Due to flooring replacement in the Health Club minor disruptions maybe experienced on Monday 10th February.

Update on Upcoming Demolition

Latest News – 27 March 2019

Federal Member for North Sydney, Trent Zimmerman has announced the federal government will provide $2 million towards the construction of Lane Cove’s new outdoor pool. Earlier this month, Mr Zimmerman organised a petition and campaign for the fe deral government to provide $1 million towards the construction of the new pool. The response to this petition was so strong that $2 million has been provided. The new pool will include eight lanes (the original pool had seven lanes) and a boom in the middle will allow for the pool to be separated into two 25m pools.

Latest News – 20 March 2019

Council has received requests from members of the public who would like to remove their tile from alongside the outdoor pool at Lane Cove Aquatic Centre. The tiles were decorated in 1995 and have been affixed to the wall alongside the pool for the past 24 years. If you have yet to contact Council please note that the last opportunity to remove a tile will be this Saturday 23 March, 7:00am – 3:00pm. Please wear enclosed footwear and report to the gate on the Phoenix Street side of the pool. Anyone coming along to remove a tile does so at their own risk and must bring their own equipment to remove the tile under supervision of those on-site. The tiles are fragile and therefore there is no guarantee that your tile will be able to be removed in one piece or without damage.

The Development Application for the concourse was recently submitted with one more development application to come in relation to the grandstand. Council is currently anticipating the construction of the pool will take approximately 18 months however firmer details on timing will be known at the end of April once we’ve heard back from potential suppliers.

Latest News – 8 March 2019

Council will soon start the demolition of the 50m outdoor pool and grandstand which reached the end of their lifespan in December. From Monday 11 March there will be no access to the temporary car park on the Phoenix Street side of the pool as this is converted to a works zone. The pedestrian footbridge from Little Street across to Lane Cove Aquatic Leisure Centre will be temporary closed until late April. Pedestrians can still access the Aquatic Centre via the pedestrian crossings at street level on Little Street.

The following week from Monday 18 March there will be four to six weeks of noisy daytime works as both of the concrete structures are removed. Resident notifications will start next week alerting locals to noisy daytime works from 18 March for approximately 4-6 weeks while both concrete structures are removed.

During construction Lane Cove’s Synergy Youth Centre has temporarily relocated from underneath the pool grandstand to 47 Burns Bay Road (opposite Coles).

The Development Application for the replacement pool was approved earlier this week providing the opportunity for Council to now go to market for the construction aspect of the new pool. The concourse and grandstand development applications will both be lodged this month. Now that Council can go to market for construction we will soon have a clearer construction and re-opening timeframe for the community.

FYI the indoor pools at the Aquatic Centre still remain open with construction only taking place outside.

To read more information on the upcoming works please see here.
