regime within the facility, we also encourage you to:
- Thoroughly wipe down all gym equipment after use.
- Always use a towel while training.
- Practice good hygiene and wash hands frequently.
- Make use of the available wipes and hand sanitiser.
Outside The Pool:
It’s important that we all practice safe hygiene practices during this time. This includes:
- Cleaning your hands with soap and water for 20 seconds, or an alcohol-based hand rub.
- Covering your nose and mouth when coughing and sneezing with tissue or a flexed elbow
- Avoid close contact with anyone with cold or flu-like symptoms.
- Practice cough etiquette (keep away from other people, cover coughs and sneezes with disposable tissues or clothing, and clean your hands.)
Respect Those Around You:
We believe our staff and the communities we service are our family and we hope that everyone continues to behave and treat each other with the respect and dignity they deserve.
What Next?
We are monitoring the situation closely, and should it be necessary to provide members with further communication, we will contact you via email, and if necessary via SMS. We also encourage casual users to visit our website regularly.
A detailed FAQ is available below. If you have any further questions please contact us via email at info@bluefit.com.au.
We have and will continue to put in place a number of proactive measures to protect customers and staff well-being:
- Hand sanitiser available throughout the facility.
- Thorough cleaning and sanitisation practices throughout the centre.
- Multilingual signage relating to personal hygiene in key areas.
Staff have also been briefed on updated hygiene practices to minimise the risk to themselves and customers.
In the event of a confirmed case within the facility we will be guided by the Department of Health on our next steps. Please click here for regular updates.
If you come in contact with someone who has recently returned from one of the countries identified and you suspect they may have coronavirus we ask that you do not attend the facility for 14 days.
Yes. Chlorinated water has a long documented history of preventing the spread of viruses, however it is important to maintain good personal hygiene at all times. This includes:
- Showering before using the facilities.
- Washing hands after using changing facilities.
Masks are no longer mandatory
With the latest Government restrictions, masks are no longer mandatory at our facility from today, Friday 25th February.
The choice is yours if you wish to continue to wear one!
WEDNESDAY 12th January 2022
Creche Closure
We take the health and safety of our community very seriously. Unfortunately, a number of our team members are testing and isolating due to the current COVID-19 outbreak. As a result, we will be unable to operate the creche this coming week.
Please keep an eye on our Facebook page for any updates. We apologise for any inconvenience and thank you for your kind patience. We anticipate reopening the creche on Monday 17 January 2022.
New restrictions
Due to State Government restrictions, face masks are now mandatory indoors for those 12 years old and older from 11:59pm Thursday 23rd December.
The only time you don’t have to wear one is during swimming and strenuous exercise. We thank you for your understanding.
Restrictions Easing
From tomorrow, restrictions will ease for our members and guests in NSW.
1. Masks are no longer required.
2. Evidence of vaccination is no longer required.
3. Facility and class capacity restrictions no longer apply.
We look forward to seeing you in the Centre soon!
We are thrilled to announce that after reaching the NSW 70% double vaccination target we are able to reopen our pool and gym facilities this Monday, 11 October!
There is a lot of detailed advice and things to be aware of before Monday, so we’ve put all the details about our reopening below. As we’ve learned, Government advice can change quickly, so visit this page often to make sure you always have the latest advice.
Here is what you need to know so far:
- We are safe
We have been hard at work updating our COVID safe plans and making sure your facility is sparkling clean and ready for your return. - We are vaccinated
Every team member you meet will have been double jabbed. - Our gym is opening
We’re operating as per our usual opening hours, with a maximum capacity of 1 person per 4 square metres. Gym floor bookings are not required. - Our group fitness and aqua classes are back
There will be a few less classes initially but this will ramp up as our team is cleared to return to work. Please note there will be a maximum of 20 participants per area or 1 person per 4m2, whichever is less. We expect demand to be high for places, so as a courtesy to fellow members please remember to cancel out of classes if you cannot attend. Bookings will be available in the BlueFit Health Club app from 5pm on Friday, 08 October. Our 1 hour reformer classes will return from 30 October. The first direct debit will be on 06 November. - Our outdoor pools are open
You can visit our outdoor pools for exercise and recreation. Please be aware there may be restricted opening hours due to staff shortages. - Our indoor pools are opening
From Monday our indoor pools will be open for lap swimming and Aqua classes. Please be aware that it takes some time to heat up a swimming pool. The heaters have been firing since the announcement, but it may still feel a little fresh on Monday. - Spa / Sauna / Steam facilities are closed
For now, these facilities will remain closed until we receive further Government advice. - Swimming Lessons are coming soon
Swimming Lessons will resume from next Saturday 16 October. The first swim school direct debit will not be until Friday 22 October. If you need to cancel out of swimming lessons please do so here no later than midnight, 18 October. If we are unable to run your child’s lesson due to staff availability we will reach out to you separately. - Creche
Our Creche remains closed. We anticipate reopening the creche on 25 October. - You will need to be fully vaccinated to enter the centre
This is important. Everyone aged 16 years and over must have had both shots of your COVID-19 vaccine to enter our facilities. Please show proof at entry. This includes both using the facility and accompanying children to swimming lessons. - Memberships will be active
Membership will be reactivated for free from Monday, 11 October.
We’re not going to recommence membership payments right away. We want you to come back and make sure you feel safe. We also want to give you some time to be ready to return. Your first direct debit will be on Friday, 22 October. - You can suspend your membership
If you’re not fully vaccinated or you don’t feel ready to return you can access a one-time free suspension from now until 01 December 2021. Your membership will then be reactivated on the 1st of December. To take up this suspension please click here no later than midnight, 18 October.
If you wish to suspend beyond the 1st of December you will need to request a new suspension and it will be subject to our normal suspension terms and conditions. - You can cancel out of Swimming Lessons
If you’re not fully vaccinated and you have a child enrolled in swimming lessons you will need to make arrangements for a fully vaccinated adult to accompany them to their lessons. Alternatively, you can cancel out of classes or make use of make-ups when rules change again in December. Unfortunately, we cannot hold places and therefore we will not be able to guarantee your child a spot in the program when you become vaccinated or when restrictions ease.
If you need to cancel out of swimming lessons please do so here no later than midnight, 18 October. - Checking In – ALL
It is a requirement to check in on the NSW QR Code. Please show your Green Tick to staff at entry. - Mask Wearing
All members and guests over the age of 13 will be required to wear a mask while in the Centre unless you are swimming or are doing strenuous exercise. - Good Hygiene
Social distancing and hygiene measures must be adhered to when visiting the Centre. Remember to always use a towel and wipe down equipment before and after use. - Stay home if you are unwell
If you are unwell; or if you are not permitted to attend under the current health orders, please do not attend. - Follow Team Member Advice
All members and guests are required to follow the direction of our staff or any law enforcement officer. - Be Kind
This is a challenging time for all our customers and staff. We kindly request that you are patient with team members and fellow facility users alike as we all adjust to this new normal.
We appreciate that this is a lot to cover. We will update this page with any additional advice as soon as it becomes available. If you have any queries or concerns please contact us at lanecove@bluefit.com.au
NSW Government Announcement
We’re excited about the NSW Government’s roadmap updates today relating to indoor pools. We’re currently assessing the information to see what the restrictions mean for specific programs and services.
Please keep an eye on our socials and website for further updates about the reopening of gyms, pools and the return of swimming lessons. Members and families will receive communications very shortly.
The safety of our members, community and staff is paramount. We are updating our COVID safe plans and controls to adhere to the restrictions imposed by the government.
Further information to come! Thanks for your continued patience – we can’t wait to welcome you back!
We’re very excited to be welcoming you back into our outdoor pools with the NSW Government announcing we can soon reopen for exercise and recreation.
Our outdoor pool is set to open this Monday the 27th of September!
The pool opening hours will be;
Mon -Fri 6am-8pm
Sat & Sun 6am – 5pm
Your health and safety is our top priority, and we have everything in place to ensure our pools are Covid Safe. There are restrictions in place and we request that you comply with all Government guidelines and team member directions. Currently, the rules are:
- If you are fully vaccinated;
You can attend with up to 5 people for exercise or outdoor recreation so long as all those at the gathering aged 16 years or over are fully vaccinated. You will need to be able to show evidence of vaccination if requested by Police. The 5 person limit on these gatherings does not include children aged 12 or under. - If you are not fully vaccinated;
You can attend with 1 other person that you do not live with. If you live with more than 2 other people, you can all exercise and engage in outdoor recreation together. - It is a requirement to check in on the NSW QR Code. Please show your Green Tick to staff at entry.
Memberships will not be reactivated until restrictions ease further. Fitness Passport has also confirmed that their memberships will not be reactivated at this time. If you wish to attend you can use a visit pass or purchase a casual entry. Bookings will not be required.
Remember, you can always find the latest health advice here.
Thanks for your patience and we can’t wait to see you for a splash from Monday!
The time has finally come around, outdoor pools are allowed to reopen in NSW!
We are scheduling to open our outdoor 50m pool from Monday 27th September. We are working hard behind the scenes to further understand the restrictions and logistics and we will reach out to you when we have more information. However, you can view the opening hours below.
Monday to Friday: 6:00am to 8:00pm
Saturday – Sunday: 6:00am to 5:00pm.
The NSW Roadmap has outlined that further restrictions will ease once the state reaches 70% of the double dose. Gyms and swimming pool facilities can open the following Monday to those that are fully vaccinated! This is currently scheduled to occur on October 11th. Again, when we have more information we will reach out to you.
We look forward to seeing you soon!
As per this week’s announcement, we will remain closed due to the NSW Government stay at home orders being extended.
We miss you, and we can’t wait to invite you back into the Centre, but we know these orders are in place to keep our community safe.
We anticipate reopening at the end of September. In the meantime, we have linked a few great ways to keep you and your family active while at home, we hope you enjoy it! You can view more of these workouts, lessons, activities and more on our BFit @ Home website here.
If you have further questions you can contact us at lanecove@bluefit.com.au.
As per this week’s announcement, we will remain closed due to the NSW Government stay at home orders being extended.
We miss you, and we can’t wait to invite you back into the Centre, but we know these orders are in place to keep our community safe.
We anticipate reopening on Saturday 28th August 2021. In the meantime, we have linked a few great ways to keep you and your family active while at home, we hope you enjoy it! You can view more of these workouts, lessons, activities and more on our BFit @ Home website here.
If you have further questions you can contact us at lanecove@bluefit.com.au.
Sydney Lockdown Extended
As per today’s announcement, we will remain closed due to the NSW Government stay at home orders being extended.
We anticipate reopening on Saturday, 31st July 2021.
Sydney Lockdown Extended for Another Week
As per today’s announcement, we will remain closed due to the NSW Government stay at home orders being extended.
We miss you, and we can’t wait to invite you back into the Centre, but we know these orders are in place to keep our community safe.
We anticipate reopening on Saturday 17 July 2021.
Just a reminder to everyone that all memberships, swimming lessons and kids sports lessons have been put on complimentary suspension and will remain on hold without charge until such time as we can reopen.
Payments made in advance of the closure are being held for you and will be credited in the next payment period after reopening. No action is required by you, and all enrolments made before the lockdown remain secure.
Don’t forget that during the closure, you can still enjoy your favourite group fitness class and access plenty of fun activities for the kids to do via our online platform BFit@home. Click here to access our virtual health & fitness site.
As always we will closely monitor the situation and provide further updates if required. In the meantime, should you have any specific questions relating to the closure, please email us at lanecove@bluefit.com.au
Stay safe, and we look forward to seeing you back in the Centre soon!
The Lane Cove Aquatic Team
In line with the directions issued by the NSW State Government, we will be closed from 6pm on Saturday, 26 June, with a view to re-opening on Saturday morning, 10th July 2021.
During the closure, we will be unable to operate our Learn to Swim program. For those customers with lessons scheduled during the week, we’ve placed a credit on your account. No action is required on your behalf.
Learn to Swim lesson days and times in the program will remain secure for the reopening of the facility.
All applicable memberships will automatically be suspended for the duration of the lockdown and a credit will be placed on your account for these days if required. Once again, no further action is required. As customer accounts were debited before the announcement these credits will take effect in the next debiting period.
Any Group Fitness class bookings will not proceed, you may notice that you are removed from those classes during the closure period.
During the closure, you can still enjoy your favourite group fitness class and access plenty of fun activities for the kids to do via our online platform BFit@home. Click here to access our virtual health & fitness site.
We appreciate this is an emerging situation and will provide further updates if required. In the meantime, should you have any specific questions relating to the closure, please email us at lanecove@bluefit.com.au
Stay safe,
Your Lane Cove Aquatic Team
We wanted to provide you with an update following today’s announcement. The following changes will be in place from 4PM today, Wednesday 23 June 2021.
New Restrictions are below:
- All rooms are at a capacity of 1 person per 4 square meters.
- Class sizes have been reduced to a max of 40 people or 20 people on either side of a line down the middle of the group fitness room or pool.
- We encourage all staff, members and guests to comply with the advice from NSW Health and wear a mask at all times when in the centre. We however do not enforce the wearing of a mask where doing so jeopardises the individual’s health or safety.
- Staff and children in the aquatic environment will not need to wear a mask.
Please note: There may be changes to the regular group fitness timetable over this time and we may not be able to accommodate some existing class bookings.
Important things that you need to be aware of:
- It is a condition of entry that casual visitors check in using our check-in system.
- You still need to use your BlueFit member card to enter the facility and check-in at reception.
- Remember to always use a towel and wipe down equipment before and after use.
Thank you for your continued support. We look forward to seeing you again!
FRIDAY 29th January 2021
Start looking for your swimmers and towels because after 2 years of renovation the 50m outdoor pool is coming to completion and we are ready to celebrate it’s re-opening! Book with the button below to be the first one to dive in!
Lane Cove Council will be throwing a morning ceremony on Saturday, October 3rd from 10am – 12pm with a visit from our special guest, Ian Thorpe! Due to COVID restrictions, this ceremony is by invitation only, however you can then dive into the new outdoor pool from 12:30pm onwards using our booking system below.
To avoid over-crowding we will have a booking system in place for the first three days. From Saturday 3rd October – Monday, 5th October we will allow for 30 people per hour in the pool. To lock in your spot you can click here.
The weekend opening hours are the following:
Saturday: 12:30pm – 8pm
Sunday: 6am – 8pm
Monday: 8am – 6pm (Public Holiday)
The eight-lane, 50-metre pool provides a flexible setup with a state-of-the-art divider allowing the pool to operate in both 25 metre and 50-metre lengths. New change rooms are located underneath the impressive new grandstand along with on-deck showers. A new marshalling area complete with a hearing loop will help provide access to high-quality facilities for competitions and carnivals, with an 800 seat grandstand for those to sit and enjoy the action in the pool.
The pool and grandstand are fitted with the latest sustainability features including energy-efficient lighting, water and energy-saving filters, heaters and pumps while an array of solar panels are fitted to the grandstand and marshalling area roof.
An adult change facility and accessible toilet are located at the pool-deck level and there is a ramp into the pool for wheelchair access. A new artwork adorning the fence reflects the themes of water and movement and acknowledges how the traditional owners of the land – the Cameraygal people – engaged with Lane Cove’s waterways.
So save the date, as you won’t want to miss making a splash this spring in Lane Cove Aquatic Leisure Centre’s latest addition.
There will be a $3 booking fee (members and non-members), donated to the BlueFit Foundation and directed to access for sport for Lane Cove local community groups.
The Leisure Pool Re-Opens September 26th!
We are excited to share that our leisure pool will re-open as of Saturday 26th September!
Our aquatic opening hours will be the following:
MON – FRI: 5:30AM – 8PM
SAT – SUN: 6AM – 3PM
50m Outdoor Pool Update: August 2020 – Re-Opening in Spring!
See below for the latest news from Lane Cove Council.
‘Dive into the new outdoor pool this October! The new outdoor pool and 800 seat grandstand will officially open on the October long weekend.’
The eight-lane, 50-metre pool provides a flexible setup with a state-of-the-art divider allowing the pool to operate in both 25 metre and 50-metre lengths. New change rooms are located underneath the impressive new grandstand along with on-deck showers. A new marshalling area complete with a hearing loop will help provide access to high-quality facilities for competitions and carnivals.
The pool and grandstand are fitted with the latest sustainability features including energy-efficient lighting, water and energy-saving filters, heaters and pumps while an array of solar panels are fitted to the grandstand and marshalling area roof.
An adult change facility and accessible toilet are located at the pool-deck level and there is a ramp into the pool for wheelchair access. A new artwork adorning the fence reflects the themes of water and movement and acknowledges how the traditional owners of the land – the Cameraygal people – engaged with Lane Cove’s waterways.’
So save the date, as you won’t want to miss making a splash this Spring in Lane Cove Aquatic Leisure Centre’s latest addition.
tuesday 7th July 2020
Aquatics To Re-Open:
We are excited to finally announce the official re-opening of the pools at Lane Cove Aquatic Leisure Centre on Monday 20th July. To ensure we comply with government restrictions, the following measures will be in place:
- Aqua Classes will also be available from Saturday 1st August. Bookings for Aqua classes must be made through the BlueFit Health Club App.
- The spa, sauna/steam room, and leisure pool will remain closed.
- Change rooms open with limited numbers. Encouraged to shower at home or use on deck showers.
- Lap Swimming in the 25m Pool will re-open. No bookings required.
Cafe will open but with restricted times. - Squads will return on Monday 20th July.
- Swim School will return on Monday 27th July. Further information about swimming lessons will be sent to our learn to swim customers.
- Change room facilities will re-open.
- Strict social distancing & hygiene measures must be adhered to.
- During this period we are operating with amended opening hours. See below our current hours of operation.
Monday-Friday: 5:30am-12:00pm & 3:00pm-8:00pm
Saturday & Sunday: 6:00am-3:00pm
If your membership is on suspension and you would like to return early, your membership will be reactivated once you scan your card.
We believe leisure facilities play an important role in the health and wellbeing of the community. We look forward to seeing you again soon!
Learn To Swim Resumes 27th July:
We hope you have been keeping well and have found our online swim resources via BFit@Home useful in keeping up to date with your skills. We are excited to now announce that Lane Cove Aquatic Centre is now open and Learn to Swim lessons will recommence on Monday 27th July.
As a critical part of our re-commencement, we have implemented measures to ensure the safety and health of both our students and instructors are at the forefront of your return. Minor changes may have been made to the lesson programming, as we continue to deliver safe and high-quality lessons.
For existing families with a booking when we closed in March, we have held your same spot without charge for the break. All lessons will now re-commence Monday 27 July, with the first debit on Friday 31st July for the 2 week period following. Any credits owing have been applied to those customers affected by the early closure of the facility.
If you are not ready to return just yet, please click here to complete your cancellation request. Please note, If we do not hear from you, we will assume you are returning in July when we re-commence.
For more information about our COVID safe policies please click the link below. We look forward to teaching you again!
Aquatics Opening Hours:
- Monday-Friday: 5:30am-12:00pm & 3:00pm-8:00pm
- Saturday & Sunday: 6:00am-3:00pm
All lessons will now re-commence Monday 27 July, with the first debit on Friday 31st July for the 2 week period following. Any credits owing have been applied to those customers affected by the early closure of the facility.
We have updated our makeup policy to allow 12 makeups per calendar year, simply login to the parent portal to mark your absence.
If you aren’t ready to resume your lessons just yet that’s ok too, simply cancel your enrolment through the parent portal.
The centre for disease control confirmed Chlorine is effective against a broad range of viruses and there is no evidence that COVID-19 can be spread to through the use of pools.
We pride ourselves on our water quality and continue to perform regular pool checks throughout the day.
We recommend only 1 parent per child for spectating. During this period we ask that where possible, only students and one guardian attend the facility.
There will be limited access to the change rooms, even for Learn To Swim students.
Please come dressed for your lesson. Ensure you have warm clothes for when you exit the pool. We recommend a robe, hoodie, trackies, warm slippers or ugg boots and a beanie.
BlueFit Swimming students have free access to the pools every day during the week. This amazing benefit will continue but in line with government restrictions.
We have made slight modifications to our teaching techniques to protect our students and teachers. This includes using a doll when demonstrating activities and skills during infants classes.
- Reduced equipment within infant & preschool lessons to increase student safety.
- Only performing manual manipulation in the water when it is safe for both students and teachers
- Ensuring teachers instruct from the side or behind the student to reduce face to face contact.
- Replacing hi 5’s with the Bluey Bump at the conclusion of the lesson.
- To reduce equipment sharing we now have BlueFit Swimming Kickboards, Swim Caps and goggles available for purchase on the BlueFit Swimming website and in the facility.
For the full details on the changes to our lessons click here.
thursday 11th June 2020
We are excited to finally announce the re-opening of the Health Club at Lane Cove Aquatic Leisure Centre.
All members will have access to the gym from Saturday 13th June. Inline with state government restrictions the following health and hygiene measures in place:
- Group fitness classes will be reduced to 20 people only (this has now changed from 10 due to recent updates).
- The timetable will be released this Friday with classes resuming Monday 15th June.
- All group fitness bookings must be made through the BlueFit Health Club app up to 7 days in advance which you can download by clicking the link below
- You must train with a towel and wipe down equipment after use
- Changing room facilities and water fountains will be closed
- Strict social distancing & hygiene measures must be adhered to
- The creche will remain closed
- For more information about the measures now in place please see below to view our re-open video.
- The direct debits for perpetual members will recommence on Friday 19th June. For upfront members, we have extended your membership expiry date to account for the days the facility was closed
The facility will be available for Health Club members only for the time being. If you’re not ready to come back to the gym just yet, the Bfit@Home platform remains available to you at no costs and includes live classes & at-home workouts. For those who would like to continue their complimentary suspension please click here.
The pools remain closed, however we will provide an update on this as information becomes available. If you’re a health club member not wanting to return because the pools are not yet open, please complete the suspension extension process above
Leisure facilities play an important role in the health and wellbeing of the community and we’re excited to have them re-opening.
See you soon!
Our operating hours will resume to normal excluding weekends. See below:
MON – THURS: 5:30AM – 10PM
FRI: 5:30AM – 9PM
SAT – SUN: 6AM – 3PM
Following recent announcements made by the state government, the health club will now re-open Saturday 13th June but with strict health and hygiene measures in place.
- You must train with a towel and wipe down equipment after use.
- Group fitness classes will now ensure a 4m² distance is practiced.
- Strict social distancing & hygiene measures must be adhered to.
- We have increased our cleaning routine with our team of Hygiene Heroes rostered to ensure our facility’s hygiene remains at a high standard.
- Throughout the centre, you will see signage and instructions on how you, members, guests and staff can maintain a COVID safe facility.
- All staff are requested to complete the Department of Health COVID-safe training.
- The facility is professional cleaned every night.
All members will have access to the gym from Saturday 13th June and the debit will recommence on Friday 19th June. For upfront members, we have changed your membership expiry date to account for the days the facility was closed.
If you’re not ready to come back to the gym just yet, the Bfit@Home platform remains available to you and includes live classes & at-home workouts. For those who would like to continue their suspension please click here to complete your complimentary suspension form.
For the time being the facility is only accessible to members if you’re interested in joining call us on 02 9418 8888, or you can sign-up online here.
- Group Fitness Classes resume at restricted class sizes.
- The gym as of Saturday 13th June
- Toilets
- Limited access to change rooms.
- Indoor and outdoor Swimming pools
- Spa / Sauna
- Swimming lessons
- Creche
The pool remains closed for the time being but we will provide an update on this as we progress. The utility and environmental costs associated with heating such a large body of water can not be justified for such a limited number of users. As restrictions ease we will look to reopen in the next stage of changes.
Unfortunately as the pool remains closed our swimming lessons won’t begin but we will provide an update on this as we progress.
We will have a new Group Fitness timetable with some of your dearly missed classes returning as of 15th June. We will update you with our timetable on Friday 12th June.
Group Fitness Classes:
You can book yourself into the class on the day or through the app, however the app allows you to book 7 days in advance, so we recommend using this platform.
The gym:
You can once again enjoy individual gym training without having to book into a gym floor session and there is no time limit on your workout!
For upfront members, we have changed your membership expiry date to account for the days the facility was closed.
For those who would like to continue their suspension please click here to complete your complimentary suspension form.
Our creche service remains closed for the time being but we will provide an update on this as we progress.
The BlueFit Health Club App will not only help keep you up to date with the latest news around centre, but also allow you to book, cancel and monitor your future bookings. If you have not logged in before you will receive an email from the centre to join Mywellness. Once your login has been activated through Mywellness you can begin following our step by step instructions below or watch our demonstration video above to begin.
- Download the app.
- Login using your credentials.
- Scroll down to find the timetable tile.
- Select ‘See all’ to view the daily schedule.
- You can click on the class image to find out more about the session.
- Click ‘Book’ beside your desired class to book straight in.
- To cancel your booking, click “delete booking”.
- Once you have booked into your class you will be be sent a reminder prior to the class so ensure to have your push notifications turned on.
- If you have any issues including not having received your email from mywellness as a new member please contact App Support.
thursday 4th June 2020
To members and patrons,
We are closely monitoring the new state restrictions and how that impacts our centre. We will send an update soon. Thank you for your patience, until then, stay safe!
tuesday 19th may 2020
Due to the new easing of restrictions by the state Government, we are excited to offer our outdoor Boot Camp sessions!
Join our $39, 4-week outdoor training program starting next Tuesday 26th May. Each session will adhere to strict health and safety measures in line with State Government guidelines.
Sunday 22nd march 2020
Facility Closure
As of 12pm Monday 23rd March, Lane Cove Aquatic Leisure Centre will close until further notice. All class payments and memberships will be put on hold and visit passes will be extended by 12 months. We’d like to thank the amazing team that bring you the services you love, this will be a difficult time for them and their families. We look forward to seeing you all again when we reopen
friday 20th march 2020
Aqua Classes Saturday and Sunday
Dear members and guests,
Due to restrictions on indoor gatherings, aqua on Saturday and Sunday have been cancelled until further notice. We will be in touch with an updated timetable.
We apologise for the inconvenience caused.
Spa, Sauna and Steam Room Closures
Our spa, sauna and steam rooms will be closed from close of business tonight 20/03/2020.
We are unable to enforce social distancing in these areas and apologise for any inconveniences caused.
Our swimming pools are still safe, functional and available for use.
WEDNESDAY 18th march 2020
Extension of Visit Pass Expiry:
Dear Patrons,
During these unprecedented times involving coronavirus (COVID-19), we understand that many of you may be choosing to self-isolate and therefore unable to attend the facility.
To help make this time easier for you and ensure your visits don’t go to waste, we have made the decision to extend the visit pass expiry on current passes by one year.
All extensions will automatically be applied to your account.
We look forward to seeing you at the facility soon!
Stay Safe.
TUESDAY 17th march 2020
- Shower before using the pools
- Practice cough etiquette (keep away from other people, cover coughs and sneezes with disposable tissues or clothing, and clean your hands.)
- Avoid close contact with anyone with cold or flu-like symptoms.
- Not attending the facility if you have flu-like symptoms
- Our facilities will remain open for the foreseeable future and we want to ensure our lessons remain a fun and safe environment for our staff and students.
It is important to note that these changes are temporary as the situation seems to be changing daily.
BlueFit Swimming has safety as it’s first priority and the employment of our thousands of staff close behind. We ask that families chose to process these additional make-up lessons rather than cancel their lessons. Swimming remains an essential skill and the risks remain low.
Parent Portal Login Details
Username: *|EMAIL|*
Temporary Password: 1234
(If you have logged in to the portal previously the password will be whatever you changed it to)
If you have any issues logging in to the portal please go to “forgot password” and try to reset it. If this does not work please email support@bluefit.com.au
FRIDAY 13th march 2020
Dear members & patrons,
We understand that with so much information relating to the coronavirus (COVID-19) going around in the media, you may have concerns about how the situation is being managed at Lane Cove Aquatic Leisure Centre, as a large public facility.
Please understand that the safety, health and well-being of our customers and staff is always our top priority. Our centre continues to be a public facility and workplace that remains safe to attend.
At this point we will be remaining open during our regular hours and classes will not be impacted.
We want you to feel confident when you’re using our facilities. We have and will continue to put in place a number of proactive measures to protect customers and staff well-being:
- Hand sanitiser available throughout the facility.
- Thorough cleaning and sanitisation practices throughout the centre
- Multilingual signage relating to personal hygiene in key areas.
If you are returning from any of the affected countries, you should follow the advice of the Australian Government’s Department of Health as set out on their website.
Regular updates will be placed on this website.
Latest Update: No staff or customers have been identified as having the virus. The facility remains safe to attend.
Chlorinated water has a long documented history of preventing the spread of viruses, however it is important to maintain good personal hygiene at all times. This includes:
- Showering before using the facilities
- Washing hands after using changing facilities.
Health Club:
We believe that regular exercise is important to maintain a healthy life and support proper immune function. It is therefore important to provide you with a safe and clean training environment.
In addition adopting a thorough cleaning and sanitising regime within the facility, we also encourage you to:
- Thoroughly wipe down all gym equipment after use.
- Always use a towel while training.
- Practice good hygiene and wash hands frequently.
- Make use of the available wipes and hand sanitiser.
Outside The Pool:
It’s important that we all practice safe hygiene practices during this time. This includes:
- Cleaning your hands with soap and water for 20 seconds, or an alcohol-based hand rub.
- Covering your nose and mouth when coughing and sneezing with tissue or a flexed elbow
- Avoid close contact with anyone with cold or flu-like symptoms.
- Practice cough etiquette (keep away from other people, cover coughs and sneezes with disposable tissues or clothing, and clean your hands.)
Respect Those Around You:
We believe our staff and the communities we service are our family and we hope that everyone continues to behave and treat each other with the respect and dignity they deserve.
What Next?
We are monitoring the situation closely, and should it be necessary to provide members with further communication, we will contact you via email, and if necessary via SMS. We also encourage casual users to visit our website regularly.
A detailed FAQ is available below. If you have any further questions please contact us via email at info@bluefit.com.au.
We have and will continue to put in place a number of proactive measures to protect customers and staff well-being:
- Hand sanitiser available throughout the facility.
- Thorough cleaning and sanitisation practices throughout the centre.
- Multilingual signage relating to personal hygiene in key areas.
Staff have also been briefed on updated hygiene practices to minimise the risk to themselves and customers.
In the event of a confirmed case within the facility we will be guided by the Department of Health on our next steps. Please click here for regular updates.
If you come in contact with someone who has recently returned from one of the countries identified and you suspect they may have coronavirus we ask that you do not attend the facility for 14 days.
Yes. Chlorinated water has a long documented history of preventing the spread of viruses, however it is important to maintain good personal hygiene at all times. This includes:
- Showering before using the facilities.
- Washing hands after using changing facilities.
Masks are no longer mandatory
With the latest Government restrictions, masks are no longer mandatory at our facility from today, Friday 25th February.
The choice is yours if you wish to continue to wear one!
WEDNESDAY 12th January 2022
Creche Closure
We take the health and safety of our community very seriously. Unfortunately, a number of our team members are testing and isolating due to the current COVID-19 outbreak. As a result, we will be unable to operate the creche this coming week.
Please keep an eye on our Facebook page for any updates. We apologise for any inconvenience and thank you for your kind patience. We anticipate reopening the creche on Monday 17 January 2022.
New restrictions
Due to State Government restrictions, face masks are now mandatory indoors for those 12 years old and older from 11:59pm Thursday 23rd December.
The only time you don’t have to wear one is during swimming and strenuous exercise. We thank you for your understanding.
Restrictions Easing
From tomorrow, restrictions will ease for our members and guests in NSW.
1. Masks are no longer required.
2. Evidence of vaccination is no longer required.
3. Facility and class capacity restrictions no longer apply.
We look forward to seeing you in the Centre soon!
We are thrilled to announce that after reaching the NSW 70% double vaccination target we are able to reopen our pool and gym facilities this Monday, 11 October!
There is a lot of detailed advice and things to be aware of before Monday, so we’ve put all the details about our reopening below. As we’ve learned, Government advice can change quickly, so visit this page often to make sure you always have the latest advice.
Here is what you need to know so far:
- We are safe
We have been hard at work updating our COVID safe plans and making sure your facility is sparkling clean and ready for your return. - We are vaccinated
Every team member you meet will have been double jabbed. - Our gym is opening
We’re operating as per our usual opening hours, with a maximum capacity of 1 person per 4 square metres. Gym floor bookings are not required. - Our group fitness and aqua classes are back
There will be a few less classes initially but this will ramp up as our team is cleared to return to work. Please note there will be a maximum of 20 participants per area or 1 person per 4m2, whichever is less. We expect demand to be high for places, so as a courtesy to fellow members please remember to cancel out of classes if you cannot attend. Bookings will be available in the BlueFit Health Club app from 5pm on Friday, 08 October. Our 1 hour reformer classes will return from 30 October. The first direct debit will be on 06 November. - Our outdoor pools are open
You can visit our outdoor pools for exercise and recreation. Please be aware there may be restricted opening hours due to staff shortages. - Our indoor pools are opening
From Monday our indoor pools will be open for lap swimming and Aqua classes. Please be aware that it takes some time to heat up a swimming pool. The heaters have been firing since the announcement, but it may still feel a little fresh on Monday. - Spa / Sauna / Steam facilities are closed
For now, these facilities will remain closed until we receive further Government advice. - Swimming Lessons are coming soon
Swimming Lessons will resume from next Saturday 16 October. The first swim school direct debit will not be until Friday 22 October. If you need to cancel out of swimming lessons please do so here no later than midnight, 18 October. If we are unable to run your child’s lesson due to staff availability we will reach out to you separately. - Creche
Our Creche remains closed. We anticipate reopening the creche on 25 October. - You will need to be fully vaccinated to enter the centre
This is important. Everyone aged 16 years and over must have had both shots of your COVID-19 vaccine to enter our facilities. Please show proof at entry. This includes both using the facility and accompanying children to swimming lessons. - Memberships will be active
Membership will be reactivated for free from Monday, 11 October.
We’re not going to recommence membership payments right away. We want you to come back and make sure you feel safe. We also want to give you some time to be ready to return. Your first direct debit will be on Friday, 22 October. - You can suspend your membership
If you’re not fully vaccinated or you don’t feel ready to return you can access a one-time free suspension from now until 01 December 2021. Your membership will then be reactivated on the 1st of December. To take up this suspension please click here no later than midnight, 18 October.
If you wish to suspend beyond the 1st of December you will need to request a new suspension and it will be subject to our normal suspension terms and conditions. - You can cancel out of Swimming Lessons
If you’re not fully vaccinated and you have a child enrolled in swimming lessons you will need to make arrangements for a fully vaccinated adult to accompany them to their lessons. Alternatively, you can cancel out of classes or make use of make-ups when rules change again in December. Unfortunately, we cannot hold places and therefore we will not be able to guarantee your child a spot in the program when you become vaccinated or when restrictions ease.
If you need to cancel out of swimming lessons please do so here no later than midnight, 18 October. - Checking In – ALL
It is a requirement to check in on the NSW QR Code. Please show your Green Tick to staff at entry. - Mask Wearing
All members and guests over the age of 13 will be required to wear a mask while in the Centre unless you are swimming or are doing strenuous exercise. - Good Hygiene
Social distancing and hygiene measures must be adhered to when visiting the Centre. Remember to always use a towel and wipe down equipment before and after use. - Stay home if you are unwell
If you are unwell; or if you are not permitted to attend under the current health orders, please do not attend. - Follow Team Member Advice
All members and guests are required to follow the direction of our staff or any law enforcement officer. - Be Kind
This is a challenging time for all our customers and staff. We kindly request that you are patient with team members and fellow facility users alike as we all adjust to this new normal.
We appreciate that this is a lot to cover. We will update this page with any additional advice as soon as it becomes available. If you have any queries or concerns please contact us at lanecove@bluefit.com.au
NSW Government Announcement
We’re excited about the NSW Government’s roadmap updates today relating to indoor pools. We’re currently assessing the information to see what the restrictions mean for specific programs and services.
Please keep an eye on our socials and website for further updates about the reopening of gyms, pools and the return of swimming lessons. Members and families will receive communications very shortly.
The safety of our members, community and staff is paramount. We are updating our COVID safe plans and controls to adhere to the restrictions imposed by the government.
Further information to come! Thanks for your continued patience – we can’t wait to welcome you back!
We’re very excited to be welcoming you back into our outdoor pools with the NSW Government announcing we can soon reopen for exercise and recreation.
Our outdoor pool is set to open this Monday the 27th of September!
The pool opening hours will be;
Mon -Fri 6am-8pm
Sat & Sun 6am – 5pm
Your health and safety is our top priority, and we have everything in place to ensure our pools are Covid Safe. There are restrictions in place and we request that you comply with all Government guidelines and team member directions. Currently, the rules are:
- If you are fully vaccinated;
You can attend with up to 5 people for exercise or outdoor recreation so long as all those at the gathering aged 16 years or over are fully vaccinated. You will need to be able to show evidence of vaccination if requested by Police. The 5 person limit on these gatherings does not include children aged 12 or under. - If you are not fully vaccinated;
You can attend with 1 other person that you do not live with. If you live with more than 2 other people, you can all exercise and engage in outdoor recreation together. - It is a requirement to check in on the NSW QR Code. Please show your Green Tick to staff at entry.
Memberships will not be reactivated until restrictions ease further. Fitness Passport has also confirmed that their memberships will not be reactivated at this time. If you wish to attend you can use a visit pass or purchase a casual entry. Bookings will not be required.
Remember, you can always find the latest health advice here.
Thanks for your patience and we can’t wait to see you for a splash from Monday!
The time has finally come around, outdoor pools are allowed to reopen in NSW!
We are scheduling to open our outdoor 50m pool from Monday 27th September. We are working hard behind the scenes to further understand the restrictions and logistics and we will reach out to you when we have more information. However, you can view the opening hours below.
Monday to Friday: 6:00am to 8:00pm
Saturday – Sunday: 6:00am to 5:00pm.
The NSW Roadmap has outlined that further restrictions will ease once the state reaches 70% of the double dose. Gyms and swimming pool facilities can open the following Monday to those that are fully vaccinated! This is currently scheduled to occur on October 11th. Again, when we have more information we will reach out to you.
We look forward to seeing you soon!
As per this week’s announcement, we will remain closed due to the NSW Government stay at home orders being extended.
We miss you, and we can’t wait to invite you back into the Centre, but we know these orders are in place to keep our community safe.
We anticipate reopening at the end of September. In the meantime, we have linked a few great ways to keep you and your family active while at home, we hope you enjoy it! You can view more of these workouts, lessons, activities and more on our BFit @ Home website here.
If you have further questions you can contact us at lanecove@bluefit.com.au.
As per this week’s announcement, we will remain closed due to the NSW Government stay at home orders being extended.
We miss you, and we can’t wait to invite you back into the Centre, but we know these orders are in place to keep our community safe.
We anticipate reopening on Saturday 28th August 2021. In the meantime, we have linked a few great ways to keep you and your family active while at home, we hope you enjoy it! You can view more of these workouts, lessons, activities and more on our BFit @ Home website here.
If you have further questions you can contact us at lanecove@bluefit.com.au.
Sydney Lockdown Extended
As per today’s announcement, we will remain closed due to the NSW Government stay at home orders being extended.
We anticipate reopening on Saturday, 31st July 2021.
Sydney Lockdown Extended for Another Week
As per today’s announcement, we will remain closed due to the NSW Government stay at home orders being extended.
We miss you, and we can’t wait to invite you back into the Centre, but we know these orders are in place to keep our community safe.
We anticipate reopening on Saturday 17 July 2021.
Just a reminder to everyone that all memberships, swimming lessons and kids sports lessons have been put on complimentary suspension and will remain on hold without charge until such time as we can reopen.
Payments made in advance of the closure are being held for you and will be credited in the next payment period after reopening. No action is required by you, and all enrolments made before the lockdown remain secure.
Don’t forget that during the closure, you can still enjoy your favourite group fitness class and access plenty of fun activities for the kids to do via our online platform BFit@home. Click here to access our virtual health & fitness site.
As always we will closely monitor the situation and provide further updates if required. In the meantime, should you have any specific questions relating to the closure, please email us at lanecove@bluefit.com.au
Stay safe, and we look forward to seeing you back in the Centre soon!
The Lane Cove Aquatic Team
In line with the directions issued by the NSW State Government, we will be closed from 6pm on Saturday, 26 June, with a view to re-opening on Saturday morning, 10th July 2021.
During the closure, we will be unable to operate our Learn to Swim program. For those customers with lessons scheduled during the week, we’ve placed a credit on your account. No action is required on your behalf.
Learn to Swim lesson days and times in the program will remain secure for the reopening of the facility.
All applicable memberships will automatically be suspended for the duration of the lockdown and a credit will be placed on your account for these days if required. Once again, no further action is required. As customer accounts were debited before the announcement these credits will take effect in the next debiting period.
Any Group Fitness class bookings will not proceed, you may notice that you are removed from those classes during the closure period.
During the closure, you can still enjoy your favourite group fitness class and access plenty of fun activities for the kids to do via our online platform BFit@home. Click here to access our virtual health & fitness site.
We appreciate this is an emerging situation and will provide further updates if required. In the meantime, should you have any specific questions relating to the closure, please email us at lanecove@bluefit.com.au
Stay safe,
Your Lane Cove Aquatic Team
We wanted to provide you with an update following today’s announcement. The following changes will be in place from 4PM today, Wednesday 23 June 2021.
New Restrictions are below:
- All rooms are at a capacity of 1 person per 4 square meters.
- Class sizes have been reduced to a max of 40 people or 20 people on either side of a line down the middle of the group fitness room or pool.
- We encourage all staff, members and guests to comply with the advice from NSW Health and wear a mask at all times when in the centre. We however do not enforce the wearing of a mask where doing so jeopardises the individual’s health or safety.
- Staff and children in the aquatic environment will not need to wear a mask.
Please note: There may be changes to the regular group fitness timetable over this time and we may not be able to accommodate some existing class bookings.
Important things that you need to be aware of:
- It is a condition of entry that casual visitors check in using our check-in system.
- You still need to use your BlueFit member card to enter the facility and check-in at reception.
- Remember to always use a towel and wipe down equipment before and after use.
Thank you for your continued support. We look forward to seeing you again!
FRIDAY 29th January 2021
Start looking for your swimmers and towels because after 2 years of renovation the 50m outdoor pool is coming to completion and we are ready to celebrate it’s re-opening! Book with the button below to be the first one to dive in!
Lane Cove Council will be throwing a morning ceremony on Saturday, October 3rd from 10am – 12pm with a visit from our special guest, Ian Thorpe! Due to COVID restrictions, this ceremony is by invitation only, however you can then dive into the new outdoor pool from 12:30pm onwards using our booking system below.
To avoid over-crowding we will have a booking system in place for the first three days. From Saturday 3rd October – Monday, 5th October we will allow for 30 people per hour in the pool. To lock in your spot you can click here.
The weekend opening hours are the following:
Saturday: 12:30pm – 8pm
Sunday: 6am – 8pm
Monday: 8am – 6pm (Public Holiday)
The eight-lane, 50-metre pool provides a flexible setup with a state-of-the-art divider allowing the pool to operate in both 25 metre and 50-metre lengths. New change rooms are located underneath the impressive new grandstand along with on-deck showers. A new marshalling area complete with a hearing loop will help provide access to high-quality facilities for competitions and carnivals, with an 800 seat grandstand for those to sit and enjoy the action in the pool.
The pool and grandstand are fitted with the latest sustainability features including energy-efficient lighting, water and energy-saving filters, heaters and pumps while an array of solar panels are fitted to the grandstand and marshalling area roof.
An adult change facility and accessible toilet are located at the pool-deck level and there is a ramp into the pool for wheelchair access. A new artwork adorning the fence reflects the themes of water and movement and acknowledges how the traditional owners of the land – the Cameraygal people – engaged with Lane Cove’s waterways.
So save the date, as you won’t want to miss making a splash this spring in Lane Cove Aquatic Leisure Centre’s latest addition.
There will be a $3 booking fee (members and non-members), donated to the BlueFit Foundation and directed to access for sport for Lane Cove local community groups.
The Leisure Pool Re-Opens September 26th!
We are excited to share that our leisure pool will re-open as of Saturday 26th September!
Our aquatic opening hours will be the following:
MON – FRI: 5:30AM – 8PM
SAT – SUN: 6AM – 3PM
50m Outdoor Pool Update: August 2020 – Re-Opening in Spring!
See below for the latest news from Lane Cove Council.
‘Dive into the new outdoor pool this October! The new outdoor pool and 800 seat grandstand will officially open on the October long weekend.’
The eight-lane, 50-metre pool provides a flexible setup with a state-of-the-art divider allowing the pool to operate in both 25 metre and 50-metre lengths. New change rooms are located underneath the impressive new grandstand along with on-deck showers. A new marshalling area complete with a hearing loop will help provide access to high-quality facilities for competitions and carnivals.
The pool and grandstand are fitted with the latest sustainability features including energy-efficient lighting, water and energy-saving filters, heaters and pumps while an array of solar panels are fitted to the grandstand and marshalling area roof.
An adult change facility and accessible toilet are located at the pool-deck level and there is a ramp into the pool for wheelchair access. A new artwork adorning the fence reflects the themes of water and movement and acknowledges how the traditional owners of the land – the Cameraygal people – engaged with Lane Cove’s waterways.’
So save the date, as you won’t want to miss making a splash this Spring in Lane Cove Aquatic Leisure Centre’s latest addition.
tuesday 7th July 2020
Aquatics To Re-Open:
We are excited to finally announce the official re-opening of the pools at Lane Cove Aquatic Leisure Centre on Monday 20th July. To ensure we comply with government restrictions, the following measures will be in place:
- Aqua Classes will also be available from Saturday 1st August. Bookings for Aqua classes must be made through the BlueFit Health Club App.
- The spa, sauna/steam room, and leisure pool will remain closed.
- Change rooms open with limited numbers. Encouraged to shower at home or use on deck showers.
- Lap Swimming in the 25m Pool will re-open. No bookings required.
Cafe will open but with restricted times. - Squads will return on Monday 20th July.
- Swim School will return on Monday 27th July. Further information about swimming lessons will be sent to our learn to swim customers.
- Change room facilities will re-open.
- Strict social distancing & hygiene measures must be adhered to.
- During this period we are operating with amended opening hours. See below our current hours of operation.
Monday-Friday: 5:30am-12:00pm & 3:00pm-8:00pm
Saturday & Sunday: 6:00am-3:00pm
If your membership is on suspension and you would like to return early, your membership will be reactivated once you scan your card.
We believe leisure facilities play an important role in the health and wellbeing of the community. We look forward to seeing you again soon!
Learn To Swim Resumes 27th July:
We hope you have been keeping well and have found our online swim resources via BFit@Home useful in keeping up to date with your skills. We are excited to now announce that Lane Cove Aquatic Centre is now open and Learn to Swim lessons will recommence on Monday 27th July.
As a critical part of our re-commencement, we have implemented measures to ensure the safety and health of both our students and instructors are at the forefront of your return. Minor changes may have been made to the lesson programming, as we continue to deliver safe and high-quality lessons.
For existing families with a booking when we closed in March, we have held your same spot without charge for the break. All lessons will now re-commence Monday 27 July, with the first debit on Friday 31st July for the 2 week period following. Any credits owing have been applied to those customers affected by the early closure of the facility.
If you are not ready to return just yet, please click here to complete your cancellation request. Please note, If we do not hear from you, we will assume you are returning in July when we re-commence.
For more information about our COVID safe policies please click the link below. We look forward to teaching you again!
Aquatics Opening Hours:
- Monday-Friday: 5:30am-12:00pm & 3:00pm-8:00pm
- Saturday & Sunday: 6:00am-3:00pm
All lessons will now re-commence Monday 27 July, with the first debit on Friday 31st July for the 2 week period following. Any credits owing have been applied to those customers affected by the early closure of the facility.
We have updated our makeup policy to allow 12 makeups per calendar year, simply login to the parent portal to mark your absence.
If you aren’t ready to resume your lessons just yet that’s ok too, simply cancel your enrolment through the parent portal.
The centre for disease control confirmed Chlorine is effective against a broad range of viruses and there is no evidence that COVID-19 can be spread to through the use of pools.
We pride ourselves on our water quality and continue to perform regular pool checks throughout the day.
We recommend only 1 parent per child for spectating. During this period we ask that where possible, only students and one guardian attend the facility.
There will be limited access to the change rooms, even for Learn To Swim students.
Please come dressed for your lesson. Ensure you have warm clothes for when you exit the pool. We recommend a robe, hoodie, trackies, warm slippers or ugg boots and a beanie.
BlueFit Swimming students have free access to the pools every day during the week. This amazing benefit will continue but in line with government restrictions.
We have made slight modifications to our teaching techniques to protect our students and teachers. This includes using a doll when demonstrating activities and skills during infants classes.
- Reduced equipment within infant & preschool lessons to increase student safety.
- Only performing manual manipulation in the water when it is safe for both students and teachers
- Ensuring teachers instruct from the side or behind the student to reduce face to face contact.
- Replacing hi 5’s with the Bluey Bump at the conclusion of the lesson.
- To reduce equipment sharing we now have BlueFit Swimming Kickboards, Swim Caps and goggles available for purchase on the BlueFit Swimming website and in the facility.
For the full details on the changes to our lessons click here.
thursday 11th June 2020
We are excited to finally announce the re-opening of the Health Club at Lane Cove Aquatic Leisure Centre.
All members will have access to the gym from Saturday 13th June. Inline with state government restrictions the following health and hygiene measures in place:
- Group fitness classes will be reduced to 20 people only (this has now changed from 10 due to recent updates).
- The timetable will be released this Friday with classes resuming Monday 15th June.
- All group fitness bookings must be made through the BlueFit Health Club app up to 7 days in advance which you can download by clicking the link below
- You must train with a towel and wipe down equipment after use
- Changing room facilities and water fountains will be closed
- Strict social distancing & hygiene measures must be adhered to
- The creche will remain closed
- For more information about the measures now in place please see below to view our re-open video.
- The direct debits for perpetual members will recommence on Friday 19th June. For upfront members, we have extended your membership expiry date to account for the days the facility was closed
The facility will be available for Health Club members only for the time being. If you’re not ready to come back to the gym just yet, the Bfit@Home platform remains available to you at no costs and includes live classes & at-home workouts. For those who would like to continue their complimentary suspension please click here.
The pools remain closed, however we will provide an update on this as information becomes available. If you’re a health club member not wanting to return because the pools are not yet open, please complete the suspension extension process above
Leisure facilities play an important role in the health and wellbeing of the community and we’re excited to have them re-opening.
See you soon!
Our operating hours will resume to normal excluding weekends. See below:
MON – THURS: 5:30AM – 10PM
FRI: 5:30AM – 9PM
SAT – SUN: 6AM – 3PM
Following recent announcements made by the state government, the health club will now re-open Saturday 13th June but with strict health and hygiene measures in place.
- You must train with a towel and wipe down equipment after use.
- Group fitness classes will now ensure a 4m² distance is practiced.
- Strict social distancing & hygiene measures must be adhered to.
- We have increased our cleaning routine with our team of Hygiene Heroes rostered to ensure our facility’s hygiene remains at a high standard.
- Throughout the centre, you will see signage and instructions on how you, members, guests and staff can maintain a COVID safe facility.
- All staff are requested to complete the Department of Health COVID-safe training.
- The facility is professional cleaned every night.
All members will have access to the gym from Saturday 13th June and the debit will recommence on Friday 19th June. For upfront members, we have changed your membership expiry date to account for the days the facility was closed.
If you’re not ready to come back to the gym just yet, the Bfit@Home platform remains available to you and includes live classes & at-home workouts. For those who would like to continue their suspension please click here to complete your complimentary suspension form.
For the time being the facility is only accessible to members if you’re interested in joining call us on 02 9418 8888, or you can sign-up online here.
- Group Fitness Classes resume at restricted class sizes.
- The gym as of Saturday 13th June
- Toilets
- Limited access to change rooms.
- Indoor and outdoor Swimming pools
- Spa / Sauna
- Swimming lessons
- Creche
The pool remains closed for the time being but we will provide an update on this as we progress. The utility and environmental costs associated with heating such a large body of water can not be justified for such a limited number of users. As restrictions ease we will look to reopen in the next stage of changes.
Unfortunately as the pool remains closed our swimming lessons won’t begin but we will provide an update on this as we progress.
We will have a new Group Fitness timetable with some of your dearly missed classes returning as of 15th June. We will update you with our timetable on Friday 12th June.
Group Fitness Classes:
You can book yourself into the class on the day or through the app, however the app allows you to book 7 days in advance, so we recommend using this platform.
The gym:
You can once again enjoy individual gym training without having to book into a gym floor session and there is no time limit on your workout!
For upfront members, we have changed your membership expiry date to account for the days the facility was closed.
For those who would like to continue their suspension please click here to complete your complimentary suspension form.
Our creche service remains closed for the time being but we will provide an update on this as we progress.
The BlueFit Health Club App will not only help keep you up to date with the latest news around centre, but also allow you to book, cancel and monitor your future bookings. If you have not logged in before you will receive an email from the centre to join Mywellness. Once your login has been activated through Mywellness you can begin following our step by step instructions below or watch our demonstration video above to begin.
- Download the app.
- Login using your credentials.
- Scroll down to find the timetable tile.
- Select ‘See all’ to view the daily schedule.
- You can click on the class image to find out more about the session.
- Click ‘Book’ beside your desired class to book straight in.
- To cancel your booking, click “delete booking”.
- Once you have booked into your class you will be be sent a reminder prior to the class so ensure to have your push notifications turned on.
- If you have any issues including not having received your email from mywellness as a new member please contact App Support.
thursday 4th June 2020
To members and patrons,
We are closely monitoring the new state restrictions and how that impacts our centre. We will send an update soon. Thank you for your patience, until then, stay safe!
tuesday 19th may 2020
Due to the new easing of restrictions by the state Government, we are excited to offer our outdoor Boot Camp sessions!
Join our $39, 4-week outdoor training program starting next Tuesday 26th May. Each session will adhere to strict health and safety measures in line with State Government guidelines.
Sunday 22nd march 2020
Facility Closure
As of 12pm Monday 23rd March, Lane Cove Aquatic Leisure Centre will close until further notice. All class payments and memberships will be put on hold and visit passes will be extended by 12 months. We’d like to thank the amazing team that bring you the services you love, this will be a difficult time for them and their families. We look forward to seeing you all again when we reopen
friday 20th march 2020
Aqua Classes Saturday and Sunday
Dear members and guests,
Due to restrictions on indoor gatherings, aqua on Saturday and Sunday have been cancelled until further notice. We will be in touch with an updated timetable.
We apologise for the inconvenience caused.
Spa, Sauna and Steam Room Closures
Our spa, sauna and steam rooms will be closed from close of business tonight 20/03/2020.
We are unable to enforce social distancing in these areas and apologise for any inconveniences caused.
Our swimming pools are still safe, functional and available for use.
WEDNESDAY 18th march 2020
Extension of Visit Pass Expiry:
Dear Patrons,
During these unprecedented times involving coronavirus (COVID-19), we understand that many of you may be choosing to self-isolate and therefore unable to attend the facility.
To help make this time easier for you and ensure your visits don’t go to waste, we have made the decision to extend the visit pass expiry on current passes by one year.
All extensions will automatically be applied to your account.
We look forward to seeing you at the facility soon!
Stay Safe.
TUESDAY 17th march 2020
- Shower before using the pools
- Practice cough etiquette (keep away from other people, cover coughs and sneezes with disposable tissues or clothing, and clean your hands.)
- Avoid close contact with anyone with cold or flu-like symptoms.
- Not attending the facility if you have flu-like symptoms
- Our facilities will remain open for the foreseeable future and we want to ensure our lessons remain a fun and safe environment for our staff and students.
It is important to note that these changes are temporary as the situation seems to be changing daily.
BlueFit Swimming has safety as it’s first priority and the employment of our thousands of staff close behind. We ask that families chose to process these additional make-up lessons rather than cancel their lessons. Swimming remains an essential skill and the risks remain low.
Parent Portal Login Details
Username: *|EMAIL|*
Temporary Password: 1234
(If you have logged in to the portal previously the password will be whatever you changed it to)
If you have any issues logging in to the portal please go to “forgot password” and try to reset it. If this does not work please email support@bluefit.com.au
FRIDAY 13th march 2020
Dear members & patrons,
We understand that with so much information relating to the coronavirus (COVID-19) going around in the media, you may have concerns about how the situation is being managed at Lane Cove Aquatic Leisure Centre, as a large public facility.
Please understand that the safety, health and well-being of our customers and staff is always our top priority. Our centre continues to be a public facility and workplace that remains safe to attend.
At this point we will be remaining open during our regular hours and classes will not be impacted.
We want you to feel confident when you’re using our facilities. We have and will continue to put in place a number of proactive measures to protect customers and staff well-being:
- Hand sanitiser available throughout the facility.
- Thorough cleaning and sanitisation practices throughout the centre
- Multilingual signage relating to personal hygiene in key areas.
If you are returning from any of the affected countries, you should follow the advice of the Australian Government’s Department of Health as set out on their website.
Regular updates will be placed on this website.
Latest Update: No staff or customers have been identified as having the virus. The facility remains safe to attend.
Chlorinated water has a long documented history of preventing the spread of viruses, however it is important to maintain good personal hygiene at all times. This includes:
- Showering before using the facilities
- Washing hands after using changing facilities.
Health Club:
We believe that regular exercise is important to maintain a healthy life and support proper immune function. It is therefore important to provide you with a safe and clean training environment.
In addition adopting a thorough cleaning and sanitising regime within the facility, we also encourage you to:
- Thoroughly wipe down all gym equipment after use.
- Always use a towel while training.
- Practice good hygiene and wash hands frequently.
- Make use of the available wipes and hand sanitiser.
Outside The Pool:
It’s important that we all practice safe hygiene practices during this time. This includes:
- Cleaning your hands with soap and water for 20 seconds, or an alcohol-based hand rub.
- Covering your nose and mouth when coughing and sneezing with tissue or a flexed elbow
- Avoid close contact with anyone with cold or flu-like symptoms.
- Practice cough etiquette (keep away from other people, cover coughs and sneezes with disposable tissues or clothing, and clean your hands.)
Respect Those Around You:
We believe our staff and the communities we service are our family and we hope that everyone continues to behave and treat each other with the respect and dignity they deserve.
What Next?
We are monitoring the situation closely, and should it be necessary to provide members with further communication, we will contact you via email, and if necessary via SMS. We also encourage casual users to visit our website regularly.
A detailed FAQ is available below. If you have any further questions please contact us via email at info@bluefit.com.au.
We have and will continue to put in place a number of proactive measures to protect customers and staff well-being:
- Hand sanitiser available throughout the facility.
- Thorough cleaning and sanitisation practices throughout the centre.
- Multilingual signage relating to personal hygiene in key areas.
Staff have also been briefed on updated hygiene practices to minimise the risk to themselves and customers.
In the event of a confirmed case within the facility we will be guided by the Department of Health on our next steps. Please click here for regular updates.
If you come in contact with someone who has recently returned from one of the countries identified and you suspect they may have coronavirus we ask that you do not attend the facility for 14 days.
Yes. Chlorinated water has a long documented history of preventing the spread of viruses, however it is important to maintain good personal hygiene at all times. This includes:
- Showering before using the facilities.
- Washing hands after using changing facilities.
Masks are no longer mandatory
With the latest Government restrictions, masks are no longer mandatory at our facility from today, Friday 25th February.
The choice is yours if you wish to continue to wear one!
WEDNESDAY 12th January 2022
Creche Closure
We take the health and safety of our community very seriously. Unfortunately, a number of our team members are testing and isolating due to the current COVID-19 outbreak. As a result, we will be unable to operate the creche this coming week.
Please keep an eye on our Facebook page for any updates. We apologise for any inconvenience and thank you for your kind patience. We anticipate reopening the creche on Monday 17 January 2022.
New restrictions
Due to State Government restrictions, face masks are now mandatory indoors for those 12 years old and older from 11:59pm Thursday 23rd December.
The only time you don’t have to wear one is during swimming and strenuous exercise. We thank you for your understanding.
Restrictions Easing
From tomorrow, restrictions will ease for our members and guests in NSW.
1. Masks are no longer required.
2. Evidence of vaccination is no longer required.
3. Facility and class capacity restrictions no longer apply.
We look forward to seeing you in the Centre soon!
We are thrilled to announce that after reaching the NSW 70% double vaccination target we are able to reopen our pool and gym facilities this Monday, 11 October!
There is a lot of detailed advice and things to be aware of before Monday, so we’ve put all the details about our reopening below. As we’ve learned, Government advice can change quickly, so visit this page often to make sure you always have the latest advice.
Here is what you need to know so far:
- We are safe
We have been hard at work updating our COVID safe plans and making sure your facility is sparkling clean and ready for your return. - We are vaccinated
Every team member you meet will have been double jabbed. - Our gym is opening
We’re operating as per our usual opening hours, with a maximum capacity of 1 person per 4 square metres. Gym floor bookings are not required. - Our group fitness and aqua classes are back
There will be a few less classes initially but this will ramp up as our team is cleared to return to work. Please note there will be a maximum of 20 participants per area or 1 person per 4m2, whichever is less. We expect demand to be high for places, so as a courtesy to fellow members please remember to cancel out of classes if you cannot attend. Bookings will be available in the BlueFit Health Club app from 5pm on Friday, 08 October. Our 1 hour reformer classes will return from 30 October. The first direct debit will be on 06 November. - Our outdoor pools are open
You can visit our outdoor pools for exercise and recreation. Please be aware there may be restricted opening hours due to staff shortages. - Our indoor pools are opening
From Monday our indoor pools will be open for lap swimming and Aqua classes. Please be aware that it takes some time to heat up a swimming pool. The heaters have been firing since the announcement, but it may still feel a little fresh on Monday. - Spa / Sauna / Steam facilities are closed
For now, these facilities will remain closed until we receive further Government advice. - Swimming Lessons are coming soon
Swimming Lessons will resume from next Saturday 16 October. The first swim school direct debit will not be until Friday 22 October. If you need to cancel out of swimming lessons please do so here no later than midnight, 18 October. If we are unable to run your child’s lesson due to staff availability we will reach out to you separately. - Creche
Our Creche remains closed. We anticipate reopening the creche on 25 October. - You will need to be fully vaccinated to enter the centre
This is important. Everyone aged 16 years and over must have had both shots of your COVID-19 vaccine to enter our facilities. Please show proof at entry. This includes both using the facility and accompanying children to swimming lessons. - Memberships will be active
Membership will be reactivated for free from Monday, 11 October.
We’re not going to recommence membership payments right away. We want you to come back and make sure you feel safe. We also want to give you some time to be ready to return. Your first direct debit will be on Friday, 22 October. - You can suspend your membership
If you’re not fully vaccinated or you don’t feel ready to return you can access a one-time free suspension from now until 01 December 2021. Your membership will then be reactivated on the 1st of December. To take up this suspension please click here no later than midnight, 18 October.
If you wish to suspend beyond the 1st of December you will need to request a new suspension and it will be subject to our normal suspension terms and conditions. - You can cancel out of Swimming Lessons
If you’re not fully vaccinated and you have a child enrolled in swimming lessons you will need to make arrangements for a fully vaccinated adult to accompany them to their lessons. Alternatively, you can cancel out of classes or make use of make-ups when rules change again in December. Unfortunately, we cannot hold places and therefore we will not be able to guarantee your child a spot in the program when you become vaccinated or when restrictions ease.
If you need to cancel out of swimming lessons please do so here no later than midnight, 18 October. - Checking In – ALL
It is a requirement to check in on the NSW QR Code. Please show your Green Tick to staff at entry. - Mask Wearing
All members and guests over the age of 13 will be required to wear a mask while in the Centre unless you are swimming or are doing strenuous exercise. - Good Hygiene
Social distancing and hygiene measures must be adhered to when visiting the Centre. Remember to always use a towel and wipe down equipment before and after use. - Stay home if you are unwell
If you are unwell; or if you are not permitted to attend under the current health orders, please do not attend. - Follow Team Member Advice
All members and guests are required to follow the direction of our staff or any law enforcement officer. - Be Kind
This is a challenging time for all our customers and staff. We kindly request that you are patient with team members and fellow facility users alike as we all adjust to this new normal.
We appreciate that this is a lot to cover. We will update this page with any additional advice as soon as it becomes available. If you have any queries or concerns please contact us at lanecove@bluefit.com.au
NSW Government Announcement
We’re excited about the NSW Government’s roadmap updates today relating to indoor pools. We’re currently assessing the information to see what the restrictions mean for specific programs and services.
Please keep an eye on our socials and website for further updates about the reopening of gyms, pools and the return of swimming lessons. Members and families will receive communications very shortly.
The safety of our members, community and staff is paramount. We are updating our COVID safe plans and controls to adhere to the restrictions imposed by the government.
Further information to come! Thanks for your continued patience – we can’t wait to welcome you back!
We’re very excited to be welcoming you back into our outdoor pools with the NSW Government announcing we can soon reopen for exercise and recreation.
Our outdoor pool is set to open this Monday the 27th of September!
The pool opening hours will be;
Mon -Fri 6am-8pm
Sat & Sun 6am – 5pm
Your health and safety is our top priority, and we have everything in place to ensure our pools are Covid Safe. There are restrictions in place and we request that you comply with all Government guidelines and team member directions. Currently, the rules are:
- If you are fully vaccinated;
You can attend with up to 5 people for exercise or outdoor recreation so long as all those at the gathering aged 16 years or over are fully vaccinated. You will need to be able to show evidence of vaccination if requested by Police. The 5 person limit on these gatherings does not include children aged 12 or under. - If you are not fully vaccinated;
You can attend with 1 other person that you do not live with. If you live with more than 2 other people, you can all exercise and engage in outdoor recreation together. - It is a requirement to check in on the NSW QR Code. Please show your Green Tick to staff at entry.
Memberships will not be reactivated until restrictions ease further. Fitness Passport has also confirmed that their memberships will not be reactivated at this time. If you wish to attend you can use a visit pass or purchase a casual entry. Bookings will not be required.
Remember, you can always find the latest health advice here.
Thanks for your patience and we can’t wait to see you for a splash from Monday!
The time has finally come around, outdoor pools are allowed to reopen in NSW!
We are scheduling to open our outdoor 50m pool from Monday 27th September. We are working hard behind the scenes to further understand the restrictions and logistics and we will reach out to you when we have more information. However, you can view the opening hours below.
Monday to Friday: 6:00am to 8:00pm
Saturday – Sunday: 6:00am to 5:00pm.
The NSW Roadmap has outlined that further restrictions will ease once the state reaches 70% of the double dose. Gyms and swimming pool facilities can open the following Monday to those that are fully vaccinated! This is currently scheduled to occur on October 11th. Again, when we have more information we will reach out to you.
We look forward to seeing you soon!
As per this week’s announcement, we will remain closed due to the NSW Government stay at home orders being extended.
We miss you, and we can’t wait to invite you back into the Centre, but we know these orders are in place to keep our community safe.
We anticipate reopening at the end of September. In the meantime, we have linked a few great ways to keep you and your family active while at home, we hope you enjoy it! You can view more of these workouts, lessons, activities and more on our BFit @ Home website here.
If you have further questions you can contact us at lanecove@bluefit.com.au.
As per this week’s announcement, we will remain closed due to the NSW Government stay at home orders being extended.
We miss you, and we can’t wait to invite you back into the Centre, but we know these orders are in place to keep our community safe.
We anticipate reopening on Saturday 28th August 2021. In the meantime, we have linked a few great ways to keep you and your family active while at home, we hope you enjoy it! You can view more of these workouts, lessons, activities and more on our BFit @ Home website here.
If you have further questions you can contact us at lanecove@bluefit.com.au.
Sydney Lockdown Extended
As per today’s announcement, we will remain closed due to the NSW Government stay at home orders being extended.
We anticipate reopening on Saturday, 31st July 2021.
Sydney Lockdown Extended for Another Week
As per today’s announcement, we will remain closed due to the NSW Government stay at home orders being extended.
We miss you, and we can’t wait to invite you back into the Centre, but we know these orders are in place to keep our community safe.
We anticipate reopening on Saturday 17 July 2021.
Just a reminder to everyone that all memberships, swimming lessons and kids sports lessons have been put on complimentary suspension and will remain on hold without charge until such time as we can reopen.
Payments made in advance of the closure are being held for you and will be credited in the next payment period after reopening. No action is required by you, and all enrolments made before the lockdown remain secure.
Don’t forget that during the closure, you can still enjoy your favourite group fitness class and access plenty of fun activities for the kids to do via our online platform BFit@home. Click here to access our virtual health & fitness site.
As always we will closely monitor the situation and provide further updates if required. In the meantime, should you have any specific questions relating to the closure, please email us at lanecove@bluefit.com.au
Stay safe, and we look forward to seeing you back in the Centre soon!
The Lane Cove Aquatic Team
In line with the directions issued by the NSW State Government, we will be closed from 6pm on Saturday, 26 June, with a view to re-opening on Saturday morning, 10th July 2021.
During the closure, we will be unable to operate our Learn to Swim program. For those customers with lessons scheduled during the week, we’ve placed a credit on your account. No action is required on your behalf.
Learn to Swim lesson days and times in the program will remain secure for the reopening of the facility.
All applicable memberships will automatically be suspended for the duration of the lockdown and a credit will be placed on your account for these days if required. Once again, no further action is required. As customer accounts were debited before the announcement these credits will take effect in the next debiting period.
Any Group Fitness class bookings will not proceed, you may notice that you are removed from those classes during the closure period.
During the closure, you can still enjoy your favourite group fitness class and access plenty of fun activities for the kids to do via our online platform BFit@home. Click here to access our virtual health & fitness site.
We appreciate this is an emerging situation and will provide further updates if required. In the meantime, should you have any specific questions relating to the closure, please email us at lanecove@bluefit.com.au
Stay safe,
Your Lane Cove Aquatic Team
We wanted to provide you with an update following today’s announcement. The following changes will be in place from 4PM today, Wednesday 23 June 2021.
New Restrictions are below:
- All rooms are at a capacity of 1 person per 4 square meters.
- Class sizes have been reduced to a max of 40 people or 20 people on either side of a line down the middle of the group fitness room or pool.
- We encourage all staff, members and guests to comply with the advice from NSW Health and wear a mask at all times when in the centre. We however do not enforce the wearing of a mask where doing so jeopardises the individual’s health or safety.
- Staff and children in the aquatic environment will not need to wear a mask.
Please note: There may be changes to the regular group fitness timetable over this time and we may not be able to accommodate some existing class bookings.
Important things that you need to be aware of:
- It is a condition of entry that casual visitors check in using our check-in system.
- You still need to use your BlueFit member card to enter the facility and check-in at reception.
- Remember to always use a towel and wipe down equipment before and after use.
Thank you for your continued support. We look forward to seeing you again!
FRIDAY 29th January 2021
Start looking for your swimmers and towels because after 2 years of renovation the 50m outdoor pool is coming to completion and we are ready to celebrate it’s re-opening! Book with the button below to be the first one to dive in!
Lane Cove Council will be throwing a morning ceremony on Saturday, October 3rd from 10am – 12pm with a visit from our special guest, Ian Thorpe! Due to COVID restrictions, this ceremony is by invitation only, however you can then dive into the new outdoor pool from 12:30pm onwards using our booking system below.
To avoid over-crowding we will have a booking system in place for the first three days. From Saturday 3rd October – Monday, 5th October we will allow for 30 people per hour in the pool. To lock in your spot you can click here.
The weekend opening hours are the following:
Saturday: 12:30pm – 8pm
Sunday: 6am – 8pm
Monday: 8am – 6pm (Public Holiday)
The eight-lane, 50-metre pool provides a flexible setup with a state-of-the-art divider allowing the pool to operate in both 25 metre and 50-metre lengths. New change rooms are located underneath the impressive new grandstand along with on-deck showers. A new marshalling area complete with a hearing loop will help provide access to high-quality facilities for competitions and carnivals, with an 800 seat grandstand for those to sit and enjoy the action in the pool.
The pool and grandstand are fitted with the latest sustainability features including energy-efficient lighting, water and energy-saving filters, heaters and pumps while an array of solar panels are fitted to the grandstand and marshalling area roof.
An adult change facility and accessible toilet are located at the pool-deck level and there is a ramp into the pool for wheelchair access. A new artwork adorning the fence reflects the themes of water and movement and acknowledges how the traditional owners of the land – the Cameraygal people – engaged with Lane Cove’s waterways.
So save the date, as you won’t want to miss making a splash this spring in Lane Cove Aquatic Leisure Centre’s latest addition.
There will be a $3 booking fee (members and non-members), donated to the BlueFit Foundation and directed to access for sport for Lane Cove local community groups.
The Leisure Pool Re-Opens September 26th!
We are excited to share that our leisure pool will re-open as of Saturday 26th September!
Our aquatic opening hours will be the following:
MON – FRI: 5:30AM – 8PM
SAT – SUN: 6AM – 3PM
50m Outdoor Pool Update: August 2020 – Re-Opening in Spring!
See below for the latest news from Lane Cove Council.
‘Dive into the new outdoor pool this October! The new outdoor pool and 800 seat grandstand will officially open on the October long weekend.’
The eight-lane, 50-metre pool provides a flexible setup with a state-of-the-art divider allowing the pool to operate in both 25 metre and 50-metre lengths. New change rooms are located underneath the impressive new grandstand along with on-deck showers. A new marshalling area complete with a hearing loop will help provide access to high-quality facilities for competitions and carnivals.
The pool and grandstand are fitted with the latest sustainability features including energy-efficient lighting, water and energy-saving filters, heaters and pumps while an array of solar panels are fitted to the grandstand and marshalling area roof.
An adult change facility and accessible toilet are located at the pool-deck level and there is a ramp into the pool for wheelchair access. A new artwork adorning the fence reflects the themes of water and movement and acknowledges how the traditional owners of the land – the Cameraygal people – engaged with Lane Cove’s waterways.’
So save the date, as you won’t want to miss making a splash this Spring in Lane Cove Aquatic Leisure Centre’s latest addition.
tuesday 7th July 2020
Aquatics To Re-Open:
We are excited to finally announce the official re-opening of the pools at Lane Cove Aquatic Leisure Centre on Monday 20th July. To ensure we comply with government restrictions, the following measures will be in place:
- Aqua Classes will also be available from Saturday 1st August. Bookings for Aqua classes must be made through the BlueFit Health Club App.
- The spa, sauna/steam room, and leisure pool will remain closed.
- Change rooms open with limited numbers. Encouraged to shower at home or use on deck showers.
- Lap Swimming in the 25m Pool will re-open. No bookings required.
Cafe will open but with restricted times. - Squads will return on Monday 20th July.
- Swim School will return on Monday 27th July. Further information about swimming lessons will be sent to our learn to swim customers.
- Change room facilities will re-open.
- Strict social distancing & hygiene measures must be adhered to.
- During this period we are operating with amended opening hours. See below our current hours of operation.
Monday-Friday: 5:30am-12:00pm & 3:00pm-8:00pm
Saturday & Sunday: 6:00am-3:00pm
If your membership is on suspension and you would like to return early, your membership will be reactivated once you scan your card.
We believe leisure facilities play an important role in the health and wellbeing of the community. We look forward to seeing you again soon!
Learn To Swim Resumes 27th July:
We hope you have been keeping well and have found our online swim resources via BFit@Home useful in keeping up to date with your skills. We are excited to now announce that Lane Cove Aquatic Centre is now open and Learn to Swim lessons will recommence on Monday 27th July.
As a critical part of our re-commencement, we have implemented measures to ensure the safety and health of both our students and instructors are at the forefront of your return. Minor changes may have been made to the lesson programming, as we continue to deliver safe and high-quality lessons.
For existing families with a booking when we closed in March, we have held your same spot without charge for the break. All lessons will now re-commence Monday 27 July, with the first debit on Friday 31st July for the 2 week period following. Any credits owing have been applied to those customers affected by the early closure of the facility.
If you are not ready to return just yet, please click here to complete your cancellation request. Please note, If we do not hear from you, we will assume you are returning in July when we re-commence.
For more information about our COVID safe policies please click the link below. We look forward to teaching you again!
Aquatics Opening Hours:
- Monday-Friday: 5:30am-12:00pm & 3:00pm-8:00pm
- Saturday & Sunday: 6:00am-3:00pm
All lessons will now re-commence Monday 27 July, with the first debit on Friday 31st July for the 2 week period following. Any credits owing have been applied to those customers affected by the early closure of the facility.
We have updated our makeup policy to allow 12 makeups per calendar year, simply login to the parent portal to mark your absence.
If you aren’t ready to resume your lessons just yet that’s ok too, simply cancel your enrolment through the parent portal.
The centre for disease control confirmed Chlorine is effective against a broad range of viruses and there is no evidence that COVID-19 can be spread to through the use of pools.
We pride ourselves on our water quality and continue to perform regular pool checks throughout the day.
We recommend only 1 parent per child for spectating. During this period we ask that where possible, only students and one guardian attend the facility.
There will be limited access to the change rooms, even for Learn To Swim students.
Please come dressed for your lesson. Ensure you have warm clothes for when you exit the pool. We recommend a robe, hoodie, trackies, warm slippers or ugg boots and a beanie.
BlueFit Swimming students have free access to the pools every day during the week. This amazing benefit will continue but in line with government restrictions.
We have made slight modifications to our teaching techniques to protect our students and teachers. This includes using a doll when demonstrating activities and skills during infants classes.
- Reduced equipment within infant & preschool lessons to increase student safety.
- Only performing manual manipulation in the water when it is safe for both students and teachers
- Ensuring teachers instruct from the side or behind the student to reduce face to face contact.
- Replacing hi 5’s with the Bluey Bump at the conclusion of the lesson.
- To reduce equipment sharing we now have BlueFit Swimming Kickboards, Swim Caps and goggles available for purchase on the BlueFit Swimming website and in the facility.
For the full details on the changes to our lessons click here.
thursday 11th June 2020
We are excited to finally announce the re-opening of the Health Club at Lane Cove Aquatic Leisure Centre.
All members will have access to the gym from Saturday 13th June. Inline with state government restrictions the following health and hygiene measures in place:
- Group fitness classes will be reduced to 20 people only (this has now changed from 10 due to recent updates).
- The timetable will be released this Friday with classes resuming Monday 15th June.
- All group fitness bookings must be made through the BlueFit Health Club app up to 7 days in advance which you can download by clicking the link below
- You must train with a towel and wipe down equipment after use
- Changing room facilities and water fountains will be closed
- Strict social distancing & hygiene measures must be adhered to
- The creche will remain closed
- For more information about the measures now in place please see below to view our re-open video.
- The direct debits for perpetual members will recommence on Friday 19th June. For upfront members, we have extended your membership expiry date to account for the days the facility was closed
The facility will be available for Health Club members only for the time being. If you’re not ready to come back to the gym just yet, the Bfit@Home platform remains available to you at no costs and includes live classes & at-home workouts. For those who would like to continue their complimentary suspension please click here.
The pools remain closed, however we will provide an update on this as information becomes available. If you’re a health club member not wanting to return because the pools are not yet open, please complete the suspension extension process above
Leisure facilities play an important role in the health and wellbeing of the community and we’re excited to have them re-opening.
See you soon!
Our operating hours will resume to normal excluding weekends. See below:
MON – THURS: 5:30AM – 10PM
FRI: 5:30AM – 9PM
SAT – SUN: 6AM – 3PM
Following recent announcements made by the state government, the health club will now re-open Saturday 13th June but with strict health and hygiene measures in place.
- You must train with a towel and wipe down equipment after use.
- Group fitness classes will now ensure a 4m² distance is practiced.
- Strict social distancing & hygiene measures must be adhered to.
- We have increased our cleaning routine with our team of Hygiene Heroes rostered to ensure our facility’s hygiene remains at a high standard.
- Throughout the centre, you will see signage and instructions on how you, members, guests and staff can maintain a COVID safe facility.
- All staff are requested to complete the Department of Health COVID-safe training.
- The facility is professional cleaned every night.
All members will have access to the gym from Saturday 13th June and the debit will recommence on Friday 19th June. For upfront members, we have changed your membership expiry date to account for the days the facility was closed.
If you’re not ready to come back to the gym just yet, the Bfit@Home platform remains available to you and includes live classes & at-home workouts. For those who would like to continue their suspension please click here to complete your complimentary suspension form.
For the time being the facility is only accessible to members if you’re interested in joining call us on 02 9418 8888, or you can sign-up online here.
- Group Fitness Classes resume at restricted class sizes.
- The gym as of Saturday 13th June
- Toilets
- Limited access to change rooms.
- Indoor and outdoor Swimming pools
- Spa / Sauna
- Swimming lessons
- Creche
The pool remains closed for the time being but we will provide an update on this as we progress. The utility and environmental costs associated with heating such a large body of water can not be justified for such a limited number of users. As restrictions ease we will look to reopen in the next stage of changes.
Unfortunately as the pool remains closed our swimming lessons won’t begin but we will provide an update on this as we progress.
We will have a new Group Fitness timetable with some of your dearly missed classes returning as of 15th June. We will update you with our timetable on Friday 12th June.
Group Fitness Classes:
You can book yourself into the class on the day or through the app, however the app allows you to book 7 days in advance, so we recommend using this platform.
The gym:
You can once again enjoy individual gym training without having to book into a gym floor session and there is no time limit on your workout!
For upfront members, we have changed your membership expiry date to account for the days the facility was closed.
For those who would like to continue their suspension please click here to complete your complimentary suspension form.
Our creche service remains closed for the time being but we will provide an update on this as we progress.
The BlueFit Health Club App will not only help keep you up to date with the latest news around centre, but also allow you to book, cancel and monitor your future bookings. If you have not logged in before you will receive an email from the centre to join Mywellness. Once your login has been activated through Mywellness you can begin following our step by step instructions below or watch our demonstration video above to begin.
- Download the app.
- Login using your credentials.
- Scroll down to find the timetable tile.
- Select ‘See all’ to view the daily schedule.
- You can click on the class image to find out more about the session.
- Click ‘Book’ beside your desired class to book straight in.
- To cancel your booking, click “delete booking”.
- Once you have booked into your class you will be be sent a reminder prior to the class so ensure to have your push notifications turned on.
- If you have any issues including not having received your email from mywellness as a new member please contact App Support.
thursday 4th June 2020
To members and patrons,
We are closely monitoring the new state restrictions and how that impacts our centre. We will send an update soon. Thank you for your patience, until then, stay safe!
tuesday 19th may 2020
Due to the new easing of restrictions by the state Government, we are excited to offer our outdoor Boot Camp sessions!
Join our $39, 4-week outdoor training program starting next Tuesday 26th May. Each session will adhere to strict health and safety measures in line with State Government guidelines.
Sunday 22nd march 2020
Facility Closure
As of 12pm Monday 23rd March, Lane Cove Aquatic Leisure Centre will close until further notice. All class payments and memberships will be put on hold and visit passes will be extended by 12 months. We’d like to thank the amazing team that bring you the services you love, this will be a difficult time for them and their families. We look forward to seeing you all again when we reopen
friday 20th march 2020
Aqua Classes Saturday and Sunday
Dear members and guests,
Due to restrictions on indoor gatherings, aqua on Saturday and Sunday have been cancelled until further notice. We will be in touch with an updated timetable.
We apologise for the inconvenience caused.
Spa, Sauna and Steam Room Closures
Our spa, sauna and steam rooms will be closed from close of business tonight 20/03/2020.
We are unable to enforce social distancing in these areas and apologise for any inconveniences caused.
Our swimming pools are still safe, functional and available for use.
WEDNESDAY 18th march 2020
Extension of Visit Pass Expiry:
Dear Patrons,
During these unprecedented times involving coronavirus (COVID-19), we understand that many of you may be choosing to self-isolate and therefore unable to attend the facility.
To help make this time easier for you and ensure your visits don’t go to waste, we have made the decision to extend the visit pass expiry on current passes by one year.
All extensions will automatically be applied to your account.
We look forward to seeing you at the facility soon!
Stay Safe.
TUESDAY 17th march 2020
- Shower before using the pools
- Practice cough etiquette (keep away from other people, cover coughs and sneezes with disposable tissues or clothing, and clean your hands.)
- Avoid close contact with anyone with cold or flu-like symptoms.
- Not attending the facility if you have flu-like symptoms
- Our facilities will remain open for the foreseeable future and we want to ensure our lessons remain a fun and safe environment for our staff and students.
It is important to note that these changes are temporary as the situation seems to be changing daily.
BlueFit Swimming has safety as it’s first priority and the employment of our thousands of staff close behind. We ask that families chose to process these additional make-up lessons rather than cancel their lessons. Swimming remains an essential skill and the risks remain low.