Due to flooring replacement in the Health Club minor disruptions maybe experienced on Monday 10th February.

Important Parking Change Notice: Civic Centre Car Park

Lane Cove Council would like to notify you of upcoming changes to parking in the Civic Centre car park from 18 January 2021.

As you may be aware, during the construction of the Little Street and The Canopy car parks, the Civic Centre car park adjacent to the Aquatic Centre was converted from restricted parking for Council staff to public parking to accommodate patrons to surrounding businesses.

With the completion of these car parks, Council has provided 700 public car parking spaces in the Lane Cove Village. Given the increased parking in the village, a portion of the Civic Centre car park will now revert back to restricted parking, Monday to Friday. The exact location of the restricted parking is shown in the plan overleaf; and includes:

  • No Parking 6:00am – 6:00pm, Monday – Friday
  • Unrestricted at other times